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Re: EyePoker SpadeEye is quite a mature piece of software I think. As I'm understanding it, EyePoker is "just" SpadeEye for iPoker network. Been having a fiddle with SpadeEye - managed to tie it in to my PT3 db and to get it reading the FullTilt tables - cant quite work out for the moment what all the data means or the best criteria to use, however one six max table with 6 losing players on it looked tempting :loon The whole family of software comes with a free fully functional 8 day trial :ok (and $45 to purchase afterwards) - it certainly looks a lot more appealing than the PT3 Table Tracker proposal ($xx per month)

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Re: EyePoker

SpadeEye is quite a mature piece of software I think. As I'm understanding it, EyePoker is "just" SpadeEye for iPoker network.
Yes I only play cash on ipoker these days so haven't looked at the others yet. It is great for fast mining, selecting the easiest tables and finding players/buddies/deadmoney
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Re: EyePoker Thought a screenshot may be interesting for those not to have got their heads around it yet :ok Cheers Bri, I'm glad you reignighted my interest in this :ok This shows losing (with the data I have) Heads Up players currently seated at the 25c/50c tables..... f_20080916Spam_f3abb30.jpg

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Re: EyePoker Heads up eh ;) What filter setting do you use GaF? I've been scanning for players with a VPIP of over 40% with a stack of over 50BB (who are losers) on 6 max normal tables. On .25/.50 and .50/1 you can usually find a few tables with two sitting down :tongue2 but on 1/2 and above they obviously become fewer but I can still find them amazingly:dude

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Re: EyePoker I'm only filtering at the moment by HU tables, 25/50 and "losing players" - then sorting by the amount they've lost (better would be BB/100 and more than x Hands) Noticed one problem - sat down with a hugely losing player earlier and my HUD pulled up that he was profitable - turns out he's beating HU but losing at 6max - there's no way to get the software to filter just by HU so far as I can see.... Sat down earlier with a player who had lost $400 in just a few hundred hands - didn't take me long to relieve him of another $50 ;)

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Re: EyePoker Hmmmm .... my friendly little "fish" was nothing of the sort I think - he's now multitabling Heads Up and was pretty tough!! On the other table he has $370 in front of him :loon (max buy in is $50) - I managed to get out with a 70xBB profit (but was behind most of the session).... So what have I done wrong? 385 hands I KNOW is not a lot, but I thought anyone who loses over 7 buy ins in that time.........

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Re: EyePoker I am only looking at a very small subsection of FullTilt games. The data I have is nowhere near anyones total results over any period of time, it is simply a sample from which I wish to try and extrapolate an impression on their ability - the more hands the more accurate it should become - and under 400 hands is nothing, but I thought it could be an indication (especially if someone drops more than 7 buy ins in that time). Anyway - these are my results tonight - dead dead chuffed with them, because I dont consider myself a winning cash game player in any game or at any level (at best at some levels I consider myself about break even). f_20080917Eyem_c0ba6a0.jpg I attribute a signifcant proportion of this profit to the software - I'm still on the trial version, but at $45 to purchase, it has to be a no brainer doesn't it? :loon Would you believe, the last guy was 3 tabling HU, and he was losing like that everywhere :loon

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Re: EyePoker I thought I'd try an early morning session against tired/drunk yanks ...... just sat down with one of my fish and he wont play me because I'm boring and playing me is "like watching flies fcuk" :unsure So if anyone else wants to wipe out "BogeyMcGee" (FullTilt) for me, please be my guest ;)

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Re: EyePoker I tried this software the other day and had no idea how to get it working. Instead i just use my own data mined stats and stats from a site that is likely to be shut down soon. BTW Gaf did you really get up at 6am to play some drunk americans? If so was it worth it? I might have to try it :unsure.

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Re: EyePoker

So what have I done wrong? 385 hands I KNOW is not a lot, but I thought anyone who loses over 7 buy ins in that time.........
Not sure about HU Gaf as I dont venture into that murky world or mine it but I would suggest that scanning based on amount won/lost especially over that amount of hands is not ideal. Probably best to scan based on how a player plays AF VP etc because that way you can find winning fish as well, who have money to burn, whereas your way you will only find losing players :ok
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Re: EyePoker

I tried this software the other day and had no idea how to get it working. Instead i just use my own data mined stats and stats from a site that is likely to be shut down soon.
It should just work nade in conjunction with your PT3 database, if you need any help give me a shout. I guess everyone has there own data but this program quickly scans all your data and sorts it into a format you want it in and identifies which table you should be playing at (and even puts you on the waiting list :eek). I think everyone wants to play against weaker plays and to find them quick and get down with them is essential and this baby helps you do that :ok
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Re: EyePoker

Not sure about HU Gaf as I dont venture into that murky world or mine it but I would suggest that scanning based on amount won/lost especially over that amount of hands is not ideal. Probably best to scan based on how a player plays AF VP etc because that way you can find winning fish as well, who have money to burn, whereas your way you will only find losing players :ok
I dont feel that stats like VPIP, PFR etc are too helpful in identifying fish HU - especially at the limits I'm playing - good players, winning players can play most ways - a lot more so than 6 max/full ring. I genuinely feel that profit/loss really is the best stat for Heads Up fish finding.... I dont feel that good players will often lose 7 full buy ins over that volume of hands :unsure
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Re: EyePoker

I dont feel that stats like VPIP, PFR etc are too helpful in identifying fish HU - especially at the limits I'm playing - good players, winning players can play most ways - a lot more so than 6 max/full ring. I genuinely feel that profit/loss really is the best stat for Heads Up fish finding.... I dont feel that good players will often lose 7 full buy ins over that volume of hands :unsure
Yes I never look at HU stats so dont know I guess with that guy its best just to add him to your buddies and keep monitoring. Do you not find stat keeping for HU a bit risky anyway by the very nature of the game?
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Re: EyePoker I dont pay much that much attention to the stats in deep stacked heads up - though still have the HUD on as it may trigger me to think of something whilst playing someone (and also shows the mucked cards).... I'm pretty comfortable with using profit/loss for game selection though.....

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Re: EyePoker Not sure what's going on here - maybe the software is just giving me some added confidence :loon f_20080918Eyem_3bc365b.jpg Looking at my results there session by session, I'm finding it hard to believe that a decent player (at this level) is very likely to drop9-10 buy ins in a relatively small sample :unsure

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Re: EyePoker There's a change in policy at FTP on datamining. Now anyone caught datamining can have their account locked and potentially have their funds seized. Apparently they want everyone on a level playing field or whatever and datamining discourages the average player away. Total grey area ATM, so i'm not datamining any table apart from the ones i'm on the waiting list to play on as it's getting dodgy.

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Re: EyePoker It'll never happen, policing would be a nightmare and trying to regulate these things is like peeing against the wind, all FTP are going to do is lose custom :clap I dont use FTP so not a problem and ipoker is a network so wouldn't all the individual sites have to agree to make it work on a network :unsure You do not need software to datamine, most good players should be keeping there own notes anyway, all the software does is speed the process up are FTP going to stop you taking notes as well ;) As for miserable, old, grumpy Ed :moon if you can't beat them join them :D

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Re: EyePoker

It'll never happen' date=' policing would be a nightmare and trying to regulate these things is like peeing against the wind, all FTP are going to do is lose custom [/quote'] Not sure I agree - if Pokerstars can ban datamining (they have, a while ago), then why cant FullTilt? Of course - agree that there are some out there who will find ways around it (as I'm sure there are at Pokerstars) - part of the reason I hardly ever play at stars - the feeling that there are opponents who have access to information I cannot get myself (i.e. lack of confidence datamining ban is satisfactorily enforced) Does seem an awfully strange way Full Tilt are going about it though - to change their T&C to now effectively ban something that most of their customers currently do, but without saying anything :unsure I'm still datamining at the moment, on the assumption that there wont be serious consequences until after they announce officially the change of policy and intent to enforce :unsure
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