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What would you do?

Posh Punter

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Into the last 20 of a tournament, (19 left), and the next step in winnings is at 10. You currently have 48K and are about fifth overall, (it's quite tightly bunched). You have the button and blinds are 6000/3000. Everyone folds until the bloke to your right goes all in and you have A K offsuit. He has 53K. What would you do?

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Re: What would you do?

Into the last 20 of a tournament, (19 left), and the next step in winnings is at 10. You currently have 48K and are about fifth overall, (it's quite tightly bunched). You have the button and blinds are 6000/3000. Everyone folds until the bloke to your right goes all in and you have A K offsuit. He has 53K. What would you do?
Well, it's very likely that you're behind....it's a risky bet from him probably with a pocket pair and he should only be called if you're ahead! :ok AK?....do you feel lucky enough to gamble your whole tourney?...bearing in mind that the clown could turn over KK or AA.? :wall Fold and pick your moments.:ok TQM
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Re: What would you do?

Well, it's very likely that you're behind....it's a risky bet from him probably with a pocket pair and he should only be called if you're ahead! :ok AK?....do you feel lucky enough to gamble your whole tourney?...bearing in mind that the clown could turn over KK or AA.? :wall Fold and pick your moments.:ok TQM
Agreed. :ok Calling an all in has cost me so many tournys over the years. If your going all in be the 1st to do it. :ok
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Re: What would you do? I'd call 100% of the time here as you only have 8 bb's. Obviously you could make a better decision on the player from his previous actions but I think folding is the wrong decision. Your are dominating hands like AJ and AQ and nearly 50/50 against all pairs. Wold he play AA or KK that way? very unlikely isn't it.

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Re: What would you do?

I'd call 100% of the time here as you only have 8 bb's. Obviously you could make a better decision on the player from his previous actions but I think folding is the wrong decision. Your are dominating hands like AJ and AQ and nearly 50/50 against all pairs. Wold he play AA or KK that way? very unlikely isn't it.
I'd call aswell but me nd steveo are part of the 'AK Donks' ;)
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Re: What would you do? I'm calling too - your M is down to 5 and you face an opening shove - his range is large and I think you're ahead of his range. He could have a lot of Aces, a lot of broadway cards, all of which you're happy to see. 22 to QQ you're slightly behind in a flip. AA and KK are the disasters, but chances are he doesn't have them!

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Re: What would you do? i'm calling as well:ok first off he could be pushing with quite a wide range here ,especially if the table's been tight. its 9k in blinds, so very worthwhile if you have 50k .with only 3 left to act its unlikely one has a monster that could call,so he could be very easily pushing ax kx any 2 broadway ,suited connectors. he might have a low pair then your 50/50 ,he may have aa or kk but i would expect a more value based bet to try and hook someone(although i do push if that's what i've been doing regularly). all in all it's a lot more likely your ahead or 50/50 than in serious trouble so a call is not a bad idea, especially if you want to win;). of course it depends on the pay structure a bit but unless its a sat etc its very unlikely that i would look to limp into 10th, i would be looking to take my chances when i could and hopefully win:hopethis is to good an opportunity to ignore:ok

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Re: What would you do?

Agreed. :ok Calling an all in has cost me so many tournys over the years. If your going all in be the 1st to do it. :ok
dont take this the wrong way dude, but maybe this is part of the reason for the tourney win problem;) i dont like calling all ins but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do,you cant win a tourney without taking the odd chance now and again and if your waiting for better hands than ak then it's probably gonna be a long wait. yes getting your money in first is good but getting it in ahead is better,even if you suckout;)
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Re: What would you do? Well it looks like opinion is divided, so either move could be considered correct. For the last few hands anyone who made a bet was going all in (with no-one calling). I figured he had either A picture or a small pair. I called. Turned out he had pocket 8s. I still fancied my chances, especially when 2 J 10 rainbowed flopped. No chance of any flush for either of us. Turn was an 8. Not good which left me with only the Q. A 2 on the river which gave him a full house. I think if I was first to act he would have folded, (being on the button isn't always great). Thanks for the input guys. I'm pretty sure I'd go again in the same position. Still returned $50 for a top twenty finish.

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Re: What would you do? He couldn't have called you alin posh if the roles were reversed he has a lot more hands to worry about. He's only in good shape against lower pairs and A7or lower. 99+ and he's a big dog and a only a slight fav against a10+ That's why AK is such a stong hand late on in tournamnets. So even though he was a slight fav in the hand his move was alot more risky than yours I would say.

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Re: What would you do?

Everyone folds until the bloke to your right goes all in and you have A K offsuit. He has 53K. What would you do?
If you are interested in getting a decent stack and a chance to win the tourny then call If you are interested in waiting to crawl up the ladder the fold If you prefer to be aggressive then fold and pick your spot (but be prepared to shove a lot worse hands than AK). Me - I would insta call - I am interested in winning the tourny, not limping up the cash ladder - you have 8BB left, so everyone is in shove or fold mode - the villian's pushing range is probably fairly large, so your AK is a good hand in this case Just my thoughts Damo
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Re: What would you do? Inst call!!!! Think of what his range is? Its folded round to him in the cut off and therfore his range includes virtually any ace, any pair, any 2 pics etc etc. Has to be an insta call. Would he go all in or put a stupidly small riase in with KK or AA? Cant believe anyone would fold here.

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Re: What would you do?

I dont think enough here have tried to understand the bet made by the opposistion. Try to put yourself in his shoes - what would you lead out with?
any PP? other than AA or KK..... I don't think it's such an easy call as your making out. Although I would of called, I wouldn't have insta called...... ur behind to any PP and only beating Ax or KQ, KJ. Our man still has enough chips here and can quite easily fold and pick better spots!
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Re: What would you do? I think his range is far far wider than that Gaz. His M is 6, so in Harrington terms it's not quite any two from any position, however when everyone folds to you in the cut off and you only have 6 circuits left, you're not waiting for your cards! I see him doing it with a range something like ..... any pocket pair, any ace, a lot of kings, any 2 cards 9 and over, any connectors (suited or unsuited and a lot of one gap connectors) (Yes I know I've expanded the range from what I said originally :lol :lol :lol :lol)

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Re: What would you do? I don't see his range as being quite that wide. Posh states that he is in 5th pos with 48k, the villain pushes with 53k so he is at worst sitting 4th, poss higher. Why would he get involved without a "reasonable" hand...:unsure Having said that, I'm still calling with AK

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Re: What would you do? Cos he can :tongue2 He may be at least 4th, but he's still short stacked - if he ignores good situations (and everyone folding to you in the cut off is a good situation) he'll be out of the top 10 before he knows it!

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Re: What would you do?

Cos he can :tongue2
But he didn't :moon....88 is IMHO a "reasonable" hand to push with. 55% to win against AK os. :tongue2 But, without the HH to see how short the "short" stacks were and where abouts they are in relation to the blinds etc, it's a bit of a guessing game. But as I said, I'm calling with AK ....so I'm out in 19th :$
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Re: What would you do?

But as I said, I'm calling with AK ....so I'm out in 19th :$
As we all know ;) the specific result of this specific hand in this specific instance has zero relevence to what the correct play is - I didn't even read Posh's account of what happened until just now, cos it doesn't matter!
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Re: What would you do? INSTANT CALL - certainly in an online tourney. Any decent player knows that at some stage you have to gamble if you are intent on winning a tournament. You are being asked to gamble with what many people argue is the 3rd strongest hand in poker. furthermore, if your opponent is a half decent player he'spushing here with anything!! Literally anything. Folded around to him, the chance to add over 10% of his stack, as long as you dont have a hand. he could realistically push with 2-7 off here and it isnt a bad play. If you were playing live or in a big buy-in tourney with plenty of play, you could just about justify a fold...just... in this spot them chips are in the middle. If he gives you a :spank then so be it but you win this hand around 43 times in every 100, adn when you do you'll turn it into a decent score. If i was to offer you one piece of advice it is this "Stop playing scared" - forget the value of the chips and just play the game - you'll reap alot more financial rewards!!:drums

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