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Time Out, Time Out


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Friends, Romans, countrymen (and women) ;)... What do you suggest for somebody who feels demoralised by poker so far in 2009? :) lol a) Take a break for a month, and come back refreshed b) Send to the kids to their grandparents and get aboslutely carparked (watch Michael McIntyre dvd if you don't get it!) c) Spend what money you would stake on poker during February on buying the complete Rock Band set for the Wii and deafen the neighbours for a month? I like the sound of all 3, so you're going to have to find some other poor unsuspecting soul to relieve of their chips (and blinds Gup :tongue2) for the next few weeks :ok

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Re: Time Out, Time Out Why do you feel demoralised mate?early days of 2009 yet. Don't worry about the blinds mate i'll steal nobody elses for the next month if you take time out and wait for your return and then steal twice as many;) a-Far too long b-Never heard of him what variant does he play:lol c-Spend a fifth of the poker money on a rock soloist game for the wii,then you can pause it when you want to limp into a hand:tongue2 Failing that take your break and look forward to seeing you back in Feb(1st):lol

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Re: Time Out, Time Out I know how you feel Samba. I'm having the worst month in over two years....think I'd lose if I played HU with myself :eyes I'm just moving down stakes until the -ve variance blows through (hopfully not to long :\) If you do take a break, we'll see ya when ya get back. Enjoy!:ok

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Re: Time Out, Time Out Option d? Are you only playing tournaments? Maybe a good time to try and understand your game better and the possible weakness/strength? If it would be me I'd try playing S&G or Cash so you get out of the standard situation that is going wrong right now. Maybe even try a variance like Omaha or HORSE :ok Get a fresh look on your game, or just some variation in the type of game you play right now.

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Re: Time Out, Time Out Nah, I'm not over-reacting to a bad beat, or a couple of bad beats, I've played probably 95% of nights since I joined PL last March, and I just feel like a break. Admittedly losing twice with Aces all in preflop playing cash today kinda sucked, but I know I had my money in good and it was just sodding variance :lol so I'm not down about that. I just want a break to give some more time to other things. It's an epiphany :lol I'm going to eat better, much more healthily, and do some exercise for a change. I used to be the fittest person I know when I started Uni, now I'm 15st4, and my 'ideal' weight is 12st7, so I want to lose a couple of stone (not in a month, I know that :lol). Earlier nights instead of being on PL til 2am. Read some poker books, get some fresh ideas. All in all, I'm not particularly enjoying playing at the minute, and other areas of my life need improving also, so I am going to take the chance and do something about it. And, in all likelihood, feeling fitter and feeling healthier is going to help me make better decisions when I start playing again. So it's been a reasoned, sensible, decision, not a spur of the bad beat moment "arghhhh I fkin hate this game" :) (I am playing the last 2 PL league games though, see if I can win some money towards the Rock Band set :lol and the 32Red/Bluff freeroll tomorrow - so still a chance to nick some blinds)

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Re: Time Out, Time Out In my two and a half years with PL, I must have started at least 158 threads referring to my need for a break/being killed by variance/etc etc:\. The correct advice is probably that there is no correct advice. If you think a little break will help, then do it mate. Take the opportunity to learn Razz or 2-7 Triple Draw Lowball and if you fancy a game, play on the lowest stakes available. Leave poker alone completely if you want to concentrate on other areas of your life, it is ONLY A GAME after all (allegedly:tongue2) That or play heads up against me. As the statistically unluckiest player in the world today I will lose every time when ahead and you'll feel better about your game!:tongue2 Whatever you do, we'll see you soon:ok

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Re: Time Out, Time Out

c) Spend what money you would stake on poker during February on buying the complete Rock Band set for the Wii and deafen the neighbours for a month?
You dont spend money on Poker do you :unsure (net) I find it a lot easier to "spend" $150 on Poker stakes, than I do to spend £100 on a computer game because I dont feel they're comprable - if you're a winning player, then your poker stake is an investment and your expected return is positive (greater than the $150 you invest) .... buying Rock Band is "money that's gone"....
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Re: Time Out, Time Out

That or play heads up against me. As the statistically unluckiest player in the world today I will lose every time when ahead and you'll feel better about your game!:tongue2
lol, but I try not to put my chips in when I am behind (generally :loon), so I wouldn't benefit ;)
You dont spend money on Poker do you :unsure (net) I find it a lot easier to "spend" $150 on Poker stakes, than I do to spend £100 on a computer game because I dont feel they're comprable - if you're a winning player, then your poker stake is an investment and your expected return is positive (greater than the $150 you invest) .... buying Rock Band is "money that's gone"....
No, poker definitely provides a (slight) income for me. But my problem (perhaps, but it is no problem for me until I want to be a serious poker player, if ever!) I guess is that I use it as that - an income - and not as an addition to my poker roll. At the end of the month, I will use a % of my 'winnings' to buy 'luxury' items not budgeted for. My b) (I rarely drink) and c) were just to pad my post out a bit :tongue2
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Re: Time Out, Time Out Told you I was runing bad Pete. Anyone get away from this one :unsure ***** Hand 1431488959 ***** 0.05/0.10 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 28 January 2009 23:08:33 Turbo TH 47 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: Fonzie141 (7.67) Seat 2: kaka102b (7.61) Seat 3: pintman (17.62) Seat 4: kocicka23 (6.66) Seat 5: F1shKiller (52.66) F1shKiller post SB 0.05 Fonzie141 post BB 0.10 ** Deal ** Fonzie141 [Jh, Js] kaka102b [N/A, N/A] pintman [N/A, N/A] kocicka23 [N/A, N/A] F1shKiller [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** kaka102b Call 0.10 pintman Call 0.10 kocicka23 Fold F1shKiller Call 0.10 Fonzie141 Raise to 0.50 kaka102b Call 0.50 pintman Call 0.50 F1shKiller Fold *** Flop(Board): *** : [9c, 9s, Jd] *** Bet Round 2 *** Fonzie141 Check kaka102b Bet 1.00 pintman Call 1.00 Fonzie141 Call 1.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [9c, 9s, Jd, Qc] *** Bet Round 3 *** Fonzie141 Check kaka102b Check pintman Bet 2.00 Fonzie141 Call 2.00 kaka102b Fold *** River(Board): *** : [9c, 9s, Jd, Qc, Qh] *** Bet Round 4 *** Fonzie141 Check pintman Bet 4.20 Fonzie141 All-in 4.17 *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.84 Total Pot: 16.10 Fonzie141 Fold Win: 0.00 kaka102b Fold Win: 0.00 pintman [9d, 9h] Four of a kind, nines Win: 16.10 kocicka23 Fold Win: 0.00 F1shKiller Fold Win: 0.00

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Time Out, Time Out Had a week away with the wife and kids, visiting family and a few days in the Lakes, had a nice chill time, read the first 2 volumes of Harrington, and feel suitably 'rested' now - so it didn't take a month, but the break was relaxing and productive, so couldn't have gone better. Also spent a fair few hours looking around 2plus2 the first week of the month - something I have never done before - and, between that and Harrington, I feel like I have gained some knowledge, so looking forward to putting it into practise and seeing how I go :ok

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