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CALLING ALL PLers Private Torni on 32RED


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Just to get an idea of numbers are any of you guys up for playing a Private torni on 32red tonight all PLers welcome it will be a $5 + $0.50 MTT NLH 20.00 Start time:ok Please let me know asap and i will create table and the password and pm everyone if i get enough interest Just a bit of fun and thought everyone could get to know each other a bit better especially the newcomers

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Re: CALLING ALL PLers Private Torni on 32RED In generally I like the idea, specially with the thought getting to know each other bit better as I am a newcomer. But what about doing it on another day. As today this evening is as well that multitable on 32 and the trillionaffiliate, so together with the league on kings I already have 6 tables where I am on and hope to stay in them a while :-). So a 7th table would be for me bit much. But next time you do it, I would like it.

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Re: CALLING ALL PLers Private Torni on 32RED Could try doing this on a night when we're having a focus rest day if you want. Nothing planned for Monday but maybe avoid starting at 8.00 in case the DTD sat gets going. Nothing else in the diary on any Prima site that would clash, although I think anyone would be able to play through any Prima site anyway.

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