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That moment when you know your bluff didnt work....


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** Hand # 1097232575 starting - 2008-12-20 23:30:38 ** $1,000 GTD $4 High Stack NLHE Freezeout[1725340]:Table 22 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (3000.00|6000.00 NL - MTT) Real Money snowee sitting in seat 1 with 115415.00[Dealer] happyhornet1 sitting in seat 4 with 51397.36 Marvin99 sitting in seat 6 with 79453.03 Desire69 sitting in seat 7 with 62283.22 tarian sitting in seat 8 with 74914.50 winalotornot sitting in seat 9 with 23090.20 Kidoj sitting in seat 10 with 35376.51 happyhornet1 posted the small blind - 1500.00 Marvin99 posted the big blind - 3000.00 ** Dealing cards to happyhornet1: Qh, Ad Desire69 folded tarian raised to 9000.00 winalotornot folded Kidoj folded snowee folded happyhornet1 raised to 26500.00 Marvin99 folded tarian called - 26500.00 ** Dealing the flop: 2d, 2c, Jh happyhornet1 went all-in - 26397.36 tarian called - 26397.36 tarian shows: Jd, Js The guy was a bit loose so the re-raise seemed appropriate. I can't believe he called me post flop!!!:loon

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