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PokerPLayer event 5 on sale 5th September Brighton


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TICKETS FOR EVENT 5 IN BRIGHTON ON SALE FRIDAY 5 SEPTEMBER How do you fancy being crowned PokerPlayer Champion 2008, taking home thousands of pounds for your efforts on the baize, and pocketing a swanky trophy plus seat to the Grosvenor UK Poker Tour Grand Final worth £3,000? That’s what’s on offer as we hit the road for the inaugural PokerPlayer Championships, a series of juiced live events exclusively for PokerPlayer readers. We’ll be in attendance at every event, watching over proceedings, and making sure the best of the action makes it into the magazine. It’s guaranteed to be the friendliest, best value series of tournaments this side of poker heaven. The 2008 PPC consists of five regional tournaments, with a £50 (plus £3.50 booking fee) buy-in, and a grand final for the five winners and two online qualifiers. Win any of these tournaments and you’ll pocket the lion’s share of the £5,000 guaranteed prize pool, along with a stunning trophy to show your grandkids and a seat at a future leg of the Grosvenor UK Poker Tour, worth £1,060. You’ll also progress to the seven-handed live final where you’ll play for a £2,500 prize pool and a seat at the GUKPT Grand Final, courtesy of BlueSquarePoker.com. Of course, we’ll also follow your progress in the GUKPT final, and (hopefully) chronicle your historic victory. [url=http://www.wegottickets.com/f/381]TICKETS FOR EVENT 5 IN BRIGHTON ON SALE FRIDAY 5 SEPTEMBER EVENT 5 Grosvenor Brighton, Saturday 13 September at 2pm. Seats on sale 1 September at 5pm You can pre-register for the tournaments online, but each is limited to 100 runners, and tickets will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis. All tournaments are £50 (plus £3.50 booking fee) buy-in events, with a maximum of 100 runners and a guaranteed prize pool of £5,000, plus a GUKPT seat for the winner. We require a full list of players befre the tournament. After purchasing your tickets, you must log-in to your wegottickets account and allocate names to the the ticket(s) you have bought. You must bring your e-ticket with you. All tables will have professional dealers. The five winners from each of the events will progress through to the grand final, to play for £2,500 and a GUKPT final seat worth £3,150. You can also qualify for the final online – details will be announced in due course. [url=http://www.wegottickets.com/f/381]TICKETS FOR EVENT 5 IN BRIGHTON ON SALE FRIDAY 5 SEPTEMBER

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Re: PokerPLayer event 5 on sale 5th September Brighton Might be heading to this as it's only down the road. Although not 100% certain yet. Am I being ambitious thinking I can head down on the day to sign up, or are all the seats being sold online before hand?

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Re: PokerPLayer event 5 on sale 5th September Brighton

Might be heading to this as it's only down the road. Although not 100% certain yet. Am I being ambitious thinking I can head down on the day to sign up' date=' or are all the seats being sold online before hand?[/quote'] you'll find it very hard to sign up on the day..... just ask AvonGirl! :(
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Re: PokerPLayer event 5 on sale 5th September Brighton

Might be heading to this as it's only down the road. Although not 100% certain yet. Am I being ambitious thinking I can head down on the day to sign up' date=' or are all the seats being sold online before hand?[/quote'] online sales link on the PokerPlayer magazine website to "WeGotTickets" (registering with them first speeds up the process but not aware any of these events have sold out immediately so far). :ok
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Re: PokerPLayer event 5 on sale 5th September Brighton i went out not long after uber,short stacked and guy sitting before me raises i am looking at A/K so push ,,flop comes down 5/2/2 and he had 5/5 so well and truly blxd,finished 44th/100. no complaints on the players or play,just card dead mostly ..my best hand previously was 9/9 graeme was still in when i left,gl mate

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Re: PokerPLayer event 5 on sale 5th September Brighton From what I remember. :lol G took down a 40k pot with QQ v KK and spiked a Q on the river. :nana Steadly leaked chips when he called an all in with KJ when he tought the guy was bluffing only to find he had QQ which held up. :sad Queens seem to be the hand in Brighton :loon This left him with 2k but he held on until it was his BB (3k/6k) Kept them blind and turned over at the showdown AA to triple up. :loon 2 hands later doubleed up again but lost all a few hands later with AJs v 67 and the guy hit a 6 on the turn leaving , I think 18 outs but didn't hit at all and went out 8th. A good show once again from G with some very good play. Anyway I'm pissed as usual so some of it may be wrong so G will reveal all when he gets the chance to reply. :nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana:nana

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Re: PokerPLayer event 5 on sale 5th September Brighton I was up to 38k when i made the final table with blinds of 3k/6k My demise came after a guy had pushed all in on my BB when i had A9 and i decided to fold, only for him to the exact same thing on my SB when i had KJ....i called this time after putting him on a much bigger range of hands than anything that premium! His QQ held up but luckilly i had him covered and im down to 2k I wait for a full round til my BB and decide to go blind and only look once they other guys had acted and shown on the river...2 callers and im up against A8 and 34 who had hit the 3.....i get a come on, turn them over by the TD and everyone stands around to see if im in or out......1st card turned over an Ace.....a few oohs and arghhhs and then i whip over the 2nd one.....an Ace!!!! Cheers, photos and laughter later I get up to 6K and can now fold the SB lol It all folds round to me in the SB and i go blind again for the bb to get a free shot at me....he turns over K9o and i think i have to be behind so i turn em over and i have KJ again lol....im now up to 12k and laughing my arse off with loads of the rail having a ball! 3 hands later it gets folded round to me and i look down and see AJ spades and decide to push, SB fold and BB makes up the extra 4k and turns over 69o.... 6 on the flop and im gone, but won £180 and had a laugh all the same

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