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GUKPT Blackpool anyone? - WASP 20th for £1700


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Heading down to this with the mole on the 14th. My pocket money wont stretch to a main event buy in (the moles does though;)) so its the £110.50 tourney for me :hope Really looking forward to this as APAT tourneys aside,this will be the highest profile event i will have played in. Hope to see some of you there :ok

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Re: GUKPT Blackpool anyone? I was hoping Steph would give this one a miss, so I could concentrate on poker but I believe you offering to chauffeur has spolit my weekend :tongue2 I'm doing the Main Event but cannot make up my mind which day to start (which day are you in Steve?) will probably go the weekend before and play the £150 if not do the £100 on Thursday or Friday depending on starting day. This festival is always well supported and sold out for all events so don't hang around Divits I suggest you get there Tuesday just to make sure :lol

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Re: GUKPT Blackpool anyone?

Brian...if your going over to the casino next weekend too, can you buy me in to the thurs n fri £110.50 events please? Ill give you the cash when i arrive if you can manage it. If not, no probs just lemme know Cheers
no I don't trust you
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Re: GUKPT Blackpool anyone? Well, my adventure only lasted about 4 hours (didn’t even to the dinner break which WASP took great pleasure in reminding me about 57 times) - set over set did the damage. Great experience though and I’m definitely going to try and qualify for more live events. The early exit also gave me a chance to have a few drinks with Divvits, Mole, WASP, Morlspin, SteveO and the legend that is Mad Duke :notworthy…. Jeez that boy can drink… great blokes all of them. Unfortunately, had to leave today as one of the kids took a nasty tumble this morning I and needed to get home - so didn’t get the chance to watch the others in action - so all the best guys :hope:hope

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Re: GUKPT Blackpool anyone?

Well, my adventure only lasted about 4 hours (didn’t even to the dinner break which WASP took great pleasure in reminding me about 57 times) - set over set did the damage. Great experience though and I’m definitely going to try and qualify for more live events. The early exit also gave me a chance to have a few drinks with Divvits, Mole, WASP, Morlspin, SteveO and the legend that is Mad Duke :notworthy…. Jeez that boy can drink… great blokes all of them. Unfortunately, had to leave today as one of the kids took a nasty tumble this morning I and needed to get home - so didn’t get the chance to watch the others in action - so all the best guys :hope:hope
Never mind mate, you gave it a go. :ok Better luck next time. :hope Hope all is ok with the little 'un. :hope
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