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Help a Hornet today...


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A hand from the $10 Stars tourney tonight with 4600 starters. After a 20 minutes break when my internet died, this hand happened: PokerStars Game #24198900330: Tournament #134681917, $10+$1 Hold'em No Limit - Level VII (125/250) - 2009/01/23 15:14:08 ET Table '134681917 365' 9-max Seat #9 is the button Seat 1: Bigpop75 (11240 in chips) Seat 2: lwinagain (3765 in chips) Seat 3: happyhornet (3470 in chips) Seat 4: BluntHouse (23392 in chips) Seat 5: BELEGI (8675 in chips) Seat 6: HOPSNO (7622 in chips) Seat 7: Yumatop (20049 in chips) Seat 8: rkrII (4386 in chips) Seat 9: tangytangy (7131 in chips) Bigpop75: posts the ante 25 lwinagain: posts the ante 25 happyhornet: posts the ante 25 BluntHouse: posts the ante 25 BELEGI: posts the ante 25 HOPSNO: posts the ante 25 Yumatop: posts the ante 25 rkrII: posts the ante 25 tangytangy: posts the ante 25 Bigpop75: posts small blind 125 lwinagain: posts big blind 250 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to happyhornet [Th Tc] Yumatop is disconnected happyhornet: raises 500 to 750 Yumatop is connected BluntHouse: folds BELEGI: folds HOPSNO: folds Yumatop: folds rkrII: calls 750 tangytangy: folds Bigpop75: folds BELEGI said, "bove" lwinagain: raises 2990 to 3740 and is all-in Should I call or fold and wait for a better situation? The play in this tournament is fairly terrible with all-in's a regular occurance.

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Re: Help a Hornet today... You're calling every day of the week here, especially if you believe play to be poor......you could easily be facing two overcards or even 99,88. With your stack you have to call here with the odds as you will be leavin yourself with less than 10bb's and a low M. Call

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