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Poker / New Year Resolutions 2009


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Suppose we should update for 2009. This will be the year of the grind for me, my game is finally in pretty good shape, this year I intend to make some money. My target is $10,000 NZD (about $6k US) I'd like to play a major live event at some point, but not sure it's that big a thing for me. If i have a good year I'll direct buy into an APPT event either in Auckland or Sydney. aim to continue with my DoN games, hopefully move up to the $20s

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Poker / New Year Resolutions 2009 after a very undisciplined 3 years now, albeit winning years, i now resolve to do better in 2009. 1: i will record every game i play whether Online or Live. 2: i will qualify for the WSOP 2009 any event 3: i will shrug my shoulders and say well done to the gits who donk me. 4: money target i will aim high and go for $30k 5: to win a PL award 6: after wining my 1st Razz tourney last year , a win at HORSE and DRAW

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Re: Poker / New Year Resolutions 2009 I was only a part-time (ie. couple of times a month) poker player this time last year... see what PL has done to me My resolutions for 2009 are as follows:

  • Keep an accurate record of my sessions (which will lead to...)
  • ...Implement bankroll management to my game
My goals for 2009 are as follows:
  • To maintain the improvement in my game I have shown over the last 5 months
  • To finally play a live game
  • To win 50 MTTs in the year
  • To make a profit of at least $2500 at poker in the year
  • To 'hold my own' in the APAT events - ie. make a profit over the course of them.

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Re: Poker / New Year Resolutions 2009 1. To take my Stars bankroll of $440 up to at least $2000, keeping records as I go (see Challenges section.) 2. To play far more focus games - aiming for at least one a week. 3. To NOT drag down any Equity Exchange Clubs quite as badly as I did in December. (Sorry, hopeless start to that one tonight!) 4. To continue to be a gracious loser in chat boxes and only call people complete sodding muppets when I'm fairly confident they'll know I'm not serious. (Hi Hen!) 5. To not play cash games.

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Re: Poker / New Year Resolutions 2009 - to make lots points for my team - to keep records (already do but bit to lazy sometimes), so do it less lazy - to play more satellites for big tours - to improve my game, which includes as well to become more confident and secure (still have bit lack in that, but only play poker since one year and a month now, so so far its ok I guess) - and I had to smile so many have as resolutions to play more live games, so mine is to play my first live game (bit embarrassing) - get more steady in my game - to win the league on pokerkings once, at least once lol hope nothing got lost in translation

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Re: Poker / New Year Resolutions 2009 My plans for the first part of the year anyhow: Play less poker but more bigger tourns/games. Too much going on elsewhere and poker is my gets me less per hour than other activities do. So the idea is quality rather than quantity, ideally more festival events basically. Transfer online tourn success to live tourn success - so basically improve live tournament focus. Need to get used to the fact that you're playing for longer, and it's not the same as cash, played 24 hour cash games but you can walk away from the table for 30 mins at a time, obviously thats not an option for tournament play. Continue to make a profit despite changing outlook.

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Re: Poker / New Year Resolutions 2009 mine are 1 play as many apat games as possible and try to beat my 4th place in the south region,also try to get a good finish in one of the nationals. 2 play at least one big live event,hopefully the wsop. 3 play at least one big horse/omaha tourney ,again hopefully the wsop and this can count for wish 2 as well:hope;) 4 play a lot more live,. with the apat games at thanet and the club in whitstable me and hen play at i should be playing every week now+pl or other events:hope 5 come in the top ten of the hendon mob league

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  • 11 months later...

Re: Poker / New Year Resolutions 2009 how did we all do? i have updated my post. i still need to be more disciplined in keeping records but overall a good year, a cash in the WSOP and my 1st LIVE win, but i am still not satisfied. 2010 will be a pivotal year for me,i have made great leaps this year but not enough big wins.

after a very undisciplined 3 years now, albeit winning years, i now resolve to do better in 2009. 1: i will record every game i play whether Online or Live. started off well,but didnt keep it up 2: i will qualify for the WSOP 2009 any event yes,and cashed 3: i will shrug my shoulders and say well done to the gits who donk me. yes and no FFS this year 4: money target i will aim high and go for $30k approx $15k 5: to win a PL award still time :hope 6: after wining my 1st Razz tourney last year , a win at HORSE and DRAW
close but no cigars
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Re: Poker / New Year Resolutions 2009

Suppose we should update for 2009. This will be the year of the grind for me, my game is finally in pretty good shape, this year I intend to make some money. My target is $10,000 NZD (about $6k US) I'd like to play a major live event at some point, but not sure it's that big a thing for me. If i have a good year I'll direct buy into an APPT event either in Auckland or Sydney. aim to continue with my DoN games, hopefully move up to the $20s
Looking nowhere near these targets, no live event and only about $1,500 up for the year. Didn't really give it the focus I should have done
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Re: Poker / New Year Resolutions 2009

I hope to keep enjoy playing poker in 2009. More chats in poker chatboxes :ok I still enjoy playing poker :ok But I fail at chatting more in chatboxes :$ Should I aim for more next year? :unsure
Oops, I edited instead of quoted it :lol But I still think the most important part about poker is keep enjoy playing it. I guess my game has improved a bit in the last year, a more broader view of my options, more variation, more experience.
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