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pokerstars bans Sharkscope?


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Re: pokerstars bans Sharkscope? I've never used any tracking software, but until I read that list I had no idea just how much ammunition there was, that may be being used against me. Did I read it right, that there is software available that could allow collaborators to see each others hole cards?

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Re: pokerstars bans Sharkscope?

Originally Posted by Marlin viewpost.gif Did I read it right, that there is software available that could allow collaborators to see each others hole cards?
MSN was around before poker on the net so this has always been open as a resource for cheating by sharing information during play.
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Re: pokerstars bans Sharkscope? Pokerstars checks active processes I think - I think that they also check your internet cache and the like to see if you've been to these sites :unsure So yes, it probably can be defined as spyware :unsure I think it's a price we have to pay though if they are to enforce their rules (and yes I want them to - I want a level playing field - if I'm not using something because it's banned, I dont want others to get away with using it....) Practically though - how do you stop sharkscope? Someone could have it set up on a different PC .... so there's always ways round it. If they catch you with something like sharkscope, I think they're pretty measured about it - and first time just ask you to stop using it.....

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Re: pokerstars bans Sharkscope? Any one know any of the banned products? Only one I recognise does little more than tell your 4/9 off is unlikely to win on an a/k/q single suited flop. I take it poker tracker and the likes can also be detected and yet they are still allowed even if using during play with the overlay of all players stats. You never know we might actually get a level playing field at an online site yet.

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Re: pokerstars bans Sharkscope? Had Sharkscope open in Firefox today while I had the Stars client open. Had a popup on Stars that said they had detected that I had SS open and that they were going to e-mail me the TOS incase I 'didn't know sharkscope was banned'! Seems that a few people have got this today so Stars have obviously taken the first step in actually actively enforcing the ban!

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Re: pokerstars bans Sharkscope? So whats the problem with sharksope any way? All it does is record the results and actions of every single sit and go player online. Its not as if you couldnt do that yourself anyway if you had the time. Quite similer to poker tracker which records a massive amount of informtion then interpretates it for you in easy to read format. I mean we could all keep notes of 10,000's of hands covering 1000's of players and instanly be able to guesstimate their most likely holding based on previous actions. Disclaimer- I am in no way having ago at anyone who uses software, just the poker sites for allowing it as a means to generate rake.

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Re: pokerstars bans Sharkscope? Having stats on other players does not necessarily give you an advantage anyway. I am sure the top players when they go into a tourny no how much each has won at events. How is that any different. How does sharkscope give you an advantage.

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Re: pokerstars bans Sharkscope? I think the main difference between the allowed software and the banned software is your participation. If you use pokertracker for instance, it only has data on tables you have played at or watched (datamined) so only holds data already available to you if you took enough notes etc. The banned programmes are those which have a shared database, so therefore give you access to stats you would not otherwise have.

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Re: pokerstars bans Sharkscope?

I think the main difference between the allowed software and the banned software is your participation. If you use pokertracker for instance, it only has data on tables you have played at or watched (datamined) so only holds data already available to you if you took enough notes etc. The banned programmes are those which have a shared database, so therefore give you access to stats you would not otherwise have.
Yeah, that's why they do it. But people will use VMs etc Is it worth having a rule that's so easy to break ?
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Re: pokerstars bans Sharkscope?

Having stats on other players does not necessarily give you an advantage anyway. I am sure the top players when they go into a tourny no how much each has won at events. How is that any different. How does sharkscope give you an advantage.
People use the torunement selector function, that's the killer feature, esp at coolers. Aviod the games with 4 or 5 sharks and your 80% of the way towards the money. Only just realised the importance of game selection, for $12 a month it should pay for itself in one game won that would have been lost. Saw this today
PokerStars has been sending a warning email to players who have been searching the Sharkscope with the PokerStars client open, but not necessary playing. After receiving numerous complaints from players, PokerStars is changing the rules. Now they have changed the policy concerning only about players who are actually playing the poker and same time accessing the website of Sharkscope. PokerStars made a statement about the issue: “We understand that players have expressed concerns regarding our recent detection methods, and we recognize that we made a mistake. Consequently, we will explain the error, and correct it. We detected players who visited the SharkScope website by having the PokerStars Client monitor active network connections using built in Windows functions for that purpose.†“The data returned by this function is similar to that which is returned by the Windows accessory called ‘Netstat‘. A periodic query to Windows determined whether the SharkScope IP was being accessed. This was a YES/NO query, purely regarding access to the specific SharkScope IP address. If a connection to the SharkScope IP was detected, this fact and only this fact was sent back to the PokerStars server. We then sent warning emails to players who had accessed SharkScope in conjunction with the PokerStars Client.†Now PokerStars has told that they will stop the monitoring and completely remove the tracking feature from the client. However, they confirm that Sharkscope will still remain prohibited for the players: “To confirm, SharkScope will remain a prohibited service, for the reasons listed above. We ask that players do not use it at all in conjunction with PokerStars - the website, the HUD, or any other future tools that they might develop.†“However, we will divert our development efforts to limiting the effectiveness of SharkScope by preventing their ability - or the ability of certain other datamining sites - to extract the data from the PokerStars client without either the permission of PokerStars, or the players concerned.â€
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Re: pokerstars bans Sharkscope? SO stars aren't monitoring anymore - it's prohibited, but they do nothing if you use it :unsure I'm not sure how useful table selection is on stars STTs - dont they fill too quickly and before you can check out who's in? :unsure

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Re: pokerstars bans Sharkscope? They don't fill that quickly for it not to be useful. You can get a pretty good idea of the strength of a game at 7 or 8 players and you normally have time to hit the register button and get in. It not about getting into the easier games, it's about avioding the nightmare ones, there are soem games out there with 6 long terms winners. These games are beatable but they take effort and destroy your ROI.

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