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Hi guys, Wanted to say hi, and thank you all again for your attendance at the SJ sponsored PL WSOP. I had a great weekend and hope to see you all again soon? Now, the tournament was a great success and enjoyed by all, what I would liek to know is how we could make it even bigger and better for another event? Any ideas guys? Throw them at me. :nana Good luck all at the tables! :cheers

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Re: Hello How about organising a forum team game? Would certainly spread the word of PL and you would alot of people who wolely post on other forums joining this one too. Otherwise see if the sponsors will add a seat to a big comp, make the evnt bigger and better i.e, entry and structure

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Re: Hello

How about organising a forum team game? Would certainly spread the word of PL and you would alot of people who wolely post on other forums joining this one too. Otherwise see if the sponsors will add a seat to a big comp, make the evnt bigger and better i.e, entry and structure
Theres a forum game in Newcastle, well... a team game in december, and once this is done, we will be looking into a forum challenge in the new year:ok
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Re: Hello

Cant see any new sign ups yet, been let down on that side tbh. Im working on it, busy week this week. Shall focus more next week.
This shouldnt be on the forum to be honest Colette, ive submitted a league structure to Nathan and am waiting to hear back on numerous ideas to get it started, so nowt much else we can do here til we get a reply.
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Re: Hello

Theres a forum game in Newcastle' date=' well... a team game in december, and once this is done, we will be looking into a forum challenge in the new year:ok[/quote'] Newcastle is on the half of the map that has been binned in my house though :unsure
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Re: Hello

Newcastle is on the half of the map that has been binned in my house though :unsure
Well widen your eyes mate, were the hotbed of English poker at the moment, with a massive turn out each day in the 3 casinos And anyway....i had to slum it in the east midlands for 2 days didnt i? sure you can manage in a town where beer is cheap, poker is good and birds wear very little clothing;)
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Re: Hello

Now, the tournament was a great success and enjoyed by all, what I would liek to know is how we could make it even bigger and better for another event? Any ideas guys? Throw them at me. :nana Good luck all at the tables! :cheers
Not been overwhelmed with ideas here! lol :moon
Not sure what you are looking for or what you trying to achieve? Most people on here play poker and are not 'event organisers' . I like the ethos 'if its not broke dont fix it'. The last event was a success but how to get it bigger and better I'm not sure. There was three of us who decided to come to DTD on the last moment mainly becasue of the added value and it is added value that will drag people in how that takes form I'm not sure. If we just wanted to play poker with a few mates and have a few beers then this is not the event. Location is also a big thing - DTD as good as it is is not ideally located for most (though it is for me) and I'd be interested to know who didn't turn up because of the distance but would come to an event in a different location. Also I think some of the staff at DTD did not fit in with the PL motto of having fun along the way. If you are looking for other attractions on top of poker (beerpong, Wii etc) Then we definatley need a different location Buy in is important and I cant help thinking that some were put off by this :unsure Maybe SJ could help with sats/seat givaways etc. Other forum bashes have been 2 day events is that too much ?? Right I'm out of ideas now Collette, catch you later :ok
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Re: Hello If SJ are after new Sign Ups and I'm sure Paul would welcome more visitors onto the PL Site (Not Just the Poker Section) - then why not tie in something along the lines of people registering for Stan James via the Punters Lounge affiliate advert, (and members of PL and Stan James prior to a given date, to be fair to current PL members) get discounted (or free) entry into the next PLWSOP dependent on how many FPP points they earn on their Stan James Poker Account between given dates. Don't know how the affiliate thing works exactly but advertising else where could also be included if there is a way of tying back enrollers to PL. I think there would need to be added value somewhere along the line to attract more newbies - but thats down to you

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