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Ever fancied playing an event you think is out of reach??


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Well maybe you can!! Punterslounge.com now has a staking forum, in which you can request a staking into an event of your choice! What does that mean? It means that members of PL buy shares in you for the chosen event, with a percentage of any winnings going to the person who stakes you for the event. What can I be staked into? You can be staked into any event you choose, wether that be online or live, big or small, you post up your request and let the members decide if they want to back you or not Online options for ease of use will be Pokerstars, Full Tilt, Poker Trillion and a few others as they have the function to transfer funds between players, however, if you want to play on a site who do not have the transfer funds function available to use, you can still make a share deal and receive the money via other sites or by using online payment merchants such as moneybookers, paypal, neteller, e-wallet etc How do I request a staking? Simple..... 1. Visit the Poker Staking Forum using the following link : http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/f89/ 2. Read the house rules 3. Post your stake! 4. Win Millions and make us all rich!!! Example Staking

  • Name: Graeme Morl (morlspin)
  • Stake Requested: £55 @ 100 shares of £0.55p
  • Event/Tournament: Pokerplayer Championships Brighton Event
  • Offer: 50% paid back = 1 share worth 0.5%
  • Date of Event/Tournament: September 13th 2008

Upon acceptance of my stake request, I Graeme Morl agree to play the above tournament and pay out each share of any winnings within 7 days for online/UK tournaments or 14 days for international tournaments. I understand and agree that my staking request is an agreement between myself and my staker/stakers and Punterslounge.com will not have any liability for any disputes between the parties involved. Best of luck to anyone who wants to go for a staking, see you at the tables!

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Re: Ever fancied playing an event you think is out of reach?? Looks great, this forum gets better and better :) Maybe a points system for stakers and stakees would be an advantage to see how well and often i.e -1 for being staked but +2 for staking, +3 for cashing with profit, -100 for defaulting etc I know staking is all based on trust, but a guide to hot and not, IMO can only help

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Re: Ever fancied playing an event you think is out of reach?? yea but shud the league table not be a bit more advanced? say points for different things instead of just 1 point for being staked and 3 points for a return? Some tourneys are a lot harder to cash in than others so is it not worth representing this in the league table?

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Re: Ever fancied playing an event you think is out of reach?? Points sounds to me to be overcomplicating it :unsure Only score that means anything is Profit/Loss - basically as an investor I'm only interested in someones ROI (cumulitively calculated)

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Re: Ever fancied playing an event you think is out of reach??

Points sounds to me to be overcomplicating it :unsure Only score that means anything is Profit/Loss - basically as an investor I'm only interested in someones ROI (cumulitively calculated)
ok that is fair enough, however, that is only your personal opinion..... other people may have other opinions about it.... personally, if I play in a tournament for 8 hours and finish 11th when 10 are paid then I think that that deserves an extra point or two because of the great effort and the proof that I can go deep is evident for potential stakers to see. maybe we could set up a poll to see what other people think? :unsure
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