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Ongame wide 20k added on 16th


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Re: Ongame wide 20k added on 16th

and $9940 in cash to make it up to $20k :ok Cheers guys - I'll probably play (at last a use for the money sitting in my Pokerroom account :tongue2)
Your maths is normally better than that GAF .... your $20 short :ok
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Re: Ongame wide 20k added on 16th

Your maths is normally better than that GAF .... your $20 short :ok
Actually GaF is correct, it's dili's typing that's at fault. :ok
Name: Oktoberfest! $20,000 ADDED Type: No Limit Texas Holdem Status: Open Buyin: $10 + Fee: $1 Start: Oct 16, 07:30 PM Welcome to our Oktoberfest, where $20,000 is added to the prize pool. The prize pool is splashed with tickets worth $10,060 plus another $9,940 in cash. Good luck!
Over 600 registered already.
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