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what should i have done different?


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***** Hand 1307975907 ***** 400.00/800.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - Wednesday, November 05, 2008 10:46:19 PM PLounge league (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: PLavongirl (10260.00) Seat 2: Unknown (0.00) Seat 3: Unknown (0.00) Seat 4: Unknown (0.00) Seat 5: Unknown (0.00) Seat 6: Unknown (0.00) Seat 7: PL teaulc (16447.00) Seat 8: Unknown (0.00) Seat 9: plmrbrix (23068.00) Seat 10: Unknown (0.00) PL teaulc post SB 400.00 plmrbrix post BB 800.00 ** Deal ** PLavongirl [N/A, N/A] PL teaulc [Ks, Ac] plmrbrix [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** PLavongirl Fold PL teaulc Raise to 2625.00 plmrbrix Call 2625.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [8h, 2h, 8s] *** Bet Round 2 *** PL teaulc Bet 5475.00 plmrbrix All-in 20443.00 PL teaulc All-in 13822.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [8h, 2h, 8s, 2c] *** River(Board): *** : [8h, 2h, 8s, 2c, 6c] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 33119.00 PLavongirl Fold Win: 0.00 PL teaulc [Ks, Ac] Two pair eights and deuces Win: 0.00 plmrbrix [7d, 7c] Two pair eights and sevens Win: 33119.00

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Re: what should i have done different?

I'd have shoved on the flop and he'd have folded. You should have folded after the reraise all in though your stacks still playable. Edit- no its not. you should have shoved the flop
Disagree, I don't think he would have folded to a shove on the flop... holding 77 that flop would not have scared him... yes there is a flush draw but thats it. I think you played it fine, just fold to the re-raise... easier said than done.
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Re: what should i have done different? Serious answer - not sure .... I dont think the result would have changed - he's not folding the pair there, when HU and you need to be levereging your fold equity with AK - only question is whether you could have folded to the reraise all in and I'm not sure you can :unsure Does this look a reasonable enough range for him on the flop? TT-22,AhJh,AhTh,Ah9h,A8s,Ah7h,Ah6h,Ah5h,Ah4h,Ah3h,A2s,KhQh,KhJh,KhTh,Kh9h,K8s,K2s,QhJh,QhTh,Qh9h,Q8s,Q2s,JhTh,Jh9h,J8s,J2s,Th9h,T8s,98s,9h7h,85s+,7h6h,7h5h,6h5h,6h4h,5h4h,4h3h,3h2h,A8o,A2o,K8o,T8o,98o,86o+ If that is his range, then you have 20% equity against him and you're being offered better odds - far better odds - it's costing you 13k to win about 20k - even if you factor in that he's on a complete bluff - I think 2 overcards are enough to call :unsure

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Re: what should i have done different?

If that is his range, then you have 20% equity against him and you're being offered better odds - far better odds - it's costing you 13k to win about 20k - even if you factor in that he's on a complete bluff - I think 2 overcards are enough to call :unsure
:unsure Isn't it costing him about 8k to win about 25k?
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Re: what should i have done different?

:unsure Isn't it costing him about 8k to win about 25k?
Yes. Which means he is getting just over 3/1, but given the range you suggest GaF? he is just over a 4/1 dog - so how is that giving him the odds to call? If I am working it correctly he is only getting (for ease of argument) 3/1 for a 4/1 shot? :unsure
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Re: what should i have done different? A rare insight into GaF's mind while he's playing poker:

Does this look a reasonable enough range for him on the flop? TT-22,AhJh,AhTh,Ah9h,A8s,Ah7h,Ah6h,Ah5h,Ah4h,Ah3h,A2s,KhQh,KhJh,KhTh,Kh9h,K8s,K2s,QhJh,QhTh,Qh9h,Q8s,Q2s,JhTh,Jh9h,J8s,J2s,Th9h,T8s,98s,9h7h,85s+,7h6h,7h5h,6h5h,6h4h,5h4h,4h3h,3h2h,A8o,A2o,K8o,T8o,98o,86o+
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Re: what should i have done different? The whole purpose of the C bet on the flop was to allow you to fold to a reraise. When he pushed you shouldn't even have had a decision to make, it's a fold. Didn't you work out what you'd do when faced with a push before you made the flop bet? Sorry if this sounds harsh, but this is utterly simple poker 101. You've been playing for years I can't comprehend why you called or even why you opened this thread. Surely you already know what people are going to tell you ? If you really don't know what you did wrong then I think you need to give serious thoughts to your game and start again with the very fundamentals.

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Re: what should i have done different? I'm opening here with a smaller raise, making it 2000 (If he's got nothing he'll fold anyway, IMO the smaller pot also reduces his likely hood of a push by plmrbrix) - that gives a pot of 4000. I'd then play it like a 'Heads Up' game - I prefer to win/lose lots of small pots than risk the one massive pot, unless I can hit a monster and trap my opponent - when the blinds are still reasonable. So anyway with a 4000 pot your cbet can be anywhere between 2500-3100. If he then pushes you can easily fold (you should have done anyway) and only have lost 7k instead of th 8.5k that you did.

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Re: what should i have done different? Risking your whole tournament with ace high with just two cards to come is not the best play in the world anyone can tell you that. Your first to act so it's hard to play I very much doubt the other player has hit that flop and your cb is fine maybe make it a little smaller. I don't know the other player he could be capable of making a move in this spot but surely the re raise is enough to lay ak down? You'd still leave you with about 10k and in tournie.

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Re: what should i have done different? ok,i know i should have folded when he went all in but my thought process at the time was this, i am looking at AK and put in a pot bet preflop,he calls. no problem,when the flop comes down i am happy enough as i know he hasnt got either the 8 or the 2,so do i push or put in a pot bet? when he checks i decide to put in a pot bet to represent an 8 in my hand as i am thinking if i push he will know for deffo i am bluffing and will call,when he goes over the top i have him on AQ,Aj or like me AK (i didnt have him on a pair) and trying to over bluff me,i did think of folding but decided sod it i am going for it,you know the rest. i know it is reckless to most of you analytical players but i like a gamble at times,maybe not good but thats me. AJ, i started this thread for a discussion,and peoples thoughts whether i know what they are going to say or not,i dont profess to be the greatest poker player going cos i know i aint,even after 3 years i am still learning and enjoy reading what people have say whether its harsh or not :ok

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Re: what should i have done different?

i decide to put in a pot bet to represent an 8 in my hand as i am thinking if i push he will know for deffo i am bluffing and will call' date='[/quote'] Do you think an 8 puts in a pot sized bet there very often? :unsure I'm not sure a pot sized bet does represent an 8 :unsure
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Re: what should i have done different?

happy enough as i know he hasnt got either the 8 or the 2
How do you know? if I had the 8 I would check and he did
a pot bet to represent an 8 in my hand as i am thinking if i push he will know for deffo i am bluffing and will call' date='[/quote'] The pot bet tells him you do not have the eight so he feels his 7's are good and makes a good shove
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Re: what should i have done different?

If you had pushed the flop the villian would have read that as you protecting your overpair against his high cards and would have folded. My higher level thinking realy is wasted on here.
I agree :ok On both counts ;)
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Re: what should i have done different? okay preflop is okay,you put in a decent sized bet and you would expect him to have a semi-decent hand to call . the pot bet only seems to say you want to pick up the pot then and there ,so i can't see anyone thinking you have a big overpair or an 8.if you did i would expect a check raise or small dangly bet. at this point i would have put in a cont bet of around 2500,i guess he would have reraised you on that board and you could have layed it down with a decent stack left. as it is the call isn't such a bad thing as the odds are pretty much there but the big bet on the flop caused you to get in that position:\with the smaller bet you could have got out. in fact it sounds like you already decided to fold if he raised and you talked yourself out of it. thats the thing with ak its great pre flop but if you dont hit the flop its value diminishes greatly, in fact it becomes no better than say 9 10 in this situation. so would you do the same thing with 9 10? probably not i would guess. but because its ak it looks prettier and better ,so you get tempted into calling;) gotta agree with bri over the sod it i'll call line as well. sounds like you knew he was ahead and didn't act on that:unsureyou could have got out at that point if you wanted but it sort of sounds like you gave up. i'm sure you must have came back from far worse positions in the past to win, so why after playing for 2 hours do you suddenly think ah well i'll just stick em in. your a good player al but i think that sometimes keeping a straight head can be your downfall ,not so much how you play:ok its okay to lose all your chips if your keeping to some sort of strategy when your doing it ,but this sort of seems like you went against your own judgement and strategy which is never a good thing.

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Re: what should i have done different?

If you had pushed the flop the villian would have read that as you protecting your overpair against his high cards and would have folded. My higher level thinking realy is wasted on here.
yeah could do that with 9s to qs i spose:oki still think mick would call tho. did you mean drinking or thinking:unsure:)
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