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Is This Worst "Poker After Dark" Line-up Ever?

billy the punter

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Re: Is This Worst "Poker After Dark" Line-up Ever? Haha, haven't watched it in a while but I've only heard of a couple of them, would probably recognise most if I turned it over, I liked the heads up tournaments that were on last week. Ferguson vs Hellmuth produced 2 good battles when they came face to face.

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Re: Is This Worst "Poker After Dark" Line-up Ever? It was terrible. They are six granites. Hardly ideal for viewers. I watched until the first break (about 12/13 mins) and there hadn't been one flop! Raise, pass, pass, pass, pass, pass. Next hand, pass, pass, pass, pass, raise (SB), pass pass, pass, pass, raise, min-reraise, pass, pass, raiser passes. :zzz And this is editied highlights! Drop me out.

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