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Cash Table Etiquette


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A question for all you cash players. As I am predominantly a tourney player, who is starting to look at playing a bit of NLHE cash, what is the etiquette wrt leaving the table after you have just one a 'large' amount. I realise this question is quite subjective, ie - what constitutes a large amount, table stakes etc. Just wondering what people think. I am talking about on-line here, although would be interested in opinions about live as well.

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Re: Cash Table Etiquette Thanks guys. This is pretty much as I expected. Is this the same at all levels though? For example, I would of thought that at the higherl levels, you are bound to be playing the same people at least some of the time, is this still the case? I'm pretty sure that if someone joined a table , doubled up and fecked off PDQ, I'd soon get pissed off too!! Maybe the Mole could answer this? (Not that I expect to be at those levels for at least a couple of weeks :rollin:rollin:rollin)

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Re: Cash Table Etiquette It doesn't really bother me in ring games although playing heads up it's taking the piss a little and if someone does that to me then they won't get another game with me ever. Although when I first started out I did do the odd hit and run here and there lamo!!

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Re: Cash Table Etiquette If i take down a big pot(happens all the time;))then as a matter of common decency i'd at least play a couple of orbits before scarpering with the cash. I've found its the players buying in with their last $3.47 or whatever who score 'big' then run that do this the most :eyes

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Re: Cash Table Etiquette I like winning 400+BB pots so i stay if i double or treble since im pretty sure i only play in games that i have a decent edge. Live is where i can see myself more likely to sprint off, because i play .10/.25 and .25/.50 online but probably the lowest live game i could find is .5/1 maybe 1/2 which im significantly underrolled for. Huge sessions tend to be the result of one huge pot imo, to get a huge pot you cant run off when you double up (especially if there is a fish sitting on 200BB).

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Re: Cash Table Etiquette It depends what you want your image to be, i would never win a monster then run ( none of the regulars would) but there are players who come in double up and leave, i just have no respect for them. If its HU we would normally say last 10 mins or something like that again its only decent to show some respect.

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