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new members


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Re: new members I've typed out my reply in this thread a number of times, but deleted it as I cannot get it sounding right (and as I intend it) without the fear of what I'm saying risking being misinterpreted - so I wont elaborate beyond saying, I've no issues with the 3 of you (and I'll add w1nsome to the list too) - I think you've made a great effort and are already valuable members of the community :ok Your presence is positive to PL and I hope you stay :ok (the comments I couldn't quite articulate relate to a different "breed" of new member, who aren't making the same efforts you have been)

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Re: new members I think it's all been blown out of proportion. I think Gaf's original comment on the Mardle thread which was tongue in cheek and nothing more, got taken the wrong way by Winsome. Of the the recent Newbies Kitty Chapman Belgareth Winsome etc do seem like they are here for the longterm and PL can seem quite cliquey at first I know I thought that and so can be quite difficult to get involved with posts untill you find a footing so to speak. So let's just knock it on the head and move on.

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Re: new members

I think it's all been blown out of proportion. I think Gaf's original comment on the Mardle thread which was tongue in cheek and nothing more, got taken the wrong way by Winsome. Of the the recent Newbies Kitty Chapman Belgareth Winsome etc do seem like they are here for the longterm and PL can seem quite cliquey at first I know I thought that and so can be quite difficult to get involved with posts untill you find a footing so to speak. So let's just knock it on the head and move on.
+1 :clap:clap:clap
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Re: new members First of all thanks AvonGirl--for the moral support It was due to "you"asking why i did not represent P/L in the DTD forum games in 1 of the threads--that i decided to try and become 1 of your team----mainly becauce i did not have the confidence-or forwardness of some people. I have been a member of your site for over a year--maybe not a contributing member[with posts]--"but i am a nobody"--but always looked in to see who was doin well ect.ect. 1 person who i have played numerous times in tourneys was BurnleyJoe & Runadrum--[well 2] prolly a lot more from your forum who i dont know--who i have the utmost respect for--and so should P/L as they are total gents and formidable oponents at the table,and they represent P/L well. Maybe a lot of your members--think that there are ultrerea motives--why new members join--and its taking an edge from them--greed happens to be a part of the world nowadays--more so in poker.--shame on you!! ------------------ A little of background I am a single dad,with 2 children[13,14] brought them up since they were 3,4--i work P/T sch. hrs--- My kids are now at an age where dont want thier dad to be taking them swimming,skating,pictures.ect.ect.--not cool!!!--and i respect that!! I found poker a few years ago--and find it a great break for me in the evenings---i am at home--kids out with friends--but know i'm in house,and always there for them. So to all those on your forum who think were are cheap skates--FINE--you are intitled to think wotever---but i live on a budget--i get my enjoyment through competing--if i win good --if not,i've had an hour or 2 participating,and maybe a little banter along the way. ------ I have seen numerous posts being made the last few days,from certain members critisizing new members posts"[well done here or there]"--then on next thread they are doing exactly the same congrats mesages--LOL Maybe there are certain clique's in your forum---a word to you---think before you cast your stones and dont be so hypocritical. ---------------- I played in centerbets million game last night---i was trying to win,but went out in 34th--but stayed watching, hoping a P/L player would win,initially though "dili" was last P/L player standing--and gave my support!! On last table found out 3 P/L players left--and was hoping for 1 of them to take it down--and maybe emulate "runadrums" feat from last year in the million--which i'm sure Ade will be able to do--played brill--at least he has a fabulous holiday to look forward to--remember the suncream m8--you sure will need it. I am sure the railing from all his friends and supporters spurned him on, no end--and to all the spiolsports out there--untill you are in that position--you will prolly never know how much of a boost it is!! ----- Maybe i will have made more enimies and will never have acceptance in this forum though posting this message--but had to put over my side ---i'm the sortta bloke---A SPADE'S A SPADE--and sorry wont change my ways--I AM WHO I AM

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Re: new members Thank you everyone who has taken the time to put their support I know I appreciate it and i'm sure all the new members do. I will try to keep being a active member and try to keep supporting you all. For Fenner if you have aces I would not recommend slow playing them. (Just so you dont see this as a wasted post !! ) Hope you take this in the light hearted way it is ment.

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Re: new members

Thank you everyone who has taken the time to put their support I know I appreciate it and i'm sure all the new members do. I will try to keep being a active member and try to keep supporting you all. For Fenner if you have aces I would not recommend slow playing them. (Just so you dont see this as a wasted post !! ) Hope you take this in the light hearted way it is ment.
Lmao.... very funny thats tickled me... Thanks for the support,how comes christmas always kicks off with a heated debate:spank,now lets all get back to playing happy families, and can i open my prezzies now? Pretty Pleassssssssssseee :)
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Re: new members

Lmao.... very funny thats tickled me... Thanks for the support,how comes christmas always kicks off with a heated debate:spank,now lets all get back to playing happy families, and can i open my prezzies now? Pretty Pleassssssssssseee :)
------ Wot has christmas come early@??
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Re: new members

also you helped me today as i might play in the southend festival now:clap
No problem uber, have a good one if you do decide to go, it may be difficult for me to get out of the traditional family boxing day gathering. :cry
I would be surprised if you weren't welcomed into the freeroll - put your name down for the password and see what happens - if you dont get in, there's always next year, but I think it's far more likely you'll be welcomed this year :ok
Thankyou very much GAF?, although I appreciate it I stick by my initial comments, I'll look forward to playing next year though. :clap
And apart from that, you come from Colchester, so you must be a good guy. ;) 

:D Indeed Mr Col U, how can you expect anything less? A rare breed of quality us Colchester peeps, you know! :dude PS: Fantastic result today, lets hope the boys can push on with some form at the new ground! :clap

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Re: new members The irony of this thread is that the people who are arguing against it are exactly the people Fenners wasn't talking about. You guys are bringing added value to the forum :ok. There do seem to be some who only seem to turn up when there is a big exclusive.:sad I know the mods do a superb job:notworthy, all we ( the mere mortals) can ask for is your best efforts in making sure that the entrants into our best value tourneys are there for the right reason:hope Anyway, my wife says I can't play on the PC now, I have to watch the X-factor result:spank

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Re: new members happy .... this guy is a classic ........ joined in Sept and decided to post 9 times today ..... Foxyroxxy .... wonderous pearls of wisdom "Hello im new to punters and want to say , :D I am 45 years old from Germany and obsessed with poker, I am a big fan of british football and horse racing i have a lot of friends in the uk and its gr8t here my favs are Spurs and Tony Mc Coy , so I hope I can do some posts now to get invite to the Paddypower freeroll on xmas, btw habby xmas and a happy new year to all of ya :D" :rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin

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Re: new members

Maybe i will have made more enimies and will never have acceptance in this forum though posting this message--but had to put over my side ---i'm the sortta bloke---A SPADE'S A SPADE--and sorry wont change my ways--I AM WHO I AM
You certainly havent made any enemies, no one on here is like that. I had a go at you in the Mardel thread because it did look like you were just trying to get 50 posts asap. Bit like Foxyroxxy is now. So that makes two of us that calls a spade a spade. The supportive side of PL is very strong but you do either need to know them(personally or through the forum) or be involved in the tourny concerned(like last night) or it all sounds a bit shallow. Just my opinion. Belagreth I honestly didnt know that you were new here and certainly wasnt having a go. Likewise Kitty and Chapman as far as I'm concerned you have entered PL in the same way every one else has, through table contact and are building up your posts as and when you have something to say. I'm sure you will all still be around next June when the twice yearly "lets hang the newbies" thread appears. So If I've offended any of the four of you I apologise. As for the 50 posts criteria, I think starting one constructive or informative thread is a far better measure of likely future involvement.
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