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Minimum raise pre flop


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Can some one explain to me, what is the purpose of this bet? Apart from holding AA or KK. I find it useless and it doesn't exist in my arsenal. I never do it and if any one catches me with it, I will pay them 20 bucks. I have just had this 3 times in one tournament (7 players at the table) and after my re raise all in each one was folded. I really don't see the point. Does it makes me poorer player? Please enlighten me :unsure.

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Re: Minimum raise A few weeks ago i would have been someone who does do the minimum reraise now and again. Since playing coolers I have realised just how useless it is. for me it is either big raise or fold. very rarely if ever do I call unless I am calling all in as big chip leader or with rockets.

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Re: Minimum raise the purpose is to put me on tilt. I get check minraised online so much and I have no clue how to (/if i should be) playing back at it... It annoys me more than anything in poker because they would almost always be better off raising a 'proper' amount. If someone insta check minraised me in a live game I would not be held responsible for my actions.

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Re: Minimum raise

the purpose is to put me on tilt. I get check minraised online so much and I have no clue how to (/if i should be) playing back at it... It annoys me more than anything in poker because they would almost always be better off raising a 'proper' amount. If someone insta check minraised me in a live game I would not be held responsible for my actions.
Good point, as my question was actually MR before the flop. Even after seeing the flop, it does nothing for me :lol. EDIT: I have changed the title.
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Re: Minimum raise

Are you talking about a min raise of an actual bet? Or a min raise (of the blinds) preflop? I don't see much wrong with the latter, especially from early position.
Hmm in cash min raising PF on the button is >good but in early is >bad imo Yah its only check min raises postflop that tilt me A LOT
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Re: Minimum raise pre flop oops..... :$ :loon ** Hand # 2258767809 starting - 2008-11-08 21:40:54 ** The Y Factor?[2239297]:Table 3 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (200.00|400.00 NL - MTT) Real Money Ricky40 sitting in seat 1 with 2010.00 cb sitting in seat 2 with 3712.50 Geordigaz sitting in seat 3 with 8055.00 hebburnlad sitting in seat 4 with 8050.00 Julius27 sitting in seat 5 with 4595.00 sarahJK8 sitting in seat 6 with 14352.50[Dealer] JUDGEnJURY sitting in seat 10 with 2252.50 JUDGEnJURY posted the small blind - 200.00 Ricky40 posted the big blind - 400.00 ** Dealing cards to Geordigaz: Jd, Ad cb folded Geordigaz raised to 800.00 hebburnlad folded Julius27 folded sarahJK8 folded JUDGEnJURY folded Ricky40 went all-in - 1610.00 Geordigaz called - 2010.00 Ricky40 shows: Jc, Jh ** Dealing the flop: 2c, 5d, 4h ** Dealing the turn: 3d ** Dealing the river: 2h Geordigaz wins 4220.00 from the main pot

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Re: Minimum raise pre flop Isn't this what's called a beggar bet ? It says "look at me, i'm only little, call me or raise me" It's not common but from time to time I've used this to induce a reraise preflop whilst holding AA or KK late in a game when blinds are starting to bite hard. Never hurts to have an extra club in the bag.

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Re: Minimum raise pre flop This is bad? Just played this hand > Game # 2,258,792,397 starting. > Dealing Hole Cards(Jh Ah ) > Jamesp362000 folded > glceud folded > RiverChaser_ raised for 30 > Dirtyarri folded > chumley0 folded > inubis folded > Dreamkiller4 called for 30 > Dealing the Flop(3d 3h 5h ) > Dreamkiller4 checked > RiverChaser_ bet for 60 > Dreamkiller4 called for 60 > Dealing the Turn(7c ) > Dreamkiller4 checked > RiverChaser_ bet for 90 > Dreamkiller4 called for 90 > Dealing the River(4h ) > Dreamkiller4 went all-in for 760 > RiverChaser_ called for 760 > Dreamkiller4 shows One Pair, Threes (3d 3h Js 8d 7c ) > RiverChaser_ wins 1,955 with a Flush, Hearts

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Re: Minimum raise pre flop :nana :cow :nana :cow :tongue2 ** Hand # 2258814488 starting - 2008-11-08 22:06:42 ** Be the Bounty $1K Gtd + Win a Digital Camera![2234401]:Table 3 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (50.00|100.00 NL - MTT) Real Money facepoker sitting in seat 1 with 5955.00 MrTricky sitting in seat 2 with 1590.00[sitting out] Bwlchgwyn sitting in seat 3 with 1885.00 scokyl sitting in seat 5 with 1525.00 Telepe sitting in seat 6 with 1945.00[Dealer] beano672003 sitting in seat 7 with 1365.00 heniek31 sitting in seat 8 with 3205.00 beano672003 posted the small blind - 25.00 heniek31 posted the big blind - 50.00 ** Dealing cards to Telepe: 4d, Kd facepoker folded MrTricky folded Bwlchgwyn folded scokyl folded Telepe raised to 100.00 beano672003 folded heniek31 > git heniek31 > lmao heniek31 called - 100.00 ** Dealing the flop: 6c, 2s, 8h heniek31 checked Telepe bet - 50.00 heniek31 called - 50.00 ** Dealing the turn: 8c heniek31 checked Telepe bet - 200.00 heniek31 folded Telepe mucks: Telepe wins 525.00 from the main pot

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Re: Minimum raise pre flop

:nana :cow :nana :cow :tongue2 ** Hand # 2258814488 starting - 2008-11-08 22:06:42 ** Be the Bounty $1K Gtd + Win a Digital Camera![2234401]:Table 3 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (50.00|100.00 NL - MTT) Real Money facepoker sitting in seat 1 with 5955.00 MrTricky sitting in seat 2 with 1590.00[sitting out] Bwlchgwyn sitting in seat 3 with 1885.00 scokyl sitting in seat 5 with 1525.00 Telepe sitting in seat 6 with 1945.00[Dealer] beano672003 sitting in seat 7 with 1365.00 heniek31 sitting in seat 8 with 3205.00 beano672003 posted the small blind - 25.00 heniek31 posted the big blind - 50.00 ** Dealing cards to Telepe: 4d, Kd facepoker folded MrTricky folded Bwlchgwyn folded scokyl folded Telepe raised to 100.00 beano672003 folded heniek31 > git heniek31 > lmao heniek31 called - 100.00 ** Dealing the flop: 6c, 2s, 8h heniek31 checked Telepe bet - 50.00 heniek31 called - 50.00 ** Dealing the turn: 8c heniek31 checked Telepe bet - 200.00 heniek31 folded Telepe mucks: Telepe wins 525.00 from the main pot
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Re: Minimum raise pre flop i very rarely use it myself and never as the initial raiser pre flop. i cant see the point as you either give people the odds to call and outdraw you or don't make the pot big enough to give the other player a tricky decision post flop. i sometimes might use it against a decent sized bet either with a powerhouse hand or sometimes a pure bluff but even then i use it very rarely.

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Re: Minimum raise pre flop ***** Hand History for Game 7526676130 ***** 30/60 Tourney Texas Hold'em Game Table (NL) (MTT Tournament 42909093) - Mon Nov 10 13:40:38 EST 2008 Table 521075 (Real Money) -- Seat 8 is the button Total number of players : 9 Seat 1: LeckerWurst (3680) Seat 2: slapdash222 (3310) Seat 3: WernerG (4610) Seat 4: floptops (3315) Seat 5: Tilka777 (2830) Seat 6: hshoerb (5470) Seat 8: paula63111 (1920) Seat 9: NickMoney100 (3740) Seat 10: pwncake111 (5225) NickMoney100 posts small blind (30) pwncake111 posts big blind (60) ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to slapdash222 [ :Kd: :Kh: ] LeckerWurst folds slapdash222 raises (120) to 120 WernerG calls (120) floptops calls (120) Tilka777 folds hshoerb folds paula63111 folds NickMoney100 folds pwncake111 calls (60) ** Dealing Flop ** : [ :Th: :4c: :Kc: ] pwncake111 checks slapdash222 bets (300) WernerG calls (300) floptops raises (1111) to 1111 pwncake111 folds slapdash222 raises (2890) to 3190 slapdash222 is all-In. WernerG folds floptops calls (2079) ** Dealing Turn ** : [ :3d: ] ** Dealing River ** : [ :Ad: ] Creating Main Pot with $7190 with slapdash222 ** Summary ** Main Pot: 7190 Board: [ :Th: :4c: :Kc: :3d: :Ad: ] LeckerWurst balance 3680, didn't bet (folded) slapdash222 balance 7190, bet 3310, collected 7190, net +3880 [ Kd Kh ] [ three of a kind, Kings -- Ad,Kd,Kh,Kc,Th ] WernerG balance 4190, lost 420 (folded) floptops balance 5, lost 3310 [ :4d: :4h: ] [ three of a kind, Fours -- Ad,Kc,4d,4h,4c ] Tilka777 balance 2830, didn't bet (folded) hshoerb balance 5470, didn't bet (folded) Ai3oW balance 2590, sits out paula63111 balance 1920, didn't bet (folded) NickMoney100 balance 3710, lost 30 (folded) pwncake111 balance 5105, lost 120 (folded) floptops: ffs floptops: slowplaying kings :( And there was I thinking I made a standard UTG+1 raise and bet them for value after the flop. :tongue2

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Re: Minimum raise pre flop in tournies i think the min re-raise has a place especially when defending blinds to a late position raiser. The only time a min raise preflop comes into play is when blinds are large relative to stacks and you are trying to isolate the bb with a marginal holding that you think might be good heads up, such as A-10. All in all tho' i am in agreement not a fan of the min raise...

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Re: Minimum raise pre flop Dan Harrington has an interesting take on this. He recommends using minimum raise with big hands about 10% of the time. How do you do this? When you get dealt a premium hand you look at the second hand on your watch. If it falls between 54 seconds and 60 seconds you raise 2XBB, otherwise you put in your standard 3X,4X,5X raise. Interesting, though I've never tried it, mainly because I don't wear a watch!!

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Re: Minimum raise pre flop Peter Eastgate was using the "min raise" to good effect towards the end of the WSOP FT. When HU and with a big chip lead, it becomes an excellent leverage tool, putting Demidov in a situation whereby to call meant he was potentially playing for his whole stack. Obviously, this is very situation specific, but it is another weapon for your arsenal. :ok

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