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couple of questions about rules when playing live


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ive been playing live for about 9 months now and lately have started noticing a few things that some of the regulars do which to my mind is out of order and was wondering if anyone could say what the rules are regaurding these ; 1 . whenever a certain few of the older regulars are sat together at a table i hear them constantly mumbling crap to one another - mostly that they just folded 10 6 when the flop has just came down 10 6 2 and stuff like that - now thats just a slight annoyance but what really annoys me is when one of them is active in a pot and another one mutter that he had a 10 when the flop delivers a 10 - to my mind this is collusion - usually i put up with it as they totaly over rate their own abillity and i know i can usually take some chips from them - however last night i had 3 of them sat beside each other at my table - two of them were in a pot with another player the flop came q 9 5 - when the unknown guy bet - the first of the 3 pals folded and showed his hand to the player to his left who was not in the hand - however the other pal sitting two seats to his left also got to see his hand and he was in the pot - he then folded. now that has got to be cheating and the guy let them know that hed seen what happened and that he wasnt happy. now im certain that the second instance is collusion/cheating but what about the first - whats the rules regarding verbally declaring your folded hand to another player who is still active in a pot? 2. later at the same table one of the trio pulled a move which again i thought was suspect - the board was a q 5 6 2 with 3 spades - there was a fair bit in the pot and it was heads up between an unknown and the collusion guy - on the river the unknown player put the guy all in and he hummed and hawwed - then he turned over his ace and asked what the guy thought of that - the dealer moved to collect his cards but he said that he hadnt folded - he eventually called with his ace rag and got gubbed by a flush. but should a player be allowed to show his hand to an opponent and the hand still be live - he was obviously thinkin hed get a read by showing him and it backfired on him this time but just for future reference is this allowed? cheers

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Re: couple of questions about rules when playing live I don't think the rules are exactly the same everywhere, but I'm pretty sure (1) is against the rules everywhere. Having said that, I obviously don't know the players involved, and they may not be deliberately cheating: they may just not know that it's not allowed, especially if nobody's ever pulled them up on it. I'd just have a word with whoever's in charge of running the poker if I were you, and if they don't want to do anything about it then find somewhere else to play. (2) is not so clear. For what it's worth, I can't think of any good reason it shouldn't be allowed in a cash game (when two players are heads-up in a pot). A tournament's different, and I think it's usually not allowed, though I think it used to be. I think I remember reading about somebody going all-in with pocket aces late in a WSOP tournament and showing his cards before his opponent decided whether or not to call, because he thought his equity was higher if his opponent folded. It was allowed then, but according to the story I read they banned it shortly afterwards.

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Re: couple of questions about rules when playing live Example 1 There is clear collusion going on and I've repremanded people who have done it online and live it's totally out of order. Example 2 is slightly different I've seen players do this before in cash games at casino's where it';s self dealt and it's ok to it as lon as it's heads up.

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Re: couple of questions about rules when playing live Both are fully against the rules in the UK, however example 2 is slightly different. Example one - you have a bad dealer. The dealer should show any cards exposed face up on the table. A warning should be given too. If you see this happen tell the dealer the cards have been exposed and get him to flip them over. This wouldnt happen if I was playing at the table. Example - As soon as a card is shown the cards are dead in the UK. However if they are heads up I feel anything should be allowed to happen. I have often shown one card to get a call or fold, but this is now not allowed. I think its adds something to the game.

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Re: couple of questions about rules when playing live thanks for the help lads - as i have only been playing poker for a couple of years now and only started playing live on a friday night since the start of the year i am certainly no expert on the rules. i have been caught out a few times by these same bunch of regulars who seem to know every angle and imo try to use others lack of knowlege of the rules to enable them to cheat - i have got to the stage now that i would like to confront them but at the same time i dont want to make an arse of myself by flagging up something that is actually deemed to be acceptable. so next week i think i will go in 10 mins earlier and ask the casino what their rules are concerning these matters and then i can speak up with confidence

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