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Interesting hand from first 10 minutes of tonights focus game


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0.00/20.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) - 16 October 2008 20:14:00 PLounge league (Real/Tournament) Seat 1: daveygh8 (2715.00) Seat 2: plSamba (1950.00) Seat 3: PL jolly67 (1670.00) Seat 4: $jumalix$ (1940.00) Seat 5: PLHornet (1895.00) Seat 6: PLTelepee (1950.00) Seat 7: PLkip6 (1880.00) daveygh8 post SB 10.00 plSamba post BB 20.00 ** Deal ** daveygh8 [N/A, N/A] plSamba [N/A, N/A] PL jolly67 [N/A, N/A] $jumalix$ [N/A, N/A] PLHornet [Jc, Jh] PLTelepee [N/A, N/A] PLkip6 [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** PL jolly67 Fold $jumalix$ Fold PLHornet Raise to 60.00 (standard raise) PLTelepee Fold PLkip6 Call 60.00 daveygh8 Fold plSamba Raise to 155.00 PLHornet Call 155.00 (put Samba on a hand but was worth another 95) PLkip6 Call 155.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [10c, Qc, 9c] *** Bet Round 2 *** plSamba Bet 475.00 (put Samba on AA or KK) PLHornet All-in 1740.00 Was this a bit rash? My thoughts were I have a straight flush draw, and if Samba does have AA or KK (preferably minus a Club), I am in reasonable nick unless Kip or Samba has the made flush with the Ace or King. How would others have played this?

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Re: Interesting hand from first 10 minutes of tonights focus game The only problem with the push is that you could be virtually drawing dead to the 8 clubs if he has akc but its more likely he has aa or kk with the club as he has bet the pot and not checked the monster nut flush with a straight flush draw. If you get a call then the chances are you are either beat are at best 50 50. I would have called and hoped to see a free card on the end cos he would have to be frightened you have him nutted therefore he would be unlikely to bet on the turn. I think if you think youre a decent player is it a good idea to go bust with blinds at 10 and 20 on a draw??

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Re: Interesting hand from first 10 minutes of tonights focus game

0.00/20.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) - 16 Was this a bit rash? My thoughts were I have a straight flush draw, and if Samba does have AA or KK (preferably minus a Club), I am in reasonable nick unless Kip or Samba has the made flush with the Ace or King. How would others have played this?
I like this play - it looks like Samba has AA/KK with the PF (almost) min-reraise - the flop doesn't get much better than that for you so shove to isolate/create the side pot - there is no way you are folding if you call and Kips shoves, so best just shove (unless of course you want Kips in the pot as well as you hand is strong?). Damo
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Re: Interesting hand from first 10 minutes of tonights focus game Personally im folding. I dont mind the call pre flop after the re raise, however this board is a horrid one and looks alot better than it is. Look at it from Samba's point of view. I very much doubt he would lead out here with air, its far too draw heavy and if he is weak here I think he would want to control the pot size as much as possible, especially as he is out of position. My guessing is that for him to bet here, he would have to have AA, KK, maybe AK all with at least one club in hand. If this is the case then we are in all sorts of trouble with very few outs. He may even bet here with top set, which maybe isnt too bad us. If Samba has AA or KK but no clubs I would expect him to check and play from there.

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Re: Interesting hand from first 10 minutes of tonights focus game If you are putting him on AA or KK then you have to fold here. If he has KK with the flush draw you are 20% without only 50% to win. If he has AA with the flush draw you are 33% without only 60% to win. Still early and not much invested in the pot, i fold and wait for a better spot.

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Re: Interesting hand from first 10 minutes of tonights focus game

if he is weak here I think he would want to control the pot size as much as possible, especially as he is out of position.
Am wondering how can he control the pot size with only 475 left and the pot is 480? His only option is to shove or check/fold as any bet apart from AI gives the other two good odds to call and draw and if they one of them shoves over the top (of a 1/2 pot continuation bet) it gives Samba the correct odds to call if he believes they are drawing. Checking might be an option if he does have AA/KK with a club but that doesn't really control the pot if either of the other two doesn't have a club and another club comes as they are not calling any play at that point. If he does have an A or K club I think the shove is great, it looks like a desperate attempt to buy the pot after the PF reraise and is more likely to get called than checking and shoving the turn etc. Just my thoughts Damian
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Re: Interesting hand from first 10 minutes of tonights focus game

If you are putting him on AA or KK then you have to fold here. If he has KK with the flush draw you are 20% without only 50% to win. If he has AA with the flush draw you are 33% without only 60% to win. Still early and not much invested in the pot, i fold and wait for a better spot.
:welcome to Punters Lounge mate
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Re: Interesting hand from first 10 minutes of tonights focus game :welcome to PL - I remember seeing you at the tables - cannot quite recall where though :unsure

If you are putting him on AA or KK then you have to fold here.
How confident can you be that he has AA or KK though? It's certainly not 100%.......
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Re: Interesting hand from first 10 minutes of tonights focus game

:welcome to PL - I remember seeing you at the tables - cannot quite recall where though :unsure How confident can you be that he has AA or KK though? It's certainly not 100%.......
It is - I only play the premium hands - everyone remember this for future :ok Although I did steal your big 20 BB last night with 36o [only because I remember reading how you don't like people stealing it ;)]
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