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TT Shove or Call?


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180 man $2 Turbo SNG on Stars, getting close to the money - about 35 left, 18 paid. Having been on the table for about 15 hands, have only got to showdown once (my AQ vs QT losing on river), hand before this I shoved with AJo to take the blinds. Other than that, checked down my big blind and folded everything else pre-flop. So ultra-tight by my standards! PokerStars Game #21103740070: Tournament #113489553, $2.00+$0.20 Hold'em No Limit - Level X (300/600) - 2008/10/11 8:59:10 ET Table '113489553 12' 9-max Seat #8 is the button Seat 1: Bolero08 (5240 in chips) Seat 3: sumief (7055 in chips) Seat 4: Wilfried Fun (4415 in chips) Seat 5: Lub-Now (22170 in chips) Seat 6: elchirla (8800 in chips) Seat 7: JadedJ (3910 in chips) Seat 8: Dedinus (8300 in chips) Seat 9: Alles Drin (2130 in chips) Bolero08: posts the ante 50 sumief: posts the ante 50 Wilfried Fun: posts the ante 50 Lub-Now: posts the ante 50 elchirla: posts the ante 50 JadedJ: posts the ante 50 Dedinus: posts the ante 50 Alles Drin: posts the ante 50 Alles Drin: posts small blind 300 Bolero08: posts big blind 600 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to JadedJ [Ts Th] sumief: folds Wilfried Fun: calls 600 Lub-Now: folds elchirla: folds Should I shove here, or just call?

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Re: TT Shove or Call? With the limper's stack of 4400 he must have a marginal hand (although being the tourney it is nothing is certain) so you cant really worry about him too much prob overs but will he call the all in... maybe but you are not behind him thats for sure and with that considered you must push... with an m of under 5 the only thing that should stop you pushing is the threat of action that has already entered the pot. You really dont want a caller here however you don't have a choice and if it comes down to it then so be it you should at least be 55%...:ok Note: M is Blinds + antes in relation to your stack in case you haven't read Harringtons yet, which by the way would be a much bigger mistake than calling here...

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Re: TT Shove or Call?

Seat 4: Wilfried Fun (4415 in chips) Seat 7: JadedJ (3910 in chips) Should I shove here, or just call?
I would shove even though it looks like the villian is slowplaying AA/KK and hoping for action. You don't have enough chips vs the blinds to fold (I think) and its too much of your stack to simply call PF and then fold the flop if you miss/he shoves, so its an easy decision for me. Just my thoughts Damo
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