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How would you play this?


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This hand goes all the way to the river so I'm going to set up in 3 stages. First of all I'd like some suggestions as to what players would do pre-flop in this situation: 25.00/50.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - Wednesday, October 01, 2008 6:37:50 PM 10TH B`DAY 10K ADDED (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: krizubuli (1590.00) Seat 2: Geordigaz5 (2150.00) Seat 3: somkovsky (1705.00) Seat 4: plistonbroke (2460.00) Seat 5: magaroo1 (3785.00) Seat 6: MissVeagas (6040.00) Seat 7: Seth1113 (2065.00) Seat 8: CHAMOUX (2715.00) Seat 9: nottz24 (1615.00) Seat 10: shabirr (2405.00) Geordigaz5 post SB 25.00 somkovsky post BB 50.00 ** Deal ** krizubuli [N/A, N/A] Geordigaz5 [As, 9h] somkovsky [N/A, N/A] plistonbroke [N/A, N/A] magaroo1 [N/A, N/A] MissVeagas [N/A, N/A] Seth1113 [N/A, N/A] CHAMOUX [N/A, N/A] nottz24 [N/A, N/A] shabirr [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** plistonbroke Fold magaroo1 Fold MissVeagas Fold Seth1113 Fold CHAMOUX Fold nottz24 Fold shabirr Call 50.00 krizubuli Fold SB (25) Geordigaz5 ??? BB (50) Osomkovsky ??? (When I have a few suggestions I'll put up the next stages)

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Re: How would you play this?

That's the biggest reason to fold - you're out of position for the rest of the hand!
By the way - that doesn't mean I think you should fold (I havent offered an opinion ;) ) - though I'm starting to come round to that way of thinking (though I'm not sure a wee fishy like me could fold it :$) - however it does seem pretty tight/weak to be folding to a cut off limp with only one other player to act - noone has shown any strength - A9 will usually be the best hand (the problem is knowing where you are post flop)
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Re: How would you play this? OK, thanks for the opinions guys - very interesting. I thought that I was getting good odds and I probs had the best hand pre-flop so I just limped. Then this happened.... Geordigaz5 Call 50.00 somkovsky Check *** Flop(Board): *** : [Jc, Ad, 4d] *** Bet Round 2 *** Geordigaz5 ??? somkovsky ??? shabirr Bet ??? Geordigaz5 ??? What would be the best option now?

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Re: How would you play this? I have to go against the crowd here. Personally I would make up pre flop as you did and would 100% check this flop. The board is quite draw heavy really and you really need to be controlling the pot size with your hand. I very much doubt that either of the other players will have you on the ace. Check and give a free card to any diamond draw and then if a blank comes then bet. If you bet its far too easy to out play, float you, re raise on the flop or basically do anything to you. Betting is the worst thing you can do.

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Re: How would you play this?

I have to go against the crowd here. Personally I would make up pre flop as you did and would 100% check this flop. The board is quite draw heavy really and you really need to be controlling the pot size with your hand. I very much doubt that either of the other players will have you on the ace. Check and give a free card to any diamond draw and then if a blank comes then bet. If you bet its far too easy to out play, float you, re raise on the flop or basically do anything to you. Betting is the worst thing you can do.
this was exactly my thinking, I mostly didn't want the pot size to get too big so this is what happened next: *** Flop(Board): *** : [Jc, Ad, 4d] *** Bet Round 2 *** Geordigaz5 Check somkovsky Check shabirr Bet 150.00 Geordigaz5 Call 150.00 somkovsky Fold The turn card was the 3s (a blank really) and again trying to control the pot size I just checked to the inital raiser.... *** Turn(Board): *** : [Jc, Ad, 4d, 3s] *** Bet Round 3 *** Geordigaz5 Check shabirr Bet 150.00 Geordigaz5 ??? What are my options now? :unsure
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Re: How would you play this? Well I like the way you have played it. The question you really have to ask yourself here is what are you going to do on the river if a blank falls?? The 150 is a very weak bet, and im starting to think you may be good here. He may well have something like QJ, KJ or even a lower suited Ace than yours. Im thinking most Aces that beat yours would probably raise pre frop when its folded to the position villain is in. As for what you do .... I would again flat call and see what comes and then probably check call again. The other way of playing it is to check raise to a similar amount that your willing to call on the river. i.e. if your willing to call a bet of 450 on the river then raise on the turn to 600. You are putting the same amount of chips in the pot but are giving yourself the extra chance to win (by him folding). This probably is a typical internet hand where Villain has bet with pocket 3's and hit a set in the turn lol

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Re: How would you play this? some interesting points blatch... thanks... I was fairly sure I was ahead because of the 150 bet.... i'm thinking he's weak but may have hit middle pair so i decided to raise... but not too much as I'm sure I'm ahead. *** Bet Round 3 *** Geordigaz5 Check shabirr Bet 150.00 Geordigaz5 Raise to 350.00 shabirr Call 350.00 He calls the raise and I still think I'm ahead cos I'm thinking if he had a higher ace then he'd probs re-raise to see where he's at..... so I decided to fire out a value bet on the river which also got called and I won the hand!! Happy days!! :dude *** River(Board): *** : [Jc, Ad, 4d, 3s, 5c] *** Bet Round 4 *** Geordigaz5 Bet 250.00 shabirr Call 250.00 *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 1650.00 krizubuli Fold Win: 0.00 Geordigaz5 [As, 9h] Pair of aces Win: 1650.00 somkovsky Fold Win: 0.00

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Re: How would you play this? I think you played the hand very well Gaz. Correctly worked out what his bets meant and proceeded to play it well. Everyone assumes people raise out the blinds with an Ace and never put anyone on it if it comes Ace high, especially with checking the flop. Too many people are scared nowdays to play flops and its probably my real strength. Very nice bet on river too :nana :cheers to us :)

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