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Re: EyePoker

There's a change in policy at FTP on datamining. Now anyone caught datamining can have their account locked and potentially have their funds seized. Apparently they want everyone on a level playing field or whatever and datamining discourages the average player away. Total grey area ATM, so i'm not datamining any table apart from the ones i'm on the waiting list to play on as it's getting dodgy.
It seems at the moment they're not enforcing and when they do, you're risking no more than a warning.... http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/28/internet-gambling/ftp-answers-10-14-a-320980/
3. Fulltilt needs to be more explicit about what is or isn't allowed, so that no player gets their account locked or funds frozen for engaging in activities (either datamining or looking at Sharkscope or Tableratings) that they didn't know was against the rules. - I realize the current situation with datamining is a little confusing, mostly because it's currently very easy to do it. It's worth noting that our standard operating procedure for this kind of rule breaking is to first issue a warning. Collecting hands you didn't participate in isn't as serious a "poker crime" as, say, collusion, and they aren't treated equally. So if you're worried that your account will be locked and your funds confiscated just because you datamined for a while, that won't happen. Having said that, we strongly discourage the practice and will very likely someday put actual software features in place that will curtail it. I'm pretty sure we've heard all of the arguments for and against it, and we want to make sure we can confidently address them all before taking a harder line. Sharkscope and Tableratings would fall into the same category of "strong discouragement" but not something that will get your account locked and funds seized.
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