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Thinking of taking a break...BUT NOT ANYMORE!! Wish I stayed away.....


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...for possibly a long or very long one from PL poker. To quote what I stated earlier on tonights focus game thread.... "It is a sign of my complete lack of confidence at the moment that I folded. I am actually embarassed by my play, it was so awful. I can't hit a thing, my confidence is shot, I make stupid mistakes, become easy to read, and in the company of quality players such as there are here, you can't do that if you are a good player. I'm under no illusion that I am far from that, consequently my poor performances in the last month or two. Perhaps I need a break from PL games to get some confidence back." I am struggling against the average players out there. You guys are killing me, not just a little, but quite a lot (too much:$). Perhaps in a while, my belief in my game may return and I will come back and play against you guys again. My confidence is cyclical and I have posted when low before, but this is a lot worse. I go into every hand almost fearing to bet unless I have the nuts (which I never have;)). As always if anyone has any ideas/assistance, please (seriously, please) post or PM me. I will (hopefully) still be around in a lurking sense, and will answer all messages, but for now this is goodbye. Be lucky Steve

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Re: Thinking of taking a break... Steve, if you remember I posted up not long ago about having a break myself. I did (kinda) but just a day after I'd posted up I had a nice win in the will hill game. Since then I've been playing well and winning. I think this is what you need - just one good result to get your confidence back. You don't become a bad player overnight mate - I seem to remember you coming 2nd in the PLWSOP not long ago - albeit it was in Omaha but it still shows that you're a very good poker player. Keep the faith Steve! :ok

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Re: Thinking of taking a break...

GaF?' date=' see what you've done!! :spank[/quote'] Please don't think that GaF's post is the cause of any of this. My game has been the same for weeks now. GaF's bluff was brilliant and well disguised on the board, and I certainly don't want (even in jest) anyone to think that.
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Re: Thinking of taking a break... I took a couple of months after I got back from Vegas. Not a total break, but I only played when I really felt like it (which was maybe 1 tournament a week), and then after about 6 weeks gradually started playing a bit more. It did me some good I think. My problem was that the amount of bad luck I was having was affecting what I was doing. I knew I was playing bad, but I also had in my head that even when I play good I would get screwed (I was right about that!). Now I'm back, and I feel alot better about things. I'm playing better, and I'm even amazingly getting the odd bit of luck myself! If your having a break because your playing bad, then I wouldn't totally cut yourself off from it. Read, watch, and still have the odd game when you're in the mood. And if you make a mistake, don't worry about it.

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Re: Thinking of taking a break... Oops

Please don't think that GaF's post is the cause of any of this. My game has been the same for weeks now. GaF's bluff was brilliant and well disguised on the board' date=' and I certainly don't want (even in jest) anyone to think that.[/quote'] Thanks for this and your PM - I appreciate it :ok However I cant help but feel a bit responsable - even if it's been building for a while, last night seems to have been the trigger. Can we look a bit more into what happened last night? Dont be fooled by the fact that I took the hand down into thinking it was good play by me. It wasn't!! I was playing carefree, and recklessly - I was using it as a "release" - not a serious game - I was playing suicidal poker!! You cannot expect to read someone for a hand like 72o when they're playing like that!! I was never going to win it last night the way I was playing. Did you see my post in the "bad beat" thread? That was the kind of poker I was playing!! (I called all in with 72o on the final table). With 6 or 7 players left I had 20k in chips - 2nd had 10k in chips. Guess what? I kept playing suicidal poker and within a few hands had busted out. The point I'm trying to make is that you had a hand that you had to lay down against me - I could just as easily have had the nuts as 72o - it's tough to play against, it's tough to read, but it's not good stadard poker!! (and equally - you could have had the nuts, and I'd have stacked off to you!! What you had didnt really enter into my thoughts - I had 72o and I was going to push it to the max! If you play properly, and do what you know to be right, you'll take my money off of me time and again!!)
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Re: Thinking of taking a break... Steve, take a break if you feel you need it,reading your post i thought i was reading something i had written,i had certainly had the same thoughts,i used to dread the PL exclusive games because i am too predictable,i miss Jaded TBH,and like yourself Trev bluffed me of a couple of hands as well as McG (gits). it all boils down to one thing CONFIDENCE, and it is a fickle creature. play a couple of coolers and if you can afford it play reckless in a couple of them,try things you wouldnt normally do. i hope you get your head straight mate,you are a great player and dont let anyone tell you otherwise.

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Re: Thinking of taking a break... It was in jest that I spanked GaF's arse :unsure :lol I didn't really think he was accountable. Like has previously been said, you wouldn't come 2nd in the PLWSOP Omaha if you weren't a great player. Confidence is a fickle thing, and affects me greatly. Fortunately I am on a confidence upswing at the moment, but am well aware that could change at any given point. I hope you manage to clear your 'demons' soon, and get back to making money on the tables :hope P.S. You're the still the only person to get me to fold QQ pre-flop :ok

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Re: Thinking of taking a break... Steve, no harm in giving it a rest, but my advice would be to use the PL games to experiment. If you think you're playing too tight, loosen up - or vice versa - or mix it more than you usually would. There's good added value to be had in the league games, and it will give you the chance to try something new at relatively low cost. Al reckons I bluffed him off a couple of pots last night, when I shoved on his raises on my BB, but I did actually have a hand ....... well, on at least one of them anyway bigokay.gif

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Re: Thinking of taking a break... Thanks for your responses guys:ok, particularly to the two of you who PM'd me, I really appreciate it. All the advice has been taken in. After a few days contemplation, I realised I was probably putting too much pressure on myself to win, having had a brilliant upswing in July, August, and September. Consequently as the dry spell went on, I pressurised myself further (cos I'm a twat:tongue2) I'm probably going to have a couple of games next week on freerolls, and $1-2 tourneys, and try and get back to playing properly but without the pressure of affecting my bankroll. :dude Then my friends, as the Governor of California once so memorably said, I'll be back!!:drums

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Re: Thinking of taking a break...until now..... Thanks for your support guys, I have really appreciated it.:clap I have played a few tourneys/SNG/Cash games over the last week and, as Austin Powers would say "got my mojo back" Played a few tourneys, reached a couple of FT's, played well. My first PL tourney will be the PL/Blonde on the 25th:ok I feel so much better about my poker now, I am a different man (not literally) and I am sooooooo back!!!:nana

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Re: Thinking of taking a break...until now.....

Thanks for your support guys, I have really appreciated it.:clap I have played a few tourneys/SNG/Cash games over the last week and, as Austin Powers would say "got my mojo back" Played a few tourneys, reached a couple of FT's, played well. My first PL tourney will be the PL/Blonde on the 25th:ok I feel so much better about my poker now, I am a different man (not literally) and I am sooooooo back!!!:nana
Great to here Steve - Good Luck in PL v Blonde, however you will have to settle for 7th place as Team Gaz will take the top 6 spots! ;)
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Re: Thinking of taking a break...until now.....

Thanks for your support guys, I have really appreciated it.:clap I have played a few tourneys/SNG/Cash games over the last week and, as Austin Powers would say "got my mojo back" Played a few tourneys, reached a couple of FT's, played well. My first PL tourney will be the PL/Blonde on the 25th:ok I feel so much better about my poker now, I am a different man (not literally) and I am sooooooo back!!!:nana
good good,that bit of confidence is hard to get back sometimes and is really important if your gonna play well:ok
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Re: Thinking of taking a break...BUT NOT ANYMORE!! Wish I stayed away..... In the Trillion tourney I played averagely, but did lose half my stack when someone beat my flopped two pair with a 3-outer on the river. In a FT satellite three before the bubble my AA is called and beaten by JJ to all but knock me out. I'm left with half a BB. In the Stan James tourney my raise with QQ is called by 72o. They then call the flop with nothing, the turn is a 7, they call my bet, and the river is a 2. FFS, please can I catch a break!!!!!:loon I should have stayed in semi retirement;).

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