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Pocket Kings - 2 bets called


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Tricky lttle spot I came across earlier. 0.25/0.50 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 25 January 2009 11:46:07 Table TH 507 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: Bancking (60.40) Seat 3: legrim35 (50.85) Seat 4: Passaaja (53.29) Seat 5: Sleeekshot (55.55) Seat 2: Balleboy1 (55.00) Sleeekshot post SB 0.25 Bancking post BB 0.50 ** Deal ** Bancking [N/A, N/A] legrim35 [N/A, N/A] Passaaja [N/A, N/A] Sleeekshot [Kc, Ks] Balleboy1 [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** Balleboy1 Raise to 2.00 legrim35 Fold Passaaja Fold Sleeekshot Raise to 6.50 Bancking Fold Balleboy1 Call 6.50 *** Flop(Board): *** : [Qh, 7h, 3d] *** Bet Round 2 *** Sleeekshot Bet 10.00 Balleboy1 Call 10.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [Qh, 7h, 3d, As] *** Bet Round 3 *** Sleeekshot.... Now what? He's called a re-raise and a 3/4 pot bet. I thought he might be flushing, but then the ace came down and AK entered my head. Trip Q's? What would you do next?

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Re: Pocket Kings - 2 bets called I would check. If he makes a serious bet you'd have to fold, but if he is chasing a flush he should check too. But I dunno his history, you could also bet, but realize you will both be seriously pot committed if he calls or reraises a bet from you.

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Re: Pocket Kings - 2 bets called He could see your reraise as trying to stop him from stealing so he could have something like AQ, KQ, QJ and I don't think he'd call the flop with anything less than top pair. I think you're ahead on the flop but the A is scary. Check and if he checks then I think you are ahead still and would be scared of any flush card or another Q. If he bets more than half then I would fold. Another choice is to bet, he could be just as scared of the A and give it up then.

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Re: Pocket Kings - 2 bets called I would be bet folding. The ace will scare him as much as it scares you if he doesn't have one. His range is probably AA (unlikely), QQ, JJ, 1010, 99, AQ, KQ. I would guess at JJ and that would be a legitimate calling hand on that flop. AK is unlikely as you have two kings, and a call on the flop there would have been tough. You can't be scared of AA here, so the only hand you fear really is AQ. You beat the rest

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Re: Pocket Kings - 2 bets called

I would be bet folding. The ace will scare him as much as it scares you if he doesn't have one. His range is probably AA (unlikely)' date=' QQ, JJ, 1010, 99, AQ, KQ. I would guess at JJ and that would be a legitimate calling hand on that flop. AK is unlikely as you have two kings, and a call on the flop there would have been tough. You can't be scared of AA here, so the only hand you fear really is AQ. You beat the rest[/quote'] I've been thinking about this and also reckon JJ, 1010 could be a possibility. Explains why he didn't reraise pre flop and a board of Q73 is easy for you to make a continuation bet at and he might be calling to move you off it if a low card hits. As Sean says, if all this is true you are only behind to AQ (assuming he would reraise preflop with AA). Sean - I've got the pot at $28.75 and Hodgey has just under $40 how much would you bet? I think anything around 1/2-2/3 of the pot would leave you enough to fold to a raise.
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Re: Pocket Kings - 2 bets called I would be $15 here and fold to a raise. Sometimes I would also check this and see what he does. As you are out of position I would probably check the flop with the intention of reraising all in. Also because I am in the SB I would raise pf a bit more to $8.

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Re: Pocket Kings - 2 bets called

I would be $15 here and fold to a raise. Sometimes I would also check this and see what he does. As you are out of position I would probably check the flop with the intention of reraising all in. Also because I am in the SB I would raise pf a bit more to $8.
I would probably be betting $17. I don't think he can check on the flop for two reasons. 1) At the end of the day, his hand is vulnerable. He wants to end it here, unless his opponent is willing to go broke with a Q or JJ. If he checks, his opponent may just check behind, and a scare card like the ace makes it incredibly tough to get any value from the hand. 2)After representing strength pre-flop, it looks very suspicious if you check the flop like that. If he check calls or check raises that is even more suspicious, and good opponents would probably be able to get away from a Queen.
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Re: Pocket Kings - 2 bets called

You can't be scared of AA here' date=' so the only hand you fear really is AQ. You beat the rest [/quote'] What about QQ. I'm worried by that surely? This is pretty much how I saw it at the time. So I checked......... and he checked. I now thought he was flushing. River was another King (good times!) of Hearts (bad times!) 0.25/0.50 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 25 January 2009 11:46:07 Table TH 507 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: Bancking (60.40) Seat 3: legrim35 (50.85) Seat 4: Passaaja (53.29) Seat 5: Sleeekshot (55.55) Seat 2: Balleboy1 (55.00) Sleeekshot post SB 0.25 Bancking post BB 0.50 ** Deal ** Bancking [N/A, N/A] legrim35 [N/A, N/A] Passaaja [N/A, N/A] Sleeekshot [Kc, Ks] Balleboy1 [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** Balleboy1 Raise to 2.00 legrim35 Fold Passaaja Fold Sleeekshot Raise to 6.50 Bancking Fold Balleboy1 Call 6.50 *** Flop(Board): *** : [Qh, 7h, 3d] *** Bet Round 2 *** Sleeekshot Bet 10.00 Balleboy1 Call 10.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [Qh, 7h, 3d, As] *** Bet Round 3 *** Sleeekshot Check Balleboy1 Check *** River(Board): *** : [Qh, 7h, 3d, As, Kh] *** Bet Round 4 *** Sleeekshot..... If he was chasing the flush he's filled it. But it's also given me trips. If he had AQ I'm now ahead, but why didn't he bet the turn? Same applies to QQ. TT or JJ still possibilities. So what now? :unsure
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Re: Pocket Kings - 2 bets called His check on the turn says flush draw to me and going into the river you are definately ahead. I don't know if I'm paranoid but I always think flush in this kind of situation. I'd check and call a bet. If he isn't flushing then the heart might be enough for him to check behind. I have seen flush draws played like this before, with a bet on the flop and then slowing down on the turn so I don't think he can absolutely rule out you having a flush. If you bet here then as Sean says, with the A and now the flush you aren't getting called by much and you will be raised by a better hand.

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Re: Pocket Kings - 2 bets called The turn is a very tricky spot in this hand where i think you are lucky to get to the river for free, and not have to face a large bet. I think a flush draw would semi-bluff with a big bet in this spot a lot of the time. Jacks or tens are still my guess

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Re: Pocket Kings - 2 bets called Pre flop - raise flop - bet turn - it's possible he has flush draw, but if that is the case he could be nut flushing and therefore caught his ace, this is why betting the turn OOP is tricky, I probably bet (blocker bet if anything), check isn't bad though. river - I don't put him on AQ or ace with flush draw as he checked the turn. Check-call is probably the safest option.i

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Re: Pocket Kings - 2 bets called Your re-re-raise to 6.50 is too small. Should be 8 at least. Id have gone for 10. 4.50 more is just not enough.Y Looking at the action, I think its clear he has a flush. Im going for AJh. Thats the only thing which fits all his actions during the hand. Raise pre flop? Yes. Call small re-raise pre flop? Yes. Call big bet on flop with nut flush? Yes. Check on turn? Yes, as he may think the ace isnt good and could be fearing a check raise. Free card for nut flush would be welcome. So, a flush for absolute sure. The turn on the check is the most critical part of this. Thinking about it, though, he may have jacks. He may have been ready to lay it down on the turn if you bet. If you check again on the river, he might think his Jacks are good and bet them. He has the power of position. In conclusion: Definately either Jacks or AJh.

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Re: Pocket Kings - 2 bets called If its checked to you on the river, and you have jacks, then he may take a stab at bluffing to win the pot. A check on the turn and river shows a lot of weakness. Im just saying he COULD do that. Its more likely that he would check it down, I agree. I still disgaree about the pre fop raise. If someone raises to 2 and you have kings, raising just another 4.50 more is not enough. Maybe Im wrong, but for me, with kings, it would be at least 7 more. I also dont think you can put him on QQ. Depending on how good a player he was, then he may have re-raised you again with QQ preflop. He would of certainly raised you all in on the flop, as well.

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Re: Pocket Kings - 2 bets called Re-raising to 6.50 is pretty standard. I think anymore, e.g to 10.00, probably scares him off and with Kings I want him HU in the pot. You're probably right to dispel QQ though - I think he would be re-raising on the flop with that.

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Re: Pocket Kings - 2 bets called Yes, but you said originally that "he might think his jacks are good and bet", but you just said that if he has jacks he may bluff. There is a big difference there, as if he is bluffing it doesn't matter what he has, and jacks has some showdown value, so would probably check.

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