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Added value of Pokersoftware for tournament players?


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I been wondering about this... Cash and tournaments For cash players PT3 or HEM are more or less a necessity. But I wonder if the same is true for tournament players? Profiling players The profile of another players can be totally wrong on those tracking software, because of different table dynamics and fase of the tournament. :spank I dare to say that if you look at the stats of another tournament player it can mess you up because your collected stats of a player can lie about the real tactics of a player at that moment. Question Do you guys use software during tournaments? If so which one do you use and what are the main reasons for using them?

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Re: Added value of Pokersoftware for tournament players? I use Holdem Manager for all tournaments and SNGs that I play. It makes a big difference especially when multitabling - you can often make better decisions based on the info the program gives about VPIP and PFR. These are the main stats I use.

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