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Multi Table S&G Situation


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Final table of a 45 seat S&G on stars. In the money at this stage, and in the button. Facing an all-in raise from the button, followed by the same from SB. What's the best action call or fold? PokerStars Game #20225893812: Tournament #106828013, $55+$5 Hold'em No Limit - Level XI (600/1200) - 2008/09/07 16:31:06 ET Table '106828013 1' 9-max Seat #3 is the button Seat 1: ActionDan18 (8414 in chips) Seat 2: ddbr (10820 in chips) Seat 3: mnemic_uk (8812 in chips) Seat 4: Hagerup (9251 in chips) Seat 6: Aodn (7185 in chips) Seat 7: mitks07 (7240 in chips) Seat 9: 12 oz m0use (15778 in chips) ActionDan18: posts the ante 75 ddbr: posts the ante 75 mnemic_uk: posts the ante 75 Hagerup: posts the ante 75 Aodn: posts the ante 75 mitks07: posts the ante 75 12 oz m0use: posts the ante 75 Hagerup: posts small blind 600 Aodn: posts big blind 1200 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to Aodn [Tc Ts] mitks07: folds 12 oz m0use: folds ActionDan18: folds ddbr: folds mnemic_uk: raises 7537 to 8737 and is all-in Hagerup: raises 439 to 9176 and is all-in

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Re: Multi Table S&G Situation I personally would grit my teeth and fold. With 2 all-ins you are mathematically likely to be behind or outdrawn by one. Another player is most likely going out this hand so it will be another place up the prize money for you!

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Re: Multi Table S&G Situation I'm calling, chip leader if your hand wins and then you have some time to pick your spots. Unless your up against a higher pair your getting the odds to be in the pot. I suppose it really depends on how much the money means, but if the tourney is within my bankroll I'm calling everytime. Never really been a fan of moving up the money just for the sake of a few quid.

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Re: Multi Table S&G Situation

I personally would grit my teeth and fold. With 2 all-ins you are mathematically likely to be behind or outdrawn by one. Another player is most likely going out this hand so it will be another place up the prize money for you!
At this stage in a tournament with it turning into a crapshoot I don't think I agree. The button could raise with any number of hands on a steal, he could pretty much have anything, he's most likely to have at least a high card (A or K), but a small probability of having complete crap too. The call from the small blind indicated strength, he's holding 2 over cards to my pair or else a mid to high pair, couldn't see a call with anything else. I'm also a firm believer in aiming for the win, not limping a few extra places in the money, and this was an opportunity to be chip leader. All in all I figured I was in good enough shape to make the call. Turns out button was AQ and SB was KJ, and my tens held up to the river to become chip leader. Just thought it was an interesting little hand
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Re: Multi Table S&G Situation I dont see what choice you have, you have to fold. yes you may well be winning but your more than likely up against an under pair and two over cards. At very best you are probably up against 3 over cards, maybe AQ vs AK and even then your not fave to win the hand. I think you wait and find a bettter spot, better to first into the pot than calling here.

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