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Omaha - Rivered Trips but weak kicker - can you call?


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Can I call the all in? PokerStars Game #21540239466: Tournament #116136590, $10+$1 8-Game (Omaha Pot Limit) - Level VIII (15/30) - 2008/10/27 14:30:57 ET Table '116136590 9' 6-max Seat #1 is the button Seat 1: olivermax (1935 in chips) Seat 2: EnhPoker (3406 in chips) Seat 3: T23D23 (635 in chips) Seat 4: JadedJ (2923 in chips) Seat 5: Konkistos (3101 in chips) EnhPoker: posts small blind 15 T23D23: posts big blind 30 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to JadedJ [3d 3s 6d 7d] PAYDAYRAY000 is connected JadedJ: raises 60 to 90 Konkistos: folds olivermax: calls 90 EnhPoker: folds T23D23: folds *** FLOP *** [2c 9s 7s] JadedJ: bets 150 olivermax: calls 150 *** TURN *** [2c 9s 7s] [2d] JadedJ: bets 300 olivermax: calls 300 *** RIVER *** [2c 9s 7s 2d] [7h] JadedJ: bets 90 olivermax: raises 1305 to 1395 and is all-in

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Re: Omaha - Rivered Trips but weak kicker - can you call? I would fold - trips is a weak hand when the board is double paired. You have to be wary of 99, 92, 22, 79, any 7 with a bigger kicker and of course the hammer 72. An all in on the river is rarely a bluff in PLO. FWIW I wouldn't have even started with your holdings, though it is you I suppose :lol Jingle Jangle

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Re: Omaha - Rivered Trips but weak kicker - can you call? Fold preflop, it's such a bad starting hand and I would say you have to be even more selective in omaha than holdem. He definitely has you beat he has a hand consisiting of either 99 97 92 even 22. He let you carry on betting into him and he may have had a fullhouse on the turn, if so there was no point in him raising and frightening you off. He definitely has a fullhouse on the river though.

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Re: Omaha - Rivered Trips but weak kicker - can you call? yeah gotta agree it's a must fold preflop(even in hilo) the only 2 hands that you can feel safe with are quad 3s and a straight flush. you cant really rely on a 3 even if it hits as you might well be up against an overset. having played it how you did i think you need to put in a meaningfull river bet as well of at least 400 probably more like 500 at least then if he pushes you can be pretty sure your behind. i think this guy has 9s or 9 7,wouldnt be suprised if he had a combo like 2 pair or set +flush draw or straight draw on the flop as the flat call is usually a sign of strength if he's done it on the turn as well. seems to me like he let you get commited while not really giving much away,he was probably hoping for you to bet again on the river ,maybe he pegged you as aggressive:).

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