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2 hands from last nights SJ game on bubble


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a couple of hands from SJ game last night on the buuble. thoughts please. ** Hand # 2295225983 starting - 2008-12-02 21:56:34 ** PL League Promo - Game 4[2328769]:Table 2 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (800.00|1600.00 NL - MTT) Real Money daveygh sitting in seat 1 with 6655.00 BurnleyJoe sitting in seat 2 with 6337.50 RiverChaser_ sitting in seat 3 with 10765.00 hebburnlad sitting in seat 8 with 31892.50 heniek31 sitting in seat 9 with 5355.00[Dealer] teaulcsg1 sitting in seat 10 with 4995.00 teaulcsg1 posted the small blind - 400.00 daveygh posted the big blind - 800.00 ** Dealing cards to teaulcsg1: As, 2s BurnleyJoe folded RiverChaser_ folded hebburnlad folded heniek31 folded teaulcsg1 folded daveygh mucks: daveygh wins 1200.00 from the main pot

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Re: 2 hands from last nights SJ game on bubble ** Hand # 2295225983 starting - 2008-12-02 21:56:34 ** PL League Promo - Game 4[2328769]:Table 2 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (800.00|1600.00 NL - MTT) Real Money daveygh sitting in seat 1 with 6655.00 BurnleyJoe sitting in seat 2 with 6337.50 RiverChaser_ sitting in seat 3 with 10765.00 hebburnlad sitting in seat 8 with 31892.50 heniek31 sitting in seat 9 with 5355.00[Dealer] teaulcsg1 sitting in seat 10 with 4995.00 teaulcsg1 posted the small blind - 400.00 daveygh posted the big blind - 800.00 ** Dealing cards to teaulcsg1: As, 2s BurnleyJoe folded RiverChaser_ folded hebburnlad folded heniek31 folded teaulcsg1 folded daveygh mucks: daveygh wins 1200.00 from the main pot ** Hand # 2295235040 starting - 2008-12-02 22:00:08 ** PL League Promo - Game 4[2328769]:Table 2 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (800.00|1600.00 NL - MTT) Real Money daveygh sitting in seat 1 with 6655.00 BurnleyJoe sitting in seat 2 with 6337.50 RiverChaser_ sitting in seat 3 with 8365.00[Dealer] hebburnlad sitting in seat 8 with 30137.50 heniek31 sitting in seat 9 with 9910.00 teaulcsg1 sitting in seat 10 with 4595.00 hebburnlad posted the small blind - 400.00 heniek31 posted the big blind - 800.00 ** Dealing cards to teaulcsg1: Ks, Qc teaulcsg1 went all-in - 4595.00 daveygh folded BurnleyJoe folded RiverChaser_ folded hebburnlad raised to 8390.00 heniek31 folded hebburnlad shows: Ac, Ah ** Dealing the flop: 10c, 3s, 9h ** Dealing the turn: As ** Dealing the river: 6c hebburnlad wins 9990.00 from the main pot

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Re: 2 hands from last nights SJ game on bubble both no brainers for me Al. first one, you gota push all in, if you get called and get beat.... thats poker. I'd be pushing with ATC in that position. 2nd hand..... all in is the only option again, jusy unlucky to run into his aces! EDIT: oops, thought you were on the button. i'm deffo folding here then :ok

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Re: 2 hands from last nights SJ game on bubble Hand 1 is a straightforward shove :unsure Your M is down to 4, you have a suited Ace in the small blind and everyone folds to you - what situation/cards are you waiting for? Also davey has you covered, but not by much ... he wont be calling with any two..... I dont know what the payout structure was, but assume in standard MTT style, 1st place was worth playing for.....

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Re: 2 hands from last nights SJ game on bubble Hand 2 I'm not so sure about - your position is horrid - you've got to get through the whole table - I'd rather be open shoving with worse cards in later position.... having got to that position though, I probably shove.....

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Re: 2 hands from last nights SJ game on bubble

Hand 1 is a straightforward shove :unsure Your M is down to 4, you have a suited Ace in the small blind and everyone folds to you - what situation/cards are you waiting for? Also davey has you covered, but not by much ... he wont be calling with any two..... I dont know what the payout structure was, but assume in standard MTT style, 1st place was worth playing for.....
i was getting ansy again as i have bubbled so often in the last couple of months,so with A/2 i didnt feel comfortable,but in hindsight ,yes i should have shoved,but as you know its all about confidence..... scenario: say i shoved and won the hand ,would it make a difference on hand 2?
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Re: 2 hands from last nights SJ game on bubble I have to say I like the first hand more then the second hand to shove all-in with. It's the final table, just 5 players get payed out. All you can do is fold and wait or go all in... You have to know which range of hands, in which position you are willing to shove all in with. Stick with you plan and calculate what is the most profitable range in this situation. But I guess GaF or Slap are better in that then I am.

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Re: 2 hands from last nights SJ game on bubble I'm surprised that you folded the 1st one Al. Your play up to that point had been very aggressive in an unopened pot and worked very well indeed, it is an auto shove for me.(Though given my play last night, that says little!!;)) On the second hand (assuming you won the first) you could have possibly got away as the flop didnt help you, but who knows what Morls would have done if you had limped or just raised.

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Re: 2 hands from last nights SJ game on bubble

say i shoved and won the hand ' date='would it make a difference on hand 2?[/quote'] Yes - you'd be starting with a bigger stack :tongue2 I dont know whether it would change your decision, but it obviously changes the numbers...... That 2nd hand is a horrid horrid situation - you dont want to be shoving through the whole field - you want to be open shoving from the SB or Button.....
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Re: 2 hands from last nights SJ game on bubble yeah definate shove on hand 1,it is sooted after all:tongue2 hand 2 is a bit trickier .i might well have pushed but i could have folded it ,if i had those extra chips;) as it was with your blinds in next and only 3 bbs you gotta push and hope:\.

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