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Two Pair - Bad fold ??


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Was this wrong ?? PokerStars Game #23949205087: Tournament #134337846, $5.00+$0.20 Hold'em No Limit - Level VI (100/200) - 2009/01/16 2:29:00 ET Table '134337846 1' 10-max Seat #7 is the button Seat 1: spiderbl4 (3205 in chips) Seat 2: xEquusAsinus (1215 in chips) Seat 3: asjohnstone (2590 in chips) Seat 4: Desperadooo (1380 in chips) Seat 5: goforlowonly (280 in chips) Seat 6: timfbmx (2335 in chips) Seat 7: noeye0508 (1515 in chips) Seat 9: Lilturky (745 in chips) Seat 10: kp57_what (1735 in chips) spiderbl4: posts the ante 20 xEquusAsinus: posts the ante 20 asjohnstone: posts the ante 20 Desperadooo: posts the ante 20 goforlowonly: posts the ante 20 timfbmx: posts the ante 20 noeye0508: posts the ante 20 Lilturky: posts the ante 20 kp57_what: posts the ante 20 Lilturky: posts small blind 100 kp57_what: posts big blind 200 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to asjohnstone [Ac Qd] spiderbl4: folds xEquusAsinus: folds asjohnstone: calls 200 Desperadooo: folds goforlowonly: folds timfbmx: folds noeye0508: folds Lilturky: folds kp57_what: checks *** FLOP *** [Kd 6d Th] kp57_what: checks asjohnstone: checks *** TURN *** [Kd 6d Th] [Ah] kp57_what: bets 200 asjohnstone: calls 200 *** RIVER *** [Kd 6d Th Ah] [Qs] kp57_what: bets 600 asjohnstone: folds Uncalled bet (600) returned to kp57_what kp57_what collected 1080 from pot kp57_what: doesn't show hand

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Re: Two Pair - Bad fold ?? Blimey that's passive!:loon:loon Think I'd call that bet on the end. Still in reasonable shape if you lose, but great if you win. Nothing in his betting to suggest he's strong from his betting. You've just called pre and check in position on the flop, so he's fired a couple of bullets. He could have hit the straight but I'd fancy my chances.

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Re: Two Pair - Bad fold ?? Should we consider this from an ICM point of view, given the flat pay out structure of the DoN game ? I have a decent chip stack, there are two very small stacks. Cash game or normal sng I think it's a call, but not sure here. Obviously I have real doubts here, reason for the thread

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Re: Two Pair - Bad fold ??

Also where would I raise ? Preflop with AQo out of position ? On a flop where I missed ? Arguement for betting harder when the Ace hits on the turn I do agree
You should raise pre-flop to protect your hand from being outdrawn on the river by the BB with J3o. As for the river bet I probably fold here giving him credit for the J. The only other possibilities are he has you on a missed flush draw because you haven't shown any strenght all the way through and so is trying to steal the pot.
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Re: Two Pair - Bad fold ?? When you called the turn bet what were you hoping to happen on the river? By your actions you look like you are hoping for either an Ace or a Jack? So 6 outs from 46 cards = ~13% chance of hitting. (in fact 3 of those cards - Jd, Jh and Ad - would complete flush possibilities, so you still couldn't be confident you were ahead - so we're down to potentially 3 outs from 46 cards - a 6.5% chance) You called 200 to win 780 = 3.9/1 pot odds for a 13.3/1 chance of hitting your card. It's hard to put him on a hand given the way the action has gone, I would be inclined to think you were ahead however. But in answer to the question you asked - it isn't a bad fold in my opinion. The call on the turn was however, if you were just hoping to hit a set, a straight, or go check-check on the river.

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Re: Two Pair - Bad fold ??

You should raise pre-flop to protect your hand from being outdrawn on the river by the BB with J3o. As for the river bet I probably fold here giving him credit for the J. The only other possibilities are he has you on a missed flush draw because you haven't shown any strenght all the way through and so is trying to steal the pot.
with blinds so large and relative stack sizes so small, you'd raise with AQ with 6 players left to act after you preflop ? looking back at the hand now, I think the better way forward would to be fold preflop, I have a good stack and playing marginal hands like AQ out of position is asking for trouble. Thanks for the responses
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Re: Two Pair - Bad fold ??

with blinds so large and relative stack sizes so small, you'd raise with AQ with 6 players left to act after you preflop ?
I sure would. Raise to 600. And if I got re-raised all-in I could fold and would lose only 200 more chips than you did in the hand. However what is more likely is I take down the blinds there and then.
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Re: Two Pair - Bad fold ??

I sure would. Raise to 600. And if I got re-raised all-in I could fold and would lose only 200 more chips than you did in the hand. However what is more likely is I take down the blinds there and then.
Each to their own, far too agressive for me I think.
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Re: Two Pair - Bad fold ?? What about this one ?? PokerStars Game #23981408978: Tournament #134546745, $5.00+$0.20 Hold'em No Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2009/01/17 1:37:16 ET Table '134546745 1' 10-max Seat #2 is the button Seat 1: Marcelo_Lobo (1480 in chips) Seat 2: feelavay (1415 in chips) Seat 3: Brainstorm29 (1825 in chips) Seat 4: PotKing2004 (1970 in chips) Seat 5: ncehnd!! (1405 in chips) Seat 6: seven XXX (1720 in chips) Seat 7: al cannan (817 in chips) Seat 8: RazorDog (1245 in chips) Seat 9: asjohnstone (1620 in chips) Seat 10: DonFrap (1503 in chips) Marcelo_Lobo: posts the ante 5 feelavay: posts the ante 5 Brainstorm29: posts the ante 5 PotKing2004: posts the ante 5 ncehnd!!: posts the ante 5 seven XXX: posts the ante 5 al cannan: posts the ante 5 RazorDog: posts the ante 5 asjohnstone: posts the ante 5 DonFrap: posts the ante 5 Brainstorm29: posts small blind 25 PotKing2004: posts big blind 50 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to asjohnstone [Ad 7s] ncehnd!!: folds seven XXX: folds al cannan: raises 350 to 400 RazorDog: folds asjohnstone: folds DonFrap: folds Marcelo_Lobo: folds feelavay: folds Brainstorm29: folds PotKing2004: folds Uncalled bet (350) returned to al cannan al cannan collected 175 from pot al cannan: doesn't show hand *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 175 | Rake 0 Seat 1: Marcelo_Lobo folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: feelavay (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: Brainstorm29 (small blind) folded before Flop Seat 4: PotKing2004 (big blind) folded before Flop Seat 5: ncehnd!! folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: seven XXX folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: al cannan collected (175) Seat 8: RazorDog folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 9: asjohnstone folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 10: DonFrap folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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