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I move up and run bad


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I just moved up to 50NL and have run 3BI below expection almost immediately, containing this funny/i want to cry/killmyself hand, probly the wierdest call ive ever seen (in a strange way he was spot on, but he was 70/6 table donk) Full Tilt No-Limit Hold'em, $0.50 BB (6 handed) - Full-Tilt Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com CO ($50) Button ($58.70) SB ($183.80) Hero (BB) ($50) UTG ($50) MP ($115.35) Preflop: Hero is BB with Aspade.gif, Kclub.gif1 fold, MP calls $0.50, CO calls $0.50, 2 folds, Hero raises to $2.50, MP calls $2, CO calls $2 Flop: ($7.75) 2diamond.gif, 10spade.gif, 6heart.gif(3 players) Hero bets $6, MP raises to $15, 1 fold, Hero raises to $47.50 (All-In), MP calls $32.50 Turn: ($102.75) 3heart.gif(2 players, 1 all-in) River: ($102.75) 7diamond.gif(2 players, 1 all-in) Total pot: $102.75 | Rake: $3 This wasnt spew, i didnt have a specific read on him other than the raise size looked strange i.e. looked like he wanted a fold without commiting himself (not sure why he calls when the shove if this was the case) Happy though played 2500 hands today, my most ever in a day i believe. Yey now i just need to run better. Needed to vent a bit after that.

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Re: I move up and run bad oh and this gem, i think it might be my biggest losing hand ever. Full Tilt No-Limit Hold'em, $0.50 BB (6 handed) - Full-Tilt Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com MP ($60.90) CO ($52.30) Button ($52.65) Hero (SB) ($75.60) BB ($88.55) UTG ($77.25) Preflop: Hero is SB with 10spade.gif, 8spade.gif 2 folds, CO raises to $1.75, 1 fold, Hero calls $1.50, BB raises to $4.50, 1 fold, Hero calls $2.75 Flop: ($10.75) Aspade.gif, 9spade.gif, Jheart.gif (2 players) Hero checks, BB bets $8, Hero raises to $25, BB calls $17 Turn: ($60.75) Qclub.gif (2 players) Hero bets $46.10 (All-In), BB calls $46.10 River: ($152.95) 9heart.gif (2 players, 1 all-in) Total pot: $152.95 | Rake: $3

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Re: I move up and run bad 1st hand you overplay AK against 2 callers, very dangerous play. The second hand is just a cooler of a hand. I'm surprised all the money didn't all go all in on the flop.(I assume he had AA it doesn't say what your opponents had in both instances).

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Re: I move up and run bad

1st hand you overplay AK against 2 callers' date=' very dangerous play[/quote'] This is unfair imo, i had a decent read on the guy, any made hands he repotted, this looked so much like a 'im gonna raise that Cbet because youve got nothing, but i dont want to commit too much' and it basically was, he just decided to call with a gutshot (he was actually priced to do so against two overs but im obviously repping better than that by that stage). Surely more has to be taken into account than, 'i have AK, ive missed the board, 3way pot, obv fold'?!? But yeh nade ive ran worse but not at .25/.50, i havnt played .25/.50 for more than 1k hands before (was playin with 500$ roll eeek two years ago when i was a spaz)
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