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Tonights PL Trillion Forum Winners Event Thread


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Re: Tonights PL Trillion Forum Winners Event Thread Weee........ :nana:nana:nana ....... Thanks for Trillion for sponsoring the whole event :clap:clap .... and I'd just like to say the first prize couldn't have been won by a more deserving person :rollin:rollin Seriously, though - good game all and the final table was especially tight. Well played MrI, who came runner-up ..... I'm surprised we both finished in the top 2 as we were taking turns stealing and restealing chips from each other all night - and we both had our share of luck with the all-ins:ok Thanks again Colin ........ (This passage was penned by Kate Winslets scripwriter :cry:cry:cry)

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Re: Tonights PL Trillion Forum Winners Event Thread

Well played MrI' date=' who came runner-up ..... I'm surprised we both finished in the top 2 as we were taking turns stealing and restealing chips from each other all night [/quote'] Yeah we were:lol:lol:lol BTW, anyone know how long Trillion normally take to withdraw to moneybookers?:tongue2
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Re: Tonights PL Trillion Forum Winners Event Thread Guys I have a bit of a problem, Trillion won't let me cashout unless I show them photo ID....Which I don't have. They won't accept my usual ID that I supply (Bank statement, back of bank card etc....) which has got me through every other bookmaker/poker site out there! I can send money through transfer to another account, I have $350 in my account.....could anyone send me money to moneybookers if I send them money through trillion. So if you have money in your moneybookers could you do me a big favour please and send money to my moneybookers and I will send you money through trillion. It would be much appreciated....Would send you a little drink on top too. :ok

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Re: Tonights PL Trillion Forum Winners Event Thread

I can send money through transfer to another account, I have $350 in my account.....could anyone send me money to moneybookers if I send them money through trillion. So if you have money in your moneybookers could you do me a big favour please and send money to my moneybookers and I will send you money through trillion.
I dont have moneybookers so afraid I cannot help. Just one word of warning though - any transfers on Trillion have a play through requirement - so if you transfer $350 to someone, they cannot withdraw it, they have to play it....
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Re: Tonights PL Trillion Forum Winners Event Thread

Ah, Someone welcome new after a few e-mails.... 'The operations department would prefer something with a photo on it, but the birth certificate will be fine too, just it has to be the copy of the official one.' So looks like im ok now. :cheers
Great :ok
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Re: Tonights PL Trillion Forum Winners Event Thread

They want a passport or driving licence and you have neither? You have told them that you have neither and they have said they can do nothing?
At first yes' date=' I offered them my birth certificate and bank stuff but they replied saying they needed photo ID. Then I replied saying as I first mentioned I have neither of those and that is all I have to offer....anyway they just e-mailed me back saying they would [i']prefer to have photo id but birth certificate should be ok now. I really should just get photo id, I always mean to then just forget about it.
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