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it keeps happening


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i dont usually use this part of the forum because i dont feel i have the experience to comment on others hands and offer the constructive critisism that would be of help to that player. also most of my mistakes so far are pretty amature (or drunken friday night mad bluffs) and i can work out myself just where i went wrong. however i have a reccurring problem in tourny play that continues to haunt me everywhere i go - had it live at the casino on friday night with JJ against aq which put me out in 11th - top 9 paid- and again in last nights focus 70 odds top 40 paid its gettin to the point where i dread seeing a high pair anywhere near the bubble anyway this is last nights HH - its a classic example of how i would play the had - trying to get heads up with the short stack all in i would really appreciate replies from anyone who would have played the hand differently and their reasons for doing so but all feedback welcome appologies to anyone who seen this last night Game #7958388164: £1.5K Super series (ID8250741) £15+£1.50 - Hold'em NL (300/600) - 2008/10/06 - 22:01:01 (UK) Table "8250741 - 3" Seat 5 is the button. Seat 1: Iziblufin (8628 in chips) Seat 2: Amatoer (3105 in chips) Seat 3: Mazarron (13060 in chips) Seat 4: Tucker007 (8570 in chips) Seat 5: Modjadji_ (7315 in chips) Seat 6: Allan2911 (18455 in chips) Seat 8: Bigned67 (9445 in chips) Seat 9: Carbine (1525 in chips) Seat 10: Niilex2 (17465 in chips) Allan2911: posts the ante 75 Bigned67: posts the ante 75 Carbine: posts the ante 75 Niilex2: posts the ante 75 Iziblufin: posts the ante 75 Amatoer: posts the ante 75 Mazarron: posts the ante 75 Tucker007: posts the ante 75 Modjadji_: posts the ante 75 Allan2911: posts small blind 300 Bigned67: posts big blind 600 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to Bigned67 [Qh Qd] Carbine: raises to 1450 and is all-in Niilex2: folds Iziblufin: calls 1450 Amatoer: folds Mazarron: folds Tucker007: folds Modjadji_: folds Allan2911: folds Bigned67: raises to 9370 and is all-in Iziblufin: is all-in 7103 Returned uncalled bets 817 to Bigned67 ----- FLOP ----- [As 5h 2d] ----- TURN ----- [As 5h 2d][Js] ----- RIVER ----- [As 5h 2d Js][6c] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- Bigned67: shows [Qh Qd] (A Pair of Queens, Ace high) Carbine: shows [9c 9h] (A Pair of Nines, Ace high) Iziblufin: shows [Ks Ad] (A Pair of Aces, King high) Iziblufin collected 14206 from Side pot #1 Iziblufin collected 5325 from Main pot cheers

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Re: it keeps happening I'd have played it exactly the same way too. Often wonder if you should flat call though and see if an Ace comes on the flop, I never will mind as that would lead to having to make two deicions in the same hand and thats one too many for me.

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Re: it keeps happening It's a standard hand Ned in tournament play you did nothing wrong and there's no other way you could play the hand. I don't think I've ever won a tournament without winning a standard race or getting lucky at sometime or other. I also think Izibluffin is correct in the making the call too if he wants to win the tournament.

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Re: it keeps happening thanks for your oipinions - a very valid point - if you are lookin to win a tourny then you are gonna have to gamble at some point as i say this is happening too often to me - and always round about the bubble which makes it all the more annoying what would your thoughts be to putting out a pot sized bet of around 4000 almost half my stack - this should be strong enough to show my intent that if he wants to push - im calling - but if he calls - i get to see that killer ace and can fold

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Re: it keeps happening If you bet 4000 he's still going shove behind with AK, the allin with qq is the correct play. If you were both very deep stacked you could have played it the way you described above but with the stack you had there was no room for messing about.

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Re: it keeps happening yep me too:ok you can't flat call as you give odds to the blinds to call and a 4000 ish bet is a bit pointless as your unlikely to fold to any reraise so you may as well push. as steve says to win you need to play these and win the flip,better that than go out just itm for minimal profit;)

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