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IOB v CJ mars first and last round of selections!!!!!

Guest im offering bankers

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Guest im offering bankers

I've made my first selection for this challenge starting with the weekend matches.Although the F.A. Cup is known for giant-killing defeats, i feel wolves will have more than enough for lowly kidderminster. Although Kidderminster have started to perform after the return of Jan Molby, I fell a Wolves side will be wanting a good cup run for the fans and the clubs finances so I've gone for wolves @ 4/7 with Ladbrokes! Hopefully this selection will be one of 11 winners on my way to winning this bold challenge laid down by CJ Mars!

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Guest cjamars

Re: IOB v CJ mars round1 of selections!!!!! Best of luck mate Do you agree to the amended terms (50 Pound donation to charity??). If you don't I'll go ahead with this but tis the season to be jolly and all that :D

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Guest im offering bankers

Re: IOB v CJ mars round1 of selections!!!!! Have a look at my post in betting stratergy and general betting help and ive made a pre aggrement of the rules. Yes and instead of giving £50 to the R.S.P.C.A I will give £100 to the R.S.P.C.A. Ive got to get 11 out of 12 bets correct! Odds of 1.45 and upwards and I will pick two teams per week which will take 2 months roughly. The selections can be in any competition or league and Weekend and Midweek are acceptable. Is this ok with you CJ??????

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Guest cjamars

Re: IOB v CJ mars round1 of selections!!!!! Fair play that man. Battersea dogs home will be holding their breath. Odds of 1.45 and upwards. Any major soccer league. 12 single bets (if ya make it ;) ) by the 29th of February 2004. No editing of posts with bets. The R.S.P.C.A will be thrilled with your generous offer if you make it and I will be the first to subscribe to any paid tipping service that you decide to set up. You will be banned under your current name if you fail to reach your 11 from 12 target but of course feel free to rise again under a different name although IOB2 might make people inclined to take the piss a wee bit ;) .

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Guest im offering bankers

Re: IOB v CJ mars round1 of selections! MY 2nd TEAM My second team of the selection is going to be raith rovers v FALKIRK. Judging on raith rovers poor home form and FALKIRKS amazing away form, FALKIRK seem to be the bet of the week and @ 11/10 with TOTE the price looks too good to be true! 1st selection kidderminster V WOLVES @4/7 LADBROKES 2nd selection raith rovers V FALKIRK @ 11/10 TOTE Didnt really want to go for two aways as this is very risky but im confident my selections will come through as long as the weather holds up!!!!!!

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Guest jamdog666

Re: IOB v CJ mars round1 of selections! MY 2nd TEAM Bad luck, IOB. I wonder how we can verify that you have donated to the RSPCA? I'm sure we can arrange for one of their staff members to confirm that they receive the £100. Good luck with the rest of the season. And congratulations to CJMars. Point well made, I think. Expect this in Classic Discussions soon. ;)

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Re: IOB v CJ mars round1 of selections! MY 2nd TEAM Look on the brigth side IOB, you may have lost a £100, and you certainly have made yourself look like a tit, but at least you aren't down £5000 and paying reypayments for 3 years. I think you owe CJMars thanks for that.:smokin

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hi dont want this to be thought of as after eventing but does anyone else find that backing odds on away from home is a one way ticket to skintsville :eek take the two picks above and Chelsea close to 1/3 today just my opinion jt :D

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Guest Runar K

Re: hi Yeah - generally you need to approach away teams a bit more carefully than home teams in your selection process. Arsenal tomorrow should be good though. ;)

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Guest AnothrSpacecat

Re: ... if i had known the post was here before i wouldve told him to avoid falkirk. i was on his side to begin with, i wanted him to do it

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Guest cjamars

Re: ... Not much point in adding to anything being said really. Bye bye IOB. Look forward to seeing a hopefully more realistic and humbler you under a new name. :D :D

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Guest Lardonio

Re: ... The most annoying part of this was that, even though it was a good thread that proved an important point, the person doing the betting was way too stupid for it to really count for anything. I mean, it's really incredible, he winds up everyone, gets a fantastic offer from CJ, and then what does he do his two first bets? First; his very first bet broke his rule (stated in the thread where he talked about the idea) of only choosing home matches. Second bet; he chooses ANOTHER away team, with odds way above the limit he had set himself for betting. Nothing wrong with that if there had been value, but I think we can agree (even without looking at the finished result) that very rarely (more likely never) a match is priced by all bookmakers at around 2.00 when it should have been 1.50. So; he uses a lot of messages and a lot of time, getting everybody's attention, getting a generous offer - and then he doesn't even follow his own plan at all (not even for 1 bet!) and of course he fcuks it all up big time without a single winner. I'm just amazed. And NOT looking foreward to seeing more realistic and humbler 'gambler' under a new name.

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Guest crowie1969

Re: ...

its not fair to comment after game is played
Very true Cains, and one of the things (after eventing) which is not accepted on the PL. However its also what got IOB into "trouble" in the first place, telling everyone about bets that he either had or would have placed - after the results were known. IOB - I do hope you come back and I do hope, for your sake, you don't go ahead with the plan to borrow £5k and stick it on a couple of short priced selections. I appreciate you say you have accounted for the repayments but my best advice is stick around here and take peoples advice (there are a good few v knowledgeable people here IMO). If you do have the free cash to be able to afford the monthly repayments on a 5K loan then use that instead together with a good SENSIBLE staking plan and in the long run you will benefit.
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Re: ... Bad luck IOB. The 'romantic' in me wanted to see you do it. Personally - however much of a silly claim it was to make I never take pleasure in seeing a punter lose his bet. I hope you stick around under your current name, take the obvious flak that you will get with good grace and become a valuable contributer to the PL. Even though it was the rules of the bet I think banning someone under his name is a little silly. Well done to CJ who put his money where his words were. You have won £100 for the RSPCC - you saint you! :D

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Guest OddsAgainst

Re: ... He is not going to be banned. As I see it, CJ made it a condition of the chanllenge that if he lost he would cease to post under that username and choose a new one if he wished to continue posting. I understand he accepted the conditions laid down and he lost.

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Guest Gordon Gecho

Re: ... For my sanity I wish he would come back! I find myself compelled to listen to all TV and radio news stations fearing any news of IOB :(

This late story coming in. Police have found the body of an apperent suicide victim in a small Welsh village. However they are completely baffled by the suicide note which reads, "Tell CJamars double or quits - Leeds Utd"
:rollin Come back IOB!! I wanna watch Ready Steady Cook!!!
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OddsAgainst Yes quite right - 'banned' was an unintentional and unfortunate choice of word. I meant to say - let him post under that name (If he has the bravery to). PERSONALLY I WOULD ADMIRE HIM FOR DOING SO AFTER ALL THIS. But I guess a bet is a bet and the only one who has the real right to say if he can post under that name would be CJ seeing as he put the bet up? :rolleyes

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Re: IOB This honestly has been a great thread - plenty of info and opinion which is what we're always looking for, but bloody hell - that Falkirk pick reeked of randomness to me. Can't see where he would have found the confidence for that. It seemed so........ random. Falkirk? Did anyone even mention them in the Scottish thread? Didn't think so. Bizarre.

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Guest cjamars

Re: IOB Hi Odds Two minor points. I probably explained the charity bit badly – what I meant was that if he won he’d give a sum to charity. I’d have posted the sterling draft here in photo form and he could have done something similar with a receipt from R.S.P.C.A. I didn’t mean that he would have to give a donation if he lost. I felt the chances of him winning were absolutely 0 (don't start witth the "real" stats anyone please ;) ) so I’d be basically asking him for 50 quid and I wasn’t comfortable with that. Secondly like you pointed out I don’t want the guy banned although I did inadvertently use the word “banned†a number of times subsequently to my original challenge. Like you said I originally just wanted him to stop posting under his original name as it strikes me as frankly ludicrous given his pretty pathetic claims. For some reason I thought this would necessitate banning him and thereforekept using the word “bannedâ€. I actually wanted him to take IOB into voluntary exile and emerge a newer and wiser “mug punter†. Might seem semantics to some as it would be the same result as banning but I didn’t want him actually banned as my megalomania doesn’t stretch quite that far yet :evil :evil :evil :evil :evil . To be honest I don’t really care whether he posts or not under his current name or any other. I’ve made my point which is all I wanted. It was fun while it lasted and he’s more than welcome to back under any guise he wants but if he carries on in the vein he left I think he’ll be made feel pretty unwelcome very fast. BTW Just got back to Guinea yesterday BTW to 28 degree heat, a newly painted house with a box of unviewed DVDs, unread books and a content Mrs. to be in tow. Sometime life is pretty sweet :p . Come in IOB. Stop sulking man :\ :\ :\

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