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Rail me on PKR Im playing the GUKPT Final 8 Packages GTD


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Re: Rail me on PKR Im playing the GUKPT Final 8 Packages GTD First hour underway Card dead for first 15 mins pick up A9os limp the 20 and guy next to me raises so lay it down:unsure Half hour in and pick up A10os blinds 20/40 and bloke two seats from me raises to 200 had to make a decision and folded didnt want to put my tournament life on the line with that:cry Pick up Q9 on SB limp and get to see a flop it comes 2 8h 9h i bet 120 he re raises me to 360 i flat call and turn comes 7h so im now fcuked he bets 480 i have to fold:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@ and he shows 10/10 good fold by me:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap 47 mins in and pick up my Fav hand 77 bloke next to me raises i push and rest fold pick some of my chips back up after a 3000 starting stack i have 2540 not bad still got some play left in me:hope Finish end of first hour after being for most of it card dead one play and get caught:\ 2450:sadOh and 62left

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Re: Rail me on PKR Im playing the GUKPT Final 8 Packages GTD Blinds 50/100 on BB with K8os and evryone folds to me :rollin Down to 56 remaining Just had A9d raised pre flop guy calls flop come Q 9 3 i put a 500 bet out and he re raises me so have to lay it down Just had AKos middle position 2 limpers and i push all fold back up to 2100 Next hand get QQ again 1 limper and i push again hoping they think im at it and all fold again up to 2475 getting back into it just need a call now when i have a monster Only 2 decent hands ive had so far back to the shite again LOL 2 limpers i have QQ so i raise pre flop to 600 2 callers flop comes k 6 3 1 bets the other calls instanly i fold the turn comes a J they both push all in and turn KJ for both now down to 1500 Get AJc on SB 1 raise to 600 blinds are 100/200 so i push he calls with 88 and i dont improve out in 51st just had shite all night cant believe it when in all the sats ive won them oh well

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