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Cjamars Vs IOB 12 bet challenge

Guest cjamars

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Guest cjamars

Re: CJMars vs I'm Offering Bankers 12 bankers of Christmas Some people have probably seen the highly entertaining thread :\ from I'm Offering Bankers wanting to get a 5K bank loan and put it on 2 1/2 shots to make his fortune. Worth a read fro a Christmas laugh its turned into the usual after timed crap of an after-timer bullshitter like some others gone and deservedly forgotten from here. He seems to have the hide of a rhino so a direct challenge face to face seems to be the only way to bring this idiot to heel. I'll publicly here and now offer "I'm offering bankers 500STG" if he can manage to get 11 from 12 1/2 "bankers" CORRECT in a thread that he posts in Systems and Strategys. Will be sent by sterling draft to him if he manages to do it. MY WORD IS MY BOND HERE. Any SINGLE soccer bets on any leagues any bets m8 odds with any designated bookmaker that are over 1/2. Starts this weekend and must finish before the end of December 2003. Since you've done it already as you said and since just this weekend you got 3 from 3 it should be no problem. For you if you don't manage it then you go away and stop posting complete b******t under this name :D . If you fail to achieve this then the mods will ban you under the name ThisSportingLife. You can of course come back (hopefully a little humbler) under another name. Have you got the cojones little man ???? ;)

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Guest cjamars

Re: CJMars vs I'm Offering Bankers 12 bankers of Christmas One time only offer for IOB as you have to be an after timing bullshit artist to qualify I am afraid

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Re: CJMars vs I'm Offering Bankers 12 bankers of Christmas The Challenge is laid :x Only problem is, don't think IOB has been on here for a while, will he see this in time to accept the challenge?;) I'm off to post some after timers myself to qualify :D I already talk bullshit to;) This has the potential to be a classic anyway.

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Guest im offering bankers

imofferingbankers accepts the challenge and WIN!!!!! Seen as all u guys got a bit sensitive about my idea then im going to accept this challenge from CJ and show him how possible it is.Im used to your opinions because I've told other people(friends and family) about my idea and they think im crazy. In betting you've got to have balls to make some decent money and mine are the size of melons!! I have accounted for losing, which is £30 a week for three years, which is well within my financial capability's! Il start posting on next weekends matches (2nd Jan-5th Jan) and run until the end of the season. I think CJ better get his cheque book out because i have got faith in my predictions to take his money from him (if he WILL pay) and i accept that if i lose then i shall be banned from the site. I love this site which is more proof of how confident my tips are, because i don't want to get banned!! GOOD luck CJ!!! I ACCEPT!!!!:b :b

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Guest im offering bankers

Re: imofferingbankers accepts the challenge and WILL WIN!!! The only thing is CJ, i said one per week not 12 in one weekend. I will pick 1 team per week at 1/2 or better and make 12 selections at 1 per week. That is what i said in my idea, one 1/2 PER WEEK! Is that ok CJ????

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Guest Gordon Gecho

Re: imofferingbankers accepts the challenge and WILL WIN!!!

if i lose then i shall be banned from the site.
Dont see that as necessary. When you guys are ready I`ll make your thread a sticky so it will stay on top. It will be followed with great interest. Best of luck to both. GG
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Excellent This has all the makings of a PL classic. This has been tried before in the English Gent memorial Cup, some people with excellent records tried this, and no one IIRC made it past 7 bets. If you make it I'll be astounded. Good luck to you both, If I was pricing this challenge, I'd do it as follows CJ 1.12 IOB 7.50

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Re: Excellent Norfolk, you know thinking about it you're right, I withdraw my goodluck wish to IOB, I also hope he fails. Not sure I'd go as far as calling him an arse though. Being kind, he may simply be young and very very very stupid. When he fails the thread, of the challenge should be kept somewhere on the Pl for all time, to illustrate the stupidy to this type of staking for future generations of Pl's to learn from.

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Re: Excellent OK Norfolk. Easy tiger! So everyone that you have a different opinion to or disagree with is an arse? There's only one arse about with that type of thinking! As much as I think IOB will fail, I still wish him good luck coz it's the only way he'll get anywhere near achieving 11 out of 12. Oh and good luck to you and your attitude too Norfolk. Yours in festive jest. The arse that disagrees with the arse.:D

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Guest im offering bankers

Re: I dont care what u think!!!! So i here allot of people calling me this and that, well its fine with me cos with all these insults im getting, there giving me the motivation to prove allot of doubters WRONG!! And for you Pompey punt. You think i wont get past the first two???? I'll take some of that action if you want to offer it like u said!! My bet to you Pompey punt is that i get past 6 selections. What odds are you willing to offer Pompey for me getting past 6 selections because i think ill take them! Reply mate and we'll sort something out! Anyway thanks for the few people wishing me luck and wanting me to achieve the feat!!!!!

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Guest Gordon Gecho

Re: I dont care what u think!!!! Hang on IOB! :lol One challenge at a time!! You mentioned before that you were gonna start with your selections this week. Is that still the case? If so then open a new thread, I`ll lock this one so we can start from fresh. :) You must realise that the odds of you doing this are stacked firmly against you and comments like Pompey`s, although tounge-in-cheek, will be commonplace in this thread. You can answer all of them by winning Cjamars money. ;)

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