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Putting pressure just before the bubble - Hendon tonight


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Full Tilt Poker Game #10154410477: Hendon Mob Forum League (74208209), Table 6 - 200/400 Ante 50 - No Limit Hold'em - 17:03:27 ET - 2009/01/20 Seat 1: socrates555 (9,299) Seat 2: Jackdaw (3,089) Seat 4: PokerGremlin2 (10,298) Seat 6: Goldchip (6,022) Seat 7: dezza666 (3,829) Seat 8: knifeboy62 (6,562) Seat 9: SeanFoley (4,545) socrates555 antes 50 Jackdaw antes 50 PokerGremlin2 antes 50 Goldchip antes 50 dezza666 antes 50 knifeboy62 antes 50 SeanFoley antes 50 PokerGremlin2 posts the small blind of 200 Goldchip posts the big blind of 400 The button is in seat #2 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to PokerGremlin2 [Td Th] dezza666 folds knifeboy62 folds SeanFoley calls 400 socrates555 folds Jackdaw folds PokerGremlin2 raises to 1,950 Goldchip folds SeanFoley raises to 3,500 ================================== What now?

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Re: Putting pressure just before the bubble - Hendon tonight 20 players left, only 18 itm One player only called and I thought I was in an excellent spot to put pressure and he should fold almost everything so close to bubble. So I raised it but when I got reraised I was cursing. but what now? Push the rest in the pot or fold?

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Re: Putting pressure just before the bubble - Hendon tonight Aye you're right Just thought maybe I made a mistake somewhere..... ==================================================== SeanFoley raises to 3,500 PokerGremlin2 raises to 10,248, and is all in SeanFoley calls 995, and is all in PokerGremlin2 shows [Td Th] SeanFoley shows [Ac Ad] Uncalled bet of 5,753 returned to PokerGremlin2 *** FLOP *** [4c Qc As] *** TURN *** [4c Qc As] [5c] *** RIVER *** [4c Qc As 5c] [Qd] PokerGremlin2 shows two pair, Queens and Tens SeanFoley shows a full house, Aces full of Queens SeanFoley wins the pot (9,740) with a full house, Aces full of Queens PokerGremlin2: nh *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 9,740 | Rake 0 Board: [4c Qc As 5c Qd] Seat 1: socrates555 folded before the Flop Seat 2: Jackdaw (button) folded before the Flop Seat 4: PokerGremlin2 (small blind) showed [Td Th] and lost with two pair, Queens and Tens Seat 6: Goldchip (big blind) folded before the Flop Seat 7: dezza666 folded before the Flop Seat 8: knifeboy62 folded before the Flop Seat 9: SeanFoley showed [Ac Ad] and won (9,740) with a full house, Aces full of Queens

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Re: Putting pressure just before the bubble - Hendon tonight If he'd raised all-in, then I expect you'd have called without a thought, given the odds you're getting? The peculiar min raise does look suspicious, but as far as I can see, it's basically a no-win play for him to do that with AA rather than shoving.

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Re: Putting pressure just before the bubble - Hendon tonight aye, think I got unlucky that my bet failed and was pot commited by my early preflop raise. I think my bet should have invoked a fold in more then 90% of the cases and then i would have won 1350, instead of losing 4545

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Re: Putting pressure just before the bubble - Hendon tonight If you had called 400 you get to see a cheap flop and also have position. So you now have the 1550 that you would have put in preflop to ask a question on the flop if he seems weak. 1010 just doesnt seem a huge hand to put in that much preflop.

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