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A message to the PL XMAS Freeroll players


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Re: A message to the PL XMAS Freeroll players

Fantastic :) Think it sounds a great idea :ok
Ditto ... :ok Struggle with the leagues as not always around same night and/or guaranteed to stay awake :loon The sites they are on was the other issue - i still try to play a few here and there but hate depositing on a site Im not gonna play on otherwise. Special permission from the missus for twice a week poker now :clap Giving the EECs a go in Jan so if any games on a sunday or tuesday night should take part :ok
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Re: A message to the PL XMAS Freeroll players I've not been online much at all recently due to Xmas and personal issues which have resulted in me walking out on my job (A hasty move but after 3 years of hard graft and commitment there is only so much one can accept being taken the piss out of :@), so for a short while the funds I have are needed for elsewhere. I'm only freerolling one or two nights a week just now and will be getting involved as much as possible when things are sorted. There is plenty of time and Punters Lounge isn't going anywhere anytime soon and as I've previously said I'll be sticking around the forums here for the long term but right now, unfortunately other things need to take priority. :ok Edit: I can manage the Devilfish games for sure so you can count me in for that 100%, not got an account there yet but will sign up through a PL linkage.

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