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PokerStars premium members


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I'm playing an $8 rebuy on PokerStars. About 10 minutes before the end of the rebuy period, with blinds of 50/100, I raised to 300 in the cut-off with A7o. The button reraised all-in for about another 1000. Rightly or wrongly, I thought it was likely he was gambling to build a stack before the break, and that I easily had odds to call against his range. So I did. Unfortunately he had JJ. Fortunately I rivered him with 7's full of K's. He said "fick off", and instantly I got moved to another table. How much do you have to play on Stars before you get that kind of service?

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Re: PokerStars premium members

Nice one:ok I would have opened the table he was on and thanked him for getting me moved from a twat like him or some other generic abuse:lol:lol
I can forgive a simple "fick off" when somebody's outdrawn. I want far more evidence than that that it will be fun to wind them up before I get involved! It's not as though there's a shortage of candidates in online poker. :lol
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