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AJs Boss Cooler Challange with GaF


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Re: AJs Boss Cooler Challange with GaF I remember you mentioning that you thought that Boss wouldn't be weaker, but that the Boss players could be struggling on Pokerstars because they didn't adjust their game sufficiently for the antes - so question for you - prior to embarking on this challenge, what adjustments do you think you will need to make to your game to deal with the lack of ante's? (to be honest, not looking specifically for the answer - is more of a probe to get you thinking about it :ok)

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Re: AJs Boss Cooler Challange with GaF My thoughts at this stage is the game on Boss will be more passive, without Antes you can wait longer as you don't degrade chip size as fast, people will fold more to large preflop raises as they don't have the added value of the antes in the middle to play for. As an example a blind steal on boss with 100/200 blinds is worth 300 chips, on Stars it can be worth closer to 500 with the 30 chip ante in the middle. My strategy is to exploit this with agression. In terms of target, I view this as the same levels as the $5.00+20c games on Stars, I have a ROI of about 19% there. That's my target to beat. Just going to add, I find the Boss software clunky and not in the same league as the stars one.

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Re: AJs Boss Cooler Challange with GaF

Just going to add, I find the Boss software clunky and not in the same league as the stars one.
I agree that the Stars software is light years ahead of the Boss software .... however you will get used to it - when I switched to the stars software, I found it harder (because it was more unfamiliar) than the boss platform I was used to.... With regards to your strategy - sounds great in theory - just remember that they're worse players ;) How are they worse? They call when they should fold ... dont count on fold equity too far (though it's the foundation of my game, you cannot go too far with it).....
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Re: AJs Boss Cooler Challange with GaF played two tonight, won them both. Simply hate the game though, not sure if it's related to my timezone but games take ages to fill up. five mins plus for a 3 euro cooler, I kid you not. The levels seem so slow, a game here takes three times what a turbo on Stars does, I make money from explioting pressure, it's 35 mins before anyone has a decision to make Software is awful beyond words, can't even resize a window :sad Will slog on though and see where I get to.

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Re: AJs Boss Cooler Challange with GaF oh yeah, two more moans. After the bubble, the game doesn't end. You have to slog through until one player "wins" utterly fcuking pointless. I ended up have to spend 5 mins blinding someone out after i trippled up post bubble and he sat out. and why aren't there turbos ? :sad

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Re: AJs Boss Cooler Challange with GaF Erm....dont even consider using the mini tables :loon Agree with continuing after the game is over - if it looks like being too much hassle (i.e. a big stack sat out) - there's no compulsion to finish him off - you can just sit out yourself.... I think the Boss structure is similar to Stars Turbo isn't it? :unsure Might do a comparison later..... Liquidity isnt usually (erm ever) a problem for me - Boss is heavily Euro focused though and the movement in numbers online is massive - at peak time (8pm-9pm GMT) there are about 12k online - I think that number falls to below 2k at other times....

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Re: AJs Boss Cooler Challange with GaF yeah, when I sat down to play at 7:00pm (6:00am UK time) there was 902 players on line Stars has 5 mins blinds 10/20 15/30 25/50 Ante 5 50/100 Ante 10 75/150 Ante 15 100/200 Ante 20 125/250 Ante 25 150/300 Ante 30 200/400 Ante 40 Not sure how long they are on Boss 7 or eight mins I think ?

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Re: AJs Boss Cooler Challange with GaF I'm thinking about binning this exercise. Tried to play tonight, but couldn't get a game. Waited over 5 mins for a three euro cooler to fill up before giving up. Maybe it's too european based I dunno. Will have a think

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Re: AJs Boss Cooler Challange with GaF 8 minute blinds on Boss, but they rise much faster.... 15/30 25/50 50/100 100/200 150/300 200/400 300/600 400/800 After 40 mins, blinds on Boss are just rising to 200/400. After 40 mins on Pokerstars, blinds are rising to 100/200(20)

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