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GUKPT Blackpool anyone? - WASP 20th for £1700


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Re: GUKPT Blackpool anyone? - WASP 20th for £1700 :clap:clapWell done Bri chuffed for you mate. I'm still up here been chilling in my room most of the day as my head is banging after going on the vodkas with Divits last night.:puke I went out in 69th with blinds at 800/1600 100 ante and a stack of 12k I shoved with 33 with 4 players left to act and I walked into KK. I was fcuked off with myself for wasting 3500 earlier with AQ by not pushing allin preflop. I totally missed the flop with AQ and Mohammed Shoabe put me allin so I folded. Had I shoved with the AQ it probably would have got through and I'd have had a stack nearer 20k and would have folded the 33:wall I've made a note of all the key hands I played and will do a full write up tomorrow:ok

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Re: GUKPT Blackpool anyone? - WASP 20th for £1700 Thoroughly enjoyed the weekend and it was great to put faces to names and have a few beers with you all.:beer Congrats on the cash brian,well earned :notworthy SteveO,that was just a wee tipple for me mate,the mole and i staggered last out the casino at 6am :ok

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Re: GUKPT Blackpool anyone?

brian was close to bubblin.... On the same hand as Darren Grosvenor going out as they were hand for hand Alan Armitage made it 18k, Brian Martin moved all in for 30k more which covered Alan by 1k. Alan asked if i go out this hand what will happen, Ian the TD said you will split the money which made Alan insta-fold. Brian is up to 70k Alan is down to 29k
Think you are reading this wrong Gaz, I wasn't at risk. I re-raised the guy as I had him covered and I knew he wouldn't call on the bubble and it was more than 1k as the update team never saw my 10K chip at the bottom of the stack (infact reading awop they never had my chip count right) As it happened while he was thinking the bubble burst on the other table, so Alan called for a ruling as we were hand for hand and I assumed the positions would be sorted on stack size but amazingly the TD said he would have to split his money with the bubble!! So he folded to my detriment as he had A9 and I had AK ;)
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Re: GUKPT Blackpool anyone?

Very well done on making the cash. Proper pleased for you. I reckon this could be the start of the next boom in poker, forget the moneymaker effect, this is the time for the wasp-effect, people will be signing up to play in their droves, thinking if he can make the money by playing such monsters as Q6o and 69o anybody can :tongue2
Mike as you may have guessed I was shoving blind :dude Before the hands were dealt I decided that this was a shove situation if it folded to me and I didn't want the value of my hand to affect my decision. So many got through but after a few hours Zach Ford (god :notworthy) sussed I was doing it blind and I had to change tack and pretend to be looking :lol I pretended to look on one and shoved into his big blind and he said 'I saw you look that time, I fold' and I flipped over 52o ;). It was good as I had the whole table guessing and a little confused and my stack was still big enough to worry them. The 69o against the A9o was good when I spiked the 6, Shellum said I knew you were blind but I pointed out it was still and bad call for half your stack with A9o but I left it at that as he was twice the size of me and there was steam coming out of his ears :lol
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Re: GUKPT Blackpool anyone?

... but I pointed out it was still and bad call for half your stack with A9o but I left it at that as he was twice the size of me and there was steam coming out of his ears :lol
That's our Bri - ever the diplomat :ok You ever thought about joining the United Nations as a special peace-keeping envoy? Seriously though - top result, especially from such a low chipstack at one stage:notworthy
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Re: GUKPT Blackpool anyone? - WASP 20th for £1700 Thanks for the wishes and railing everyone but I am still gutted really, I was playing well and feeling comfortable and really felt from the last 2 tables I should have gone on and won it. It was a strange tourney, the first 4 levels I had AA twice KK twice and QQ so I should have been down the motorway or massive chipleader but I just had my starting stack. My first table had Nick Slade, Paul Parker and the GUK winner from London, so it was tough going. After the dinner break I was decimated by a series of outdraws so from level 6 I was playing short stack poker. Blatch came to my table late on with a big stack but managed to get them all in on a huge draw and get unlucky :(. I got moved to SteveO's table for the last level and battled my stack to 20K ish for day 2. After an early night and no drink I was feeling good for day 2 and was hoping for a good table draw with some medium stacks to pick on, not to be, a couple of seats down I had the chipleader Zach Ford and he was soon to have Mark 'Mr UnCool' Goodwin sat next to him. So picking my spots was difficult but some good blind shoves and a bit of luck and my stack was quite good. Bubble time was fun as I was the only one still shoving, the only sad moment was Neil Channing coming round to all the tables interupting the games and offering the short stacks 'bubble insurance'. Bad form really and considering only players and updaters were allowed behind the rope the casino shouldn't have allowed it, he told the eventual bubble he was in deep shit and he should take it :eyes. It was amazing after the bubble how many people decided to give their chips away!! why !! As tables broke I got unlucky as I got 2 shorties in my BB and SB and they kept shoving and I kept calling and getting unlucky. I eventually got short myself and I went back to good short stack poker again. Zach Ford eventually had the balls to take me out and for a rising star of the poker world and someone who has been winning a lot recently he is a very decent down to earth chap who was very very unlucky not to win but should go on to bigger things :ok (and he's my mate ;)) Its not often you get the chance to take down a big one and I was gutted at the time and I still am. Well done to SteveO for playing well on a fierce table on day 1 (Bansi, Onny & Marzhenloffonoff) making day 2 and then getting unlucky in going deep :clap Well done to the mole for playing his game and almost making day 2, I will be taking odds on you next year :clap Well done to the best casino and best dealers and staff in the UK for a great week of tourneys and well done to Weebrick the eventual winner.

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Re: GUKPT Blackpool anyone? - WASP 20th for £1700 Brian, good write up. I'm dead chuffed that you managed to cash in one of these, you've played a few now at this level, a level that a lot of us on this forum aspire to play at. Don't be too gutted with the final result, I'm pretty sure you've got it in you to go a few steps further. Well done on this cash and roll on season 3.

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Re: GUKPT Blackpool anyone? - WASP 20th for £1700 I was going to start this with well done Brian but as you know i feel more gutted for you than happy, it really is dissappointing to get that far ( with no chips especially) and then busting. The upside is for the first time this year we both took it serious,kept clear heads and played the way we can. I am sure we will hit one of these soon :) My tourney was strange i decided to play the cards for the first 5 or 6 levels and considering i didnt have any hands in this time, i was happy that i never went below 10k or over 11k. I sat at a table with Akenhead and noticed he raised almost every hand at the start obviously finding out where the easy chips were. He raised my BB first time and i laid it down, he again raised it next time and i thought maybe coincidence, but if he does it again i thought im definitley playing back at him, third time on the BB sure as sh*t he raises again this time i re raised without looking at my cards and he folded, that put an end to that. Level 6 or 7 i got pretty low and the guy next to me raised i had KK so stuck them in he grudgingly called with qjdd and i doubled up. The very next hand i limped with k6ss and the flop came 7s 8s 9d in my world i have the nuts so i bet and a guy puts them all in, i said as i am a cash player im in to my horror he turns over AJss stealing nearly all my outs, turn is a 7 and i think im out river is a 6 and i scoop, This is the first time i have ever had a buzz from a tourney even a wee fist clench. I then got moved to a table next to my old mate james browning so we had a good chat until he bit the dust, Paul parker moved into his seat next to me and i had some good banter with him, very nice chap!. I thought i was playing really well at this point and had about 20k at the last break. We only had 1 hour left to play and myself and Brian were both pleased with how we were playing. With about 20 mins to go until day 2 i was in late position and the guy before me makes it 3.5k i have 16 odd k and look down at 10 10, i thought about flat calling but i knew the board was bound to bring over cards so i felt as i had good fold equity i would push them in he calls with AQ which i think is marginal as he only has just over 30k and hits the A on the flop, so its good night from me. ( i think a lot of people would get away from this hand in order to make day 2) but thats not the way i play. I would also like to say cheers to Steve'o and Adetrick great to meet you both, and nice to see you have a good sense of humour especially Steve who had to suffer some cheeky banter :) Also VUL Brian absolutley know doubt now times a coming. Cheers to Johnny (Divits) for being a good mate and coming with me. Although our room was rotten in the morning, see a doc mate :) Well done to Weebrick for winning bet hes still in cloud cookoo land (Cant spell coookooo).

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Re: GUKPT Blackpool anyone? - WASP 20th for £1700 Nice write up Mole here's my tuppence worth: In this event last year I played far too tight and so was determined to play some poker this year.I sat down at my table on Day1b and didn't recognise anyone but noticed that there were 2 empty seats (1 to my immediate left) and got that very ominous feeling. The seat to my left is then taken by Karl Mareinholz (just fcuking great I think to myself) and the other 20 mins later by Pras Bansi. The first 2 levels I purposely don't get too involved trying to fathom the table out, I limp with small pairs and play connectors in position. The last hand before break I win a big pot with 7d4d hitting a 4 on the turn and a 4 on the river and the guy in the bb is visibly disgusted at my hand.:lol Nothing happens on level 3 then level 4 I get QQ UTG and raise to 600 folded round to Bansi on the button who rasies to 1800. Now I think in hindsight I should have shoved here as Pras could be 3 betting with a wide range here and he can easily get away from it if I put him in. As it's still quite early in the tournament I elect to just call as I don't want to go broke on just a pair. The flop comes AcKcxc I check and Pras bets the pot. I have the Qc in my hand drawing to the nut flush and I'm extremely tempted to shove allin but I shit out and weakly fold. He asks if I had jacks I meekly nod and he tells me he has Qh8h:@ He later bluffs a guy and tosses the cards high enough in the air for me to see the bluff so I decide I'm going to get involved with him. I get dealt KdJd and call his raise. He bet's I call, bet call, I hit the nut flush on the river but the board pairs. He bets and I elect to just call as I see no benefit in raisng him. He tables 45 for the wheel so in hindisght had I raised I would have taken his stack as he would have had to call and he said "I thought you were steaming and had nothing". On level 5 Pras busts out and Mareinholz busts out and I bust a player in the sb by calling his allin on the river with a4. I flopped an openender hit an ace on turn and his allin on the river made no sense but there were various straight and flush draws on the borad so it was a tough call. This leads to my first big mistake. I raise to 900 from the co and aGerman guy who has just sat down to my left calls on the button. The flop comes rags and the guy flat calls. I am very concerned about this as the board isnt scary at all. When a rag comes on the turn I bet again and again he calls with no read on this fella I have no idea where I'm at. A 5 comes on the river pairing the board and I bet about 30% of the pot. This guy pauses for only a couple of seconds and he shoves allin.:loon His hands are visibly shaking and I always see this as a sign of strength I study him and notice the pulse in neck protruding which always see as a bluff so I'm torn as to what to do.:unsure The guy has me covered and it's an extreme;y tough decision for me as I still have over 12k behind and I opt to fold. (I later had a chat to him after he had busted out and told him about his pulse in his neck and the shaking hands and how I was very close to calling. He told me had had 99.):$ Just before break I gain some chips back of him by playing 96 and hitting trips and getting paid off. After break the German busts out ( thank fcuk for that I think) and Onny gets moved to my right who's a decent player but somehow keeps showing me his cards:tongue2. Receive hardly any cards during this level but then get AA on the button and raise to 1200 sb shoves allin with KQ and I bust him which puts me over 20k for the first time. This table then gets broken up I move to a table full of unknowns and 3 extremely shortstacks to my left. These guys are open shoving at every opportunity and I feel I can't raise them when I have the chance as with the antes they would be priced in to call with any 2 but in hindsight I should have pressured them as I'm never far behind if they do call unless they have a monster. Go card dead at this level but then bust a shortie with QQ to get my stack back up to about 20k. After break we are at 400/800 and a very good player by the name of Brian Martin gets moved 3 to my left. I go pretty card dead taking apot with 99 and its now costing 2200 a round. Brian doubles up soon after and a lunatic asian guy sits to my left, I wait for the cards to come to get involved but nothing happens and I finish the day on just 15k:$ Start of day 2 and it's basically an allin fest with hardly any flops being seen at all. I go down to about 9k and a guy raises from UTG folded round to me in the bb and BINGO AA:nana. He has KK and I'm up to over 20k again. No cards for the next couple of rounds and they I make the biggest mistake of the tournamnet. I have about 18k and the blinds are 800/1600with 100 ante I look down at AQ utg now if I want to play this hand I should shove allin but I stupidly raise to 3500:wall. I have no idea why I did this it's just stupid it's shove or fold, Mohammed Shoabe calls behind and we see a flop of 8d9dx. I'm temtped to shove now but know that he's going to call with any part of this so I check and he puts me allin and I fold. This play ultimately cost me my tournament as later when down to 11k and with 4 players left to act I shove with 33 and get called by KK and bust out. Had I shoved with the AQ it probably would have got through and I would have folded the 33. So looking back I made 3 vital mistakes and they cost me big time and at this level there's very little room for error. It was great to finally meet The Mole who's a right cheekly little fcuker;)and Adetrick who seems a very polite fellow. Divits is a great guy and we had a good chat and:beeron the Saturday and he was really good company. Brian's always a good crack. Nice to meet Morls again(the last time we met I busted him out of the Betfair Grand Prix at the big slick:$) he's a lovely fella and so was Geordiegaz. And finally MadDuke is just one crazy Mutha Fcuker (Whiskey in the Jar;) You know what I mean fella).

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