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Hands you're surprised to have won


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Re: Hands you're surprised to have won This afternoon one of my biggest suckouts :loon. I was on BB with 3k (300/600). Raise to 1800 and call from SB. My hope is to hit the flop, so I call. I get fuk all on the flop. They both go all in. Im left with 1.2k and pot is huge. I cant pass. I can still hit K or J and have the best hand. I call and see A4. Im dead. Well, not after next two cards :dude. And I won the seat :D f_gitm_227e23b.jpg

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Hands you're surprised to have won Surprised - or absolutely stunned? In my shameful defence, in my first tourney on Gnuf for a very long while, I was catching all sorts of cards, had a big stack, and felt in the "invincible" zone, sure to catch my flush. Knew I was in deep doo-doo when he turned his cards over, so rather embarrassed to win, but I'll take it :ok ** Hand # 2376425862 starting - 2009-01-20 20:29:58 ** One Dollar Baby[2530202]:Table 2 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (50.00|100.00 NL - MTT) Real Money holigan1978 sitting in seat 1 with 2055.00 Perrrrr sitting in seat 2 with 1425.00 Hector_McG sitting in seat 3 with 4015.00 flaffy333 sitting in seat 4 with 2555.00[Dealer] GrafsDeRerix sitting in seat 5 with 3530.00 Sam16276 sitting in seat 6 with 1795.00 fialia sitting in seat 8 with 2580.00 Damien633 sitting in seat 9 with 1385.00 spiker1 sitting in seat 10 with 585.00 GrafsDeRerix posted the small blind - 25.00 Sam16276 posted the big blind - 50.00 ** Dealing cards to Hector_McG: 5s, 4s fialia folded Damien633 folded spiker1 called - 50.00 holigan1978 folded Perrrrr folded Hector_McG called - 50.00 flaffy333 folded GrafsDeRerix folded Sam16276 checked ** Dealing the flop: Qs, 9h, 7s Sam16276 checked spiker1 bet - 50.00 Hector_McG raised to 200.00 Sam16276 folded spiker1 went all-in - 485.00 Hector_McG called - 535.00 spiker1 shows: 9s, 8s ** Dealing the turn: 4d ** Dealing the river: 5c Hector_McG wins 1245.00 from the main pot

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  • 6 months later...

Re: Hands you're surprised to have won JKo with a stack of 2.1 big blinds - I min raise, leaving myself 0.1BB (hoping with multiple limpers a min raise from one of them to put me all in on a later street will be enough to force others out) - I have two opponents who check it down all the way and when I dont improve I figure I have no hope and am formulating my strategy for a 0.1 BB game - a bet on the river and I reckon I probably have to fold. It gets checked down to me on the river - I'm amazed that my K high is good enough :) My missed value bet :tongue2 on the river didnt cost me too badly - managed to come back to win the tourney :loon BossMedia Game #1712201695: Table (339581515), Independent League - 500.00/1000.00 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:03:48 - 2009/08/02 Seat 1: evilfook78 (23330.00) Seat 2: M@K (26590.00) Seat 3: Coop11 (9546.00) Seat 10: pl---GaF (2252.00) Seat 4: shogun25 (13914.00) Seat 5: PListonbr (16217.00) Seat 6: Unknown (0.00) Seat 7: Mrs_ColU2 (18317.00) Seat 8: namaikati (15534.00) Seat 9: Unknown (0.00) Coop11 posts the small blind of 500.00 shogun25 posts the big blind of 1000.00 M@K is the button *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to pl---GaF [:Kd: :Js:] PListonbr folds Mrs_ColU2 folds namaikati folds pl---GaF raises 2000.00 evilfook78 folds M@K folds Coop11 calls 2000.00 shogun25 calls 2000.00 *** FLOP *** [:3c: :2c: :9d:] Coop11 checks shogun25 checks pl---GaF checks *** TURN *** [:3c: :2c: :9d:] [:5c:] Coop11 checks shogun25 checks pl---GaF checks *** RIVER *** [:3c: :2c: :9d: :5c:] [:5s:] Coop11 checks shogun25 checks pl---GaF checks *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 6800.00 | Rake 0.00 Board: [3c 2c 9d 5c 5s] shogun25 won (0.00), mucks evilfook78 won (0.00), mucks M@K won (0.00), mucks Coop11 won (0.00), showed [:Td: :Kh:] PListonbr won (0.00), mucks Mrs_ColU2 won (0.00), mucks namaikati won (0.00), mucks pl---GaF won (6800.00), showed [:Kd: :Js:]

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Re: Hands you're surprised to have won Hehe - I thought you were being sarcastic :tongue2 Looking at it post tournament, it doesnt look that much - but at the time, I'd given up 100% on it and was genuinely shocked to win it....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Hands you're surprised to have won BB special - all the money went in on the flop after it had all been checked to me pre-flop, and I was confident of being ahead, so surprised to be behind to one other hand, then the other ..... but then the river :loon starsfh12aug09.jpg

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  • 1 month later...

Re: Hands you're surprised to have won Another gem on Stars. $3,900 in the pot as the river card fell, but I'd bet on the turn, so tried to represent the FH with a $1,200 bet on the river. A bit gutted to be called, until the chips started sliding towards me, as he was playing the board :loon stars5502oct09.jpg

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  • 4 months later...

Re: Hands you're surprised to have won NL Holdem $100(BB) Poker Stars Game#39491590558

lpoker64 ($3,472) Scoup77 ($1,975)

mextrex ($7,375) Doc Willis ($2,925) Spraggs ($7,550) Tangun ($3,425) AcerUT ($3,005) Ragzplay ($4,250)

polisgr ($5,505)

lpoker64 posts (SB) $50 Scoup77 posts (BB) $100

Dealt to Ragzplay 9c Ad

fold, fold, fold, fold, fold, Ragzplay raises to $300

fold, fold, Scoup77 raises to $1,975 (AI)

Ragzplay calls $1,675

FLOP ($4,000) Qs Tc 6h TURN ($4,000) Qs Tc 6h 9s RIVER ($4,000) Qs Tc 6h 9s 9h Scoup77 shows Ah Ts (Pre 71%, Flop 95.4%, Turn 95.5%)

Ragzplay shows 9c Ad (Pre 29%, Flop 4.6%, Turn 4.5%)

Ragzplay wins $4,000 :cow

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