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Heniek's Bad Beat pleasure


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I signed up to BB yesterday and trying 3000 hands to get sponsored. I have to be in profit or even, to be able to apply. I'm playing 10/20c x4 tables in each session. I played yesterday 200 hands and profit £4.10. Today 400 hands and profit of £5.58. Game is on grandslam poker (IPoker).

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Re: Heniek's Bad Beat pleasure I thought about Bad Beat when I first moved but not being a good Hold Em player kinda counts against you :lol:lol Best of luck mate :ok

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Re: Heniek's Bad Beat pleasure I'll follow your interest with real interest Hen - good luck :ok £9.68 profit so far - that's 97 BB profit from 600 hands or about 15 BB/100 - which I think is considered absolutely crushing a level - so you're doing great :ok (EDIT: But we can double that when we transfer from GBP to USD? :loon)

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Re: Heniek's Bad Beat pleasure Cheers guys. I think, I jinxed it by posting on here :lol. Inside first 15 minutes I lost 2 buy ins. AK v AQ and KK v JJ. So down over $40, I still managed to get some back. I deposited £100 and thats how it looks after 3 sessions: 242 hands (£104.10) 368 hands(£109.48) 215 hands (£98.44)

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Re: Heniek's Bad Beat pleasure Looks like all is going down the drain :$. Had a really bad session yesterday. Every time I had PP, seems to run into AA. Lost three times with KK too. If I go below half of my bank, I will sit on 2x 25/50c and go all or bust. 242 (£104.10) 368 (£109.48) 215 (£98.44) 312 (£63.7)

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Re: Heniek's Bad Beat pleasure

If I go below half of my bank, I will sit on 2x 25/50c and go all or bust.
You're on their affiliate tracker I presume, so they can see your full history? Even if you fail the months specific target, I imagine if over 3 months or 6 months you win it back (and more) that will be more impressive to them than one months break even :unsure Will they not take that into consideration? What I'm saying is - are you not better off playing solidly, doing the right things, winning it back (even if you have to deposit again) and then submitting to them to reconsider? Rather than all or nothing with half your bank? Bad Beat should understand the effect of variance as much as anyone!
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Re: Heniek's Bad Beat pleasure I don't think its going to work that way Trev. It seems they are only interest in numbers. Even though I'm signed up to BB, they wont follow my progress. They have thousands people like me. The thing is, once you do 3000 (or 12000) hands, you apply for it. They take few weeks to check your account then and made a decision. If I lose my bank, I can deposit and try again. Can be doing that till I get it right.

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Re: Heniek's Bad Beat pleasure Ok Hen - just reading it - http://www.badbeat.com/Ease/DynamicPageBuild?siteID=1867&categoryID=1713 So - are you a winning player? Course you are. You play for a minimum of 3000 or a minimum of 12000 hands - no maximum - so you just keep playing until you break even or turn a profit and then you apply. Congratulations you have met the criteria! If it takes you 30k hands or 100k hands, it doesn't seem to matter - so long as you can at least break even over the entirity of the hands!!

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Re: Heniek's Bad Beat pleasure I had a horrendous session last week and got down to last £10 :eyes. Then, I left full rings and went to play short handed at 25/50c and pulled back few dollars. 242 (£104.10) 368 (£109.48) 215 (£98.44) 312 (£63.7) 367 (£26.92) Today, I added £40 (so total of £140 in the game) and only played short handed 25/50c with much better results :D. 242 (£104.10) 368 (£109.48) 215 (£98.44) 312 (£63.7) 367 (£26.92) 346 (£90.96)

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Re: Heniek's Bad Beat pleasure

Today, I added £40 (so total of £140 in the game) and only played short handed 25/50c with much better results :D. 242 (£104.10) 368 (£109.48) 215 (£98.44) 312 (£63.7) 367 (£26.92) 346 (£90.96)
Nice one Hen :ok Keep plugging away - keep doing the right things - there's no rush.....
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Re: Heniek's Bad Beat pleasure

Couldn't you take the STT Option Hen - as you're more a tournament player than Cash ??
STTs are not my game Joe. I only play them if necessary (apart form coolers).
Nice one Hen :ok Keep plugging away - keep doing the right things - there's no rush.....
Cheers for encouragement Trev :ok.
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Re: Heniek's Bad Beat pleasure

I don't really get it' date=' what are they offering you if you succeed?[/quote'] Main things: - Zero risk - they bankroll him - he plays with their money, not his - Mentoring system - he will be allocated a mentor (usually a better player playing at a higher level) who will work with Heniek on improving his game - BadBeat have their own software (supposedly "PokerTracker on steroids")
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Re: Heniek's Bad Beat pleasure Mentoring sounds cool. I am teaching myself just by experience and thinking about my game afterwards, like probably 90% of all players. But it would probably be a lot faster if someone could show you your leaks and strengths in your game, and advise on how to play more profitable. The zero risk thing sounds good to. Especially if you switch to playing poker full time. Guess I get why Heniek wants in :) good luck!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Heniek's Bad Beat pleasure Looks dead already. I lost three times being ahead on the flop and losing on the river. Like in this one: f_BBm_a024f74.jpg 242 (£104.10) 368 (£109.48) 215 (£98.44) 312 (£63.7) 367 (£26.92) 346 (£90.96) 373 (£64.89) 241 (£22.32) :\

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