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PokerStars Double or Nothing


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Right then, I have a deposit bonus to clear at Stars so will give the Turbo Double or Nothings a go to clear it. Let's hope I get as good a results as AJ & Staffy - have been watching your progress, very well done. :clap:clap TBH I've never had much success in the coolers I've played before so this could be the first losing coolers thread in here. :unsure Object is to lose less than the bonus ($50)! :loon

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Re: PokerStars Double or Nothing That sucks, but it's a very difficult table you're at there. WSC11 in particular is ubershark at this level. Jon121 is a massive danger as well. with both of these guys at the table you're in a massive fight before you've even been dealt a card

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Re: PokerStars Double or Nothing

WSC11 in particular is ubershark at this level. Jon121 is a massive danger as well.
Is one of them you? ;) (What is your name, seeing as you've dropped back down to $5?) The speed that the tables fill up it'd be quite difficult to cherry pick a table anyway.
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Re: PokerStars Double or Nothing

Is one of them you? ;) (What is your name, seeing as you've dropped back down to $5?) The speed that the tables fill up it'd be quite difficult to cherry pick a table anyway.
Nope niether of them are me. Agree it's hard to cherry pick a table, but you can be aware of the long term winner and play them slightly differently. Treat their reraises with respect and know that you can steal from them in position as they'll react in a mostly rational fashion and fold where they're supposed to.
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Re: PokerStars Double or Nothing

Nope niether of them are me. Agree it's hard to cherry pick a table, but you can be aware of the long term winner and play them slightly differently. Treat their reraises with respect and know that you can steal from them in position as they'll react in a mostly rational fashion and fold where they're supposed to.
Good point. Thanks. :)
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Re: PokerStars Double or Nothing 1 from 4 since last update. Not winning races when it matters at the moment. Although I try not to put my tourney life on the line with a race some times it's inevitable when people call!

Entry Fees$150.80
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Re: PokerStars Double or Nothing 4 from 6. I thought I played ok tonight. The 2 I lost were Kings being busted by T9 and then 33 met 55 when IMHO the early bigger stack limper with the 55 should have folded! On the flip side I did catch a straight to stay in one and in another got down to 385 chips with blinds at 200/400, 2 callers and I made a 4 card straight 7 high to win! :loon

Entry Fees$182.00
Bit disappointed with that - I'm 2 wins behind where I wanted to be. Still early though.
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Re: PokerStars Double or Nothing Won 1, Bubbled 1. Made a mistake on the bubble which cost me. I need to start doing better at these, else it's going to be an expensive 'bonus'. :(

Entry Fees$223.60
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Re: PokerStars Double or Nothing 2 outta 5 ain't so good. Losing count of the times I'm outdrawn when it matters but on the flip side I did spike an 8 to river someone in my last game. Still think I'm on the wrong side of 'variance' and his friends at the moment though. Through the 50 game barrier and not where I wanted to be. :\

Entry Fees$265.20
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Re: PokerStars Double or Nothing

A question for other Donner's: How low do you go before shoving? 3BB' date=' 4BB 5BB?[/quote'] It all depends on the other stacks sizes and number of players left. If there is somone much shorter than me, I'm happy to wait and let them make a move first, I'll go to 2 x BB if they have 1x BB (assuming a bubble situation).
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