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new members


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we all want new members but for the reasons we all visit, POKER TIPS/VALUE/BANTER and the like. might seem cynical but 1 of GAFS posts got me thinking and it does seem you could have seen a PL torney added value on a site a month ago registered on here post crap like "well done" and "nice one" 50 times and be entitled to the fantastic crimbo promo on paddy power any thoughts

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Re: new members just another point Ive got PL tourneys on my favorite I click on and am always logged in when sent to site,is this the same for everyone just wondering cos as of now on tourneys 8 members(all regulars)23 guests are there some regs that look but cant be arsed to log in or just a lot of snoopers wishing they had joined

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Re: new members i am same as you Andy,i have tourneys in my faves and is the 1st bit i come to..a lot of the "guests" are search engines for whatever reason they have so i was told once,but not entirely sure.. i for one have no problems with new members wanting to play our exclusives so long as they have contributed something more than you have stated.

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Re: new members We want new members who are part of the community and make a contribution - people dont necessarily fall into that straight away and can take some time to "settle in" - if for every 10 new members, we get one who is a good member further down the line, then it's worth it - the other 9 will probably stop visiting of their own accord anyway - for this reason I think we should be as welcoming as we can be to anyone who expresses an interest in being part of the community. We've had quite an influx of new members recently, and it can be unsettling for established members (all of us) - but quite a few of the new members are already obviously people who will be a good addition to the community, and to our experience on PL - I think we need to try and be as patient and understanding as we can be, or we will never attract new members, and we will never evolve and improve.

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Re: new members

Anyone doing that may not be given the password. Before these events the mods generally have a list of doubtful members who are discussed and voted upon
thats brill of course you know now Ill be checking all the posts of the newbies that get entered into our forth coming events not posted this for my own benefit but would hate for H(avongirl)bite my tounge or MORL plus all other quality members to get knocked out by some of the recent newbies who have joined in last 1 to 4 months cos they can see massive value and post waffle wont name names but as got all next week off will be happy to trawl thu posts and tell you who
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Re: new members

We want new members who are part of the community and make a contribution - people dont necessarily fall into that straight away and can take some time to "settle in" - if for every 10 new members, we get one who is a good member further down the line, then it's worth it - the other 9 will probably stop visiting of their own accord anyway - for this reason I think we should be as welcoming as we can be to anyone who expresses an interest in being part of the community. We've had quite an influx of new members recently, and it can be unsettling for established members (all of us) - but quite a few of the new members are already obviously people who will be a good addition to the community, and to our experience on PL - I think we need to try and be as patient and understanding as we can be, or we will never attract new members, and we will never evolve and improve.
6 months ago yes I agree the other 9 would sod off but because of all the PL exclusive tourneys now is it not worth them hanging around and posting
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Re: new members

just another point Ive got PL tourneys on my favorite I click on and am always logged in when sent to site,is this the same for everyone just wondering cos as of now on tourneys 8 members(all regulars)23 guests are there some regs that look but cant be arsed to log in or just a lot of snoopers wishing they had joined
I'm never auto-logged on even though it is my home page. So from 9am to 1am I am one of the "guests"
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Re: new members "of course you know now Ill be checking all the posts of the newbies that get entered into our forth coming events." LOL, I understand where you are coming from but for some reason I just had a flashback to that old black and white Frankenstein or Hunchback of Notre Dame movie, where the whole community were outside the castle with lighted torches and pitchforks. Maybe it's time for my medication. Nurse!!

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Re: new members

We want new members who are part of the community and make a contribution - people dont necessarily fall into that straight away and can take some time to "settle in" - if for every 10 new members, we get one who is a good member further down the line, then it's worth it - the other 9 will probably stop visiting of their own accord anyway - for this reason I think we should be as welcoming as we can be to anyone who expresses an interest in being part of the community. We've had quite an influx of new members recently, and it can be unsettling for established members (all of us) - but quite a few of the new members are already obviously people who will be a good addition to the community, and to our experience on PL - I think we need to try and be as patient and understanding as we can be, or we will never attract new members, and we will never evolve and improve.
Yes we all want new members but the 50 posts rule is leading to a lot of "clutter" in threads. I'm not that bothered about who gets into our tourneys, whats pissing me off is having to trawl through endless piles of inane crap to find the undoubted gems posted on here.
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Re: new members To be fair to W1nsome, he's taken abit of stick tonight, but still stuck around the Aussie thread and railed at the table too (must have just logged out before the paste above.) The main reason for the 50 post mark is that it's significantly more difficult to get the password sent to those with less than that because of the PM limit.

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Re: new members I've been a member since the beggining of the year but it's been a busy one so I havn't had the time to be involved as much as the regular/established members on here. After contributing all year on the forums and playing regularly in PL games I can fully understand why established PL's would be upset about people posting junk just to take advantage of the fantastic benefits a PL member can clearly receive like the xmas freeroll with Paddy (I won't be playing because I agree this is a treat that's deserved for everyone on here who's made an honest effort all year). I've only been playing poker for about 8-10 months and am very much learning the game, the standard of player on here is such that it's difficult for me to post anything about the game which you don't already know right now but I'm getting better and learning constantly and I'd like to think I can make a much better contribution over the course of the next year. :cheers Mick

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Re: new members yeah good post chapman:clap:clap its good to have a wide majority of views from a newer member as much as someone with 10 million posts:ok also you helped me today as i might play in the southend festival now:clap yes you can learn a lot from the more experianced players but there will also be less experianced players than you that need your help;) thats the idea really:nana all helping each other to be better and have as much helpfull info as possible.

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Re: new members

(I won't be playing because I agree this is a treat that's deserved for everyone on here who's made an honest effort all year).
I would be surprised if you weren't welcomed into the freeroll - put your name down for the password and see what happens - if you dont get in, there's always next year, but I think it's far more likely you'll be welcomed this year :ok
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Re: new members

(I won't be playing because I agree this is a treat that's deserved for everyone on here who's made an honest effort all year).
It's just that sort of comment that immediately shows that you are more than deserving of receiving the benefits that PL offers. :clap And apart from that, you come from Colchester, so you must be a good guy. ;)
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Re: new members Everyone is judged on their merits and what they give to PL, when it comes to borderline decisions and I think we get a huge majority of the decisions correct. However, some may slip through the net, we're only human. Regarding the 50 post rule - it's one thing to have an opinion on the bad side of it, but it doesn't help us at all just stating it, unless you're offering a potential solution. The rule does it's job to a big degree, but there are always negative sides to any decision.

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Re: new members As a newbie here I though I would post my comments as no other newbies have posted to comment on this thread. I wonder if some are worried about a backlash as I received for posting my comments on the wayne mardel forum topic. There are a few of us newbies that dont really care about the free role's we are just here for the community spirit that I was told was here. I have received from the majority of people support and seen good spirit on this forum towards other members. Its a shame that some members who have been here for some time obviously see themselves as "owners" of the forum and see it fit to critizise posts from new members (i had this happen to myself). I have tried to be a positive member of the forum stacking people and even following and supporting members who have been playing big tournies and smaller tournies where its obviosly important to them. As you will see on the wayne mardel forum thread I was critizised for my posts, however if you look at my posts you will often see simular posts from Older members with a lot of posts and these have not been critizised as junk or wasting space. I really think its sad that your anti newbie attatued Fenner is so strong I'm sure if you just lightened up and realised that we are all just here to support eachother hopefully to the benefit of eachother. We do this in many ways either by posting help, support in any way we can even, I find often wishing people luck and support and congratulations for doing well makes them feel good about themselves and hopefully that will have a knock on effect and make them play better. I'm happy to offer advice on stratagy and also by stacking people as I have already shown on this forum, yet I'm one of the members that you seem to want to critizise. I have decided to post my comments as I do think this PL forum in general seems friendly and supportive. Although you are not one i'm sure you remember back to when you were new to poker Fenner, think about your comments and if you joined this forum then do you think you would still be a member now if someone acted towards you the way you are acting now. I wish you all luck at the tables.

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Re: new members It's very hard for new members. I play mainly freerolls and low buy ins.I was a long time lurker reading what you all had/have achieved and can not offer any advice to you all as you are all such good players. For someone who isn't at your level I find it hard to join in BUT I have enjoyed playing against some of you in the freerolls you play. That is something else.Althou you are all very good players I can't believe how you all enjoy playing the freerolls.I thought once you reach a certain level you wouldn't bother with them. It is a pleasure to just watch you play and read you successes. I enjoyed the TonyG game that I did play with you but had to miss the last week as work got in the way. Newbies have to start somewhere and even if it's just posting well done at least we are trying to join in. See some of you in the PKR freeroll later tonight.:)

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Re: new members I just thought i'd put my feelings across as a "newbie"... I found this site months before i joined and occasionally viewed to try and find out what the community was like as i did on many other forums, after meeting some of the members at a few virgin festivals i got to see that the ppl here were very friendly and chatting to one member at the last festival who was really friendly and supportive to all he played with (even if a little under the influence :beer) i decided i wanted to give this forum more of my attention. I found that i enjoyed reading the posts, watching players progress and supporting players in tourney's they played in, i also recieved alot of support myself. ( thanks again to all concerened it made me feel great ) Im pretty new to poker myself only been playing for about 18months so im learning all the time, and i lack confidence in giving advise but when i build up more knowledge and confidence i will be more than willing to help and advise, I have been really put off by what has gone on here and i just like to say that some of the members that congratulated me in my recent result i DO know personally and they have been judged unfairly. I too havent played the freerolls linked to this site and im even less likely to in the future due to this, i buy in to a varied range of levels on a few sites so were not all here for what we can get for nothing. I would just like to find a forum where the community is friendly, supportive, and fun. I'd like to get to know these people both from chatting to and playing with both online and live and hopefully find friends with a common interest.... is this the place for that? ...we shall see.

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