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Sky Poker Tour In Newcastle March 7th

Burnley Joe

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Re: Sky Poker Tour In Newcastle March 7th Enjoyed this game a lot..... not just because I think I played my best poker ever to get anywhere near the FT.... but because of the friendly atmosphere and banter. Very impressed with the organisation from Aspers and Sky and while the blinds did rise steeply very quickly.... which was necessary for the game to be completed within the day, it was still a very competitive game. Personally, I was down to 2k after 1 hour and to be honest.. I think I done well to still be in the torunament considering that we only started with 5k. I had 2 bg hands where I had straights on both occasions and go beat against flushes..... luckily I managed to not lose all my stack on these hands and was still in with a shot. I worked my way upto around 9k with blind steals and positional play but also a big hand where I had KK v 10 10... 10/10 guy folded to my all in on the flop).. I stayed on 9k for about 25 hours (well it seemed like it)..... never got above 10k til around 3 hours before my eventual exit. I was down to about 5.5k with blinds at 600/1200/100a and was desperately looking to get my chips in the middle but a complete lack of cards and action before me I just couldn't get my chips in first which was my main goal. I was then UTG with :4s: :5s: and pushed all in and luckily it managed to get through. I then steadily worked my way up to around 15/16k with blind steals and positional play depite having a lack of cards. Then a major hand (which was caught on TV by the sky cameras) was when I had AK v A6 all in pre and it managed to hold up and meant that I was up to around 40k. With 21 players left and 20 paid.... play was very tight and I took advantage of this by playing excellent bubble poker and worked my 40k stack up to around 70k without having to see a flop or show a hand. The next big hand was against the unlucky Ooblio with 12 players left..... he pushed for around 20k and I then re-shoved for around 45k with AQ.... Ooblio held 3 3 but I luckily managed to hit the Q on the flop and knocked Ooblio out in 12th place. I went to the final table 3rd in chips with 90k with blinds 4000/8000/800a.... 11 big blinds!!!! Not much happened on the FT for me... didn't play many hands however the decisive hand was when I pushed with 99 and ran into the BB's AA which cut my 90k stack in half... A few hands later with blinds at 6000/12000/1000a I had a stack of 43k and was in the BB.... the button pushed and I looked down at Qc 5c.... with a double up I'd be up to around 110k so I decided that with 31k left it was probably worth the gameble if I had live cards so I called.... my oppo had A8.. flop 7c 7s 7h, turn 3c, river Ac which gave me a flush but my oppo a full house and I was out in 6th for £420. I also took the bounty of Norman Pace earlier on in the day for a seat in the Open Unlimited @9pm on Friday. Well Done to Morls for another great performance and also well done to Ooblio for coming so close to the final table and just missing out but still cashed in 12th for £70! Was great to see Dave and Milber again and thanks for sticking around to rail myself and Morls. A highly recommended game this one with excellent work rate from Tikay who worked tirelessly all day and commentated on nearly every exit (that's 140 exits!!!) P.S. In Poker on Thursday @8.30pm on Sky Poker channel will feature interviews with myself and morls ;)

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Re: Sky Poker Tour In Newcastle March 7th Well played guys:clap:clap:clap Myself and milber both went out just before the dinner break when they were down to around 70 players. Had an interesting hand quite early where i flopped trip 2's on a Ac 2c 4c, i lead out for 400, guy calls, 3d on the turn, i check, the other guy bets 400, so i call, river comes 6h, i check and guy bets 1000, i think for ages, i know he ain't got the straight, but good chance he flopped the flush, anyway i called eventually thinking i about 50/50 to win it, he shows Jc Qh! That put me up to about 7k, and that was about as good as it got, made a few raises which got through, had to fold Ac 10c to a re raise all in. I did pick up kings, raised to 2.5 bb's and everyone folded.:( Then came my final hand blinds are 400/800/50a and guy in first position who had been playing pretty tight pushed all in for 4.5k, I look down at Ac Kh, i have 4.6k left, so after quite a think i eventually push all, i personally put him on something like 10's or Jacks, i certainly don't have him on kings or aces so figure i need a double up and have to take a chance at a coin flip. Then the chip leader on the table pushes all in, now i know i'm in trouble! First guys shows A 8, which i must admit i was amazed at, the chip leader had kings and i didn't improve and that was that. Must congratulate Sky Poker on an enjoyable day and a well organised event.:clap:clap:clap Was good to meet up with morls and gaz again and to see a couple of new faces, Girly Wirly and Ooblio seemed like nice people for sure. Played a couple of sit and go's too, no joy though.

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Re: Sky Poker Tour In Newcastle March 7th well done Geordiega:loon morls and oobiloo for making the money. Nice to see some faces old and new, as previously said it was a well organised event and well run by both sky and Aspers. As for the tourney I never really got going although did have a nice double up when my AKo flopped A K 5 I put a small bet out and get called turn K I put another small bet out and he moves all-in with K 8 so I insta-call that took me to about 7500. I was sitting with around 4500 blinds about 300/600 100a and the SB raises to 2400 im in BB with KK and move all-in he has about 8500 and is prob priced in, he shows AJo hits his A on the turn but that gives me flush draw for the river which I duly miss and its goodbye poker hello Lager!:beer:beer Girlywirly did say her AJo was beaten by KK to end her tournament so i guess the poker gods weren't smilling on either of us then although she did take down a sit n go for £50!:clap

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Sky Poker Tour In Newcastle March 7th photos and report now up on sky poker website for this! quite a good photo for morls :loon..... worst photo ever for me! :sad The Sky Poker UK Tour - Leg 4 - Newcastle

winner.jpg Leg 4 took place at Aspers - The Gate, Newcastle. This was Sky Poker’s first visit to Aspers and we hope it won’t be our last. Proceedings kicked off at 2pm with a buzz and atmosphere unrivalled to any event we have held so far. Trevor Harris and Norman Pace were representing the Sky Poker team on the day and they welcomed players as they arrived. Tony Kendall blew the whistle at 2:00pm and play commenced with over 125 players all competing for their share of the £7,000 prize pool. Spirits were very high and the Sky Poker tour qualifiers were certainly up for it on what proved to be a great day.
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The prize pool was paid out to the top 20, with the top 10 also winning a seat in the Sky Poker UK Tour final worth £220.00. Here are some photos capturing the action throughout the day and as you can see a great day was had by all. Click on a photo to enlarge.
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..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... The Sky Poker UK Tour - Leg 5 - Aspers at Salubrious Place, Swansea Sold Out ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... spukt_final.jpg << Back to Sky Poker Homepage footer.jpg
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Re: Sky Poker Tour In Newcastle March 7th

photos and report now up on sky poker website for this! quite a good photo for morls :loon..... worst photo ever for me! :sad
At least you are awake in your photo Gaz. Mind you if you have Xray Eyes perhaps you can still see with them closed ! With Swansea in mind, at what point did you get anything from Sky to confirm your place in Newcastle ?
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Re: Sky Poker Tour In Newcastle March 7th

At least you are awake in your photo Gaz. Mind you if you have Xray Eyes perhaps you can still see with them closed ! With Swansea in mind, at what point did you get anything from Sky to confirm your place in Newcastle ?
nothing at all until about a week before the event, you should get an e-mail.... eventually!
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Re: Sky Poker Tour In Newcastle March 7th

With Swansea in mind, at what point did you get anything from Sky to confirm your place in Newcastle ?
I didn't even get an email, but was listed in the lobby on sky, so as long as your listed on there you will have no probs.:ok
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