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Another Hand from a focus


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Each week in the Stan James PL game comes another hand on which my emotions are torn:\ I am chip leader with about 16 left: ** Hand # 2306461457 starting - 2008-12-10 20:57:21 ** punterslounge[2364249]:Table 1 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (200.00|400.00 NL - MTT) Real Money BurnleyJoe sitting in seat 3 with 1400.00 GazBlades sitting in seat 4 with 1380.00 Dave488 sitting in seat 5 with 1652.50 _DRAGON_ sitting in seat 6 with 1820.00 RiverChaser_ sitting in seat 7 with 4280.00 daveygh sitting in seat 8 with 1890.00[Dealer] heniek31 sitting in seat 9 with 3877.50 thehornet01 sitting in seat 10 with 5367.50 heniek31 posted the small blind - 100.00 thehornet01 posted the big blind - 200.00 ** Dealing cards to thehornet01: Qd, Qh _DRAGON_ > what was that BurnleyJoe folded GazBlades > ta GazBlades folded Dave488 folded RiverChaser_ > value call? _DRAGON_ folded RiverChaser_ folded daveygh went all-in - 1890.00 heniek31 > had odds _DRAGON_ > lol heniek31 raised to 3580.00 Exclude the talk, Hen had just called Gaz Blades' all-in with 83 (he had the odds) Can I call? Should I? I think I should fold, but Hen can play relatively loose, and I am probably ahead of Davey's range. Any thoughts?

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Re: Another Hand from a focus I can see Hen trying to isolate with any Ace here, any pair, any 2 broadway. Like you say Davey could be pushing with anything, folded round to on the button, I'm erring on side of caution I think saying top 33% According to Pokerstove your equity in the hand pre-flop will be c.56% The pot is 5670, and you need to put in another 3380, so you're getting 5/3 odds to call, and your near enough 4/5 odds to win the hand, so from that perspective you have to call, and certainly in a cash game would have to. If you call and lose you will be in bad shape - 1500 chips left - but STILL in. If you call and win you have a monster stack with which you can boss the table, and you eliminate 2 players. I think getting the 5/3 about a 4/5 shot means you have to call. Sorry for the length of reply :$ [Edit: not as long as I thought when typing :lol]

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Re: Another Hand from a focus Its a hard one, because the tourney is part of a league any play here could be the right one. All depends where you stand in the league, if your struggling and need to move up the leader board then I would say the correct play is to call and hope your QQ holds up.

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Re: Another Hand from a focus When doing well in a tourn I NEVER like to call all ins with marginal hands. I call here though, I don't know Hen but I think the decent tourn player (which I think he is) makes this move with 99, TT, JJ, QQ, KK, AA, AKo, AKs Depending on the player you could strech that range and maybe include 88, AQs and AQo. So like I say, it's an auto-call for me. Especially as although chip leader, given the number left, blinds and your stack you still have a lot of work to do - it seems to be a very open tourn at this stage. If the blinds go to 200/400 next you're gonna have under 10 rounds in you despite being chip leader - CRAPSHOOT ALERT. Even more reason to try and accumilate chips with this coup. If the amounts were different, say the average was 6k and you were sitting on 25k with 16 left, and Hen moved in for 22k or something - then I would give it some thought. But as it stands above? I'm a caller.

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Re: Another Hand from a focus

daveygh went all-in - 1890.00 heniek31 raised to 3580.00 Can I call? Should I? I think I should fold, but Hen can play relatively loose, and I am probably ahead of Davey's range. Any thoughts?
I am calling here, you only need to win the side pot to get your money back (or as near as), with a chance to win an extra 1890 if you knock Davey out as well. Damo
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Re: Another Hand from a focus Thanks for your responses guys. :ok Excellent final point there Billy, if this was a little deeper and/or later I would potentially pass. My only concern was do I need this coin flip situation?:unsure Could I not go on taking on better situations? I did call (well raise as Hen had about 200 left) after a bit of thought (well, the 15 seconds you get online!!) Davey had 77, Hen had AKs. The Ace hit, on the turn I believe, and Hen trebled through.:cry

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Re: Another Hand from a focus Unlucky to run into Hen with AK but I would have him on a pretty wide range from mid pairs to A10+. In this situation you were about 6/4 to win and getting better odds than that in the pot so it was always the correct play. Ideally you would want Davey to have an equal stack to Hen so that you were getting more than 2/1 on your money.

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Re: Another Hand from a focus

. Ideally you would want Davey to have an equal stack to Hen so that you were getting more than 2/1 on your money.
If Davey and Hen have the same stack (or thereabouts), I am folding QQ in this position. Otherwise you have to beat two players to win the money. Text results appended to pokerstove.txt 5,935,364,820 games 8.719 secs 680,739,169 games/sec Board: Dead: equity win tie pots won pots tied HORNET 42.921% 41.92% 01.00% 2487907158 59623587.67 { QcQd } DAVEY 23.043% 21.84% 01.20% 1296405064 71309364.67 { 77+, A9s+, KQs, ATo+, KQo } HEN: 34.035% 32.40% 01.63% 1923346308 96773337.67 { TT+, AQs+, AQo+ } Quick result from pokerstove assuming a fairly tight shoving (top 10%) and calling range (top 5%) if they have similar stacks In the actual situation if he beats Hen he is 'freerolling' to beat Davey and gain some more chips and QQ is better against one player than two. equity win tie pots won pots tied HORNET: 55.038% 53.78% 01.26% 45123372 1054936.00 { QcQd } HEN: 44.962% 43.70% 01.26% 36669652 1054936.00 { TT+, AQs+, AQo+ } Just my thoughts Damo
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Re: Another Hand from a focus You misunderstood me Rob. I meant that in the exact situation described when the cards were turned over you would have preferred Davey to have had more so that you were getting more than 2/1. I agree with what you're saying otherwise though.

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