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Party Poker 2 for 1 MTT's


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When it comes to huge pots and non-stop action, the big boys will tell you’ve got to be multi-tabling. We know playing multiple tables can seem a little daunting at first. That’s why we’ve created our special 2-for-1 Tournaments that will quickly ease you into multi-tabling while you play for great cash prizes. All you have to do is take a seat at one of our 2-for-1 Tournaments from November 6 through 10. Within 15 minutes of play starting, a second identical tournament table will open. The prize pool on the new table will be the same as the original so you’ll know exactly what you’re playing for. Better still, you’ll only have to pay for one tournament with the 2-for-1 Tournaments promotion. That means you’re doubling your chances of winning without doubling your costs. Here’s when you can play our 2-for-1 Tournaments from November 6 through 10:

Start time (ET)Buy-in (including fee)
14:15Free ($500 prize pool)
You’ll find all these tournaments highlighted in red under the ‘Regular’ tab in our Lobby. Multi-tabling’s a skill you really need to master if you’re looking to win serious cash, so start playing our 2-for-1 Tournaments today. Promotion terms:
  • The 2 for 1 tournaments will be displayed in red under the “Regular” tab of the Poker lobby.
  • Both the first and second 2 for 1 tournaments will be giving away the exact same prize pool.
  • The second 2 for 1 tournament will appear within 15 minutes after the start of the first tournament.
  • Only players who will buy-in the first 2 for 1 tournament will be able to play in the second one.
  • Players who will buy-in to the first 2 for 1 tournament will be directly uploaded to the second tournament.
  • No late registration will be allowed for the first 2 for 1 tournament.
  • Any crash or cancellation of one of the tournaments will be handled as per our usual cancellation policy.
  • If one of the second 2 for 1 tournaments happens to be misconfigured (prize pool configured differently from the main tournament), the configuration of the main tournament will prevail.

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Re: Party Poker 2 for 1 MTT's just a heads up lots of donkeys in these.... dont get fancy early... just play premium hands and bet them hard when the flop agrees with you I'll be playing in the 33 and 6 dollar games not sure if I'll have enough gas ( or space on my desktop ) for the 22 dollar game.. ..gotta play the PL league at Tony G as well... plus a few others... should be pretty bonkers.... GL to those that play

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Re: Party Poker 2 for 1 MTT's Was just searching to see if anyone had posted about this - well done Morls :ok You're a good lad (despite what they say :rollin) Think this is cracking offer personally, expect some PL guys could really do well out of this one :cheers And fish like me can have twice the fun :loon

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Re: Party Poker 2 for 1 MTT's Out of the first one on a bit of a bummer .... 293rd Guy on my left playing very loose aggressive. i have 5k, he has 7k I raise pre flop 3 x BB with JJ He flat calls, all else fold. Flop Q-3-9 I bet 1k (pot 1500), he raises to 2k, i think for an eternity and finally re-raise all in He calls and shows trip 3s for the hand. Got a bit over eager I think because this guy had been playing very aggressive and bullying a lot of blinds - mine included. Grrrr. 5.6k in the 2nd chance

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Re: Party Poker 2 for 1 MTT's let the JJ go... how about not taking my own advice and just smoothing a donks pot sized bet on the flop after I reraised him preflop in position with QQ... flop comes J high rainbow so I only smooth so as to not to lose him (dumb) turn fills his gutshot straight and I end up doubling him up argggggg

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Re: Party Poker 2 for 1 MTT's lol raise utg the min with AJ.. (hate AJ) 4 callers flop AJ7 2 spades i bet the pot... fold fold, and the last guy thinks about it and smooths turn comes blank...( i put this guy on AX) I bet 3/4 pot he shoves... I got very little left and cant for a minute respect anything this table is doing he shows a set of 7s

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