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Gala Casinos British Poker Tour - Teeside 22-26 Oct


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Re: Gala Casinos British Poker Tour - Teeside 22-26 Oct Thanks Guys Ill post a tourney report up in the morning Usually id be gutted to have played 6 hrs and only have beaten half the field, but today was a hard slog, lots of good players with proven records and I felt i held my own with them The bluff vs Colclough was my best bit (apart from my 1st interview on the nuts.tv) i was on BB and blinds 300/600 with 50 ante. Guy in mid position makes it 1200 to go, colclough makes it 2400 to go and i look down at 97hearts and i have 9.8k left.....i shove to try collect the 4k in the pot and it works, mis position takes about 2 mins and folds, Colclough shakes his head and then folds......should i have shown or not? I decided not to but was shittin bricks incase either of them called haha. Also learned a lot about my game, my bet sizes and my actions during hands...again ill post up tomorrow a full report. Thanks to all who staked me and sorry I couldnt bring a return for you guys. Its really appreciated

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