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TT Early in Cooler?


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No real reads - turbo game. Level only changed 1 or 2 hands ago. Okay up to here? What should I do now? PokerStars Game #21531992542: Tournament #116725341, $5.00+$0.20 Hold'em No Limit - Level II (15/30) - 2008/10/27 6:01:29 ET Table '116725341 1' 10-max Seat #10 is the button Seat 2: Ballons (1605 in chips) Seat 3: silverado63 (3045 in chips) Seat 4: Liekes (1430 in chips) Seat 5: roby_19741 (1400 in chips) Seat 6: yekai (1460 in chips) Seat 7: JadedJ (1450 in chips) Seat 8: bigbrauer (1780 in chips) Seat 9: Niman1986 (1225 in chips) Seat 10: GreekyPoo (1605 in chips) Ballons: posts small blind 15 silverado63: posts big blind 30 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to JadedJ [Tc Td] Liekes: folds roby_19741: folds yekai: folds JadedJ: calls 30 bigbrauer: folds Niman1986: calls 30 GreekyPoo: folds Ballons: folds silverado63: checks *** FLOP *** [Js 6s 5c] silverado63: checks

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Re: TT Early in Cooler?

I'd bet between 75 - 90 chips to find out where I was in the hand. Pre flop I'd have probably raised about 3xBB in your position because you were first into the pot. Had you entered the pot after one limper I'd have been happy with a simple call pre flop.
sounds good to me :ok Damo
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